Thursday, August 31, 2023

Tuna and Salmon Sushi Bowl with Spicy Mayo Sauce Recipe

For many, the allure of sushi lies not just in its exquisite flavors but in the artful presentation of every roll and piece. But what if we told you that you could savor that authentic sushi experience without mastering the art of rolling? Enter our Tuna and Salmon Sushi Bowl! By deconstructing the classic sushi roll, we’ve created a bowl bursting with fresh ahi tuna and salmon, caressed by an aromatic marinade and nestled atop warm cauliflower rice. Each bite brings together the vibrant colors and textures of cucumber, avocado, and crispy puffed rice. And, to give it that extra zing, a drizzle of spicy mayo dances on top, teasing your palate and ensuring this dish isn’t just a visual feast, but a culinary one too.

Top view of Tuna and Salmon Sushi Bowl


Why This Sushi Bowl Shines

  • Sushi, Simplified: Every time I crave the delicate flavors of sushi, I’m reminded of the intricate process of rolling it. This bowl skips that dance, bringing all the authentic flavors straight to your fork. No rolling mat required, yet all the taste fully intact.
  • My Little Rice Swap: One of my favorite kitchen experiments was trading traditional sushi rice for cauliflower rice. It adds a delightful lightness, and trust me, it’s a game changer. This swap not only boosts the nutritional value but creates a harmonious balance with the lush fish.
  • Taste Adventure: Marinating the tuna and salmon was like sending them on a flavor vacation. When paired with the spicy mayo’s kick and the avocado’s creaminess, every bite feels like an orchestrated taste journey. It’s these contrasts and combos that keep me coming back to this bowl time and again.


Tales of Two Toppings: Unpacking Kewpie & Sriracha

Ah, Kewpie and Sriracha — two distinct condiments with origins as diverse as their flavor profiles. Let’s take a brief culinary journey to explore the history behind these two beloved additions to our sushi bowl.

  • Kewpie Mayo: This isn’t just any ordinary mayo! Hailing from Japan, Kewpie Mayo has been a staple in Japanese households since the early 1920s. What sets it apart from its Western counterparts? A creamier, richer texture thanks to its exclusive use of egg yolks and a perfect balance of tartness from the rice vinegar. It’s got a slight sweetness, umami kick, and a smoother mouthfeel, making it an indispensable component in many Japanese dishes.
  • Sriracha: Moving from the Land of the Rising Sun to Thailand, Sriracha is a hot sauce that’s taken the world by storm. Named after the coastal city of Si Racha, where it was first concocted, this fiery yet flavorful sauce is made from a paste of chili peppers, distilled vinegar, garlic, sugar, and salt. While it originated as a dipping sauce for seafood, its versatility and mouth-watering heat have made it a favorite for chefs and home cooks globally. Its iconic rooster-emblazoned bottle is now a familiar sight in kitchens and restaurants all over.

Uniting the creamy depth of Kewpie and the spicy zing of Sriracha, our spicy mayo is not just a mere condiment. It’s a beautiful melding of cultures and flavors, ensuring each bite of our Tuna and Salmon Sushi Bowl is a delicious journey through culinary history.


Tuna and Salmon Sushi Bowl with Spicy Mayo Sauce with wine galss and sauce


Constructing the Perfect Sushi-Inspired Buddha Bowl

buddha bowlAh, the Buddha Bowl, an enchanting assembly of colorful, wholesome ingredients, all nestled together in perfect harmony. I often say that every Buddha Bowl tells a story, and our Tuna and Salmon Sushi Bowl is no exception. Here’s how this particular bowl sings its sushi-inspired tune:

  • Foundation of Flavors: Just as the foundation of any great building is vital, the base of our Buddha Bowl is the warm cauliflower rice. It’s a lighter alternative to sushi rice but offers a comforting, familiar texture that meshes seamlessly with the other components. A satisfying taste, without the carb-heavy guilt of regular rice.
  • Protein Powerhouses: The ahi tuna and salmon, two staples in traditional sushi, take center stage. Not only do they bring a burst of ocean freshness, but they’re also marinated to perfection, ensuring every bite carries the deep, umami flavors you’d expect from a sushi joint. By embracing high-quality sushi-grade fish, we ensure each bowl feels like a luxurious treat.
  • Accents and Highlights: A sushi experience is incomplete without the accompaniments. The thinly sliced cucumber offers a refreshing crunch, the avocado gives that creamy juxtaposition, and the spicy mayo? That’s the thrilling crescendo! Topped with microgreens, seaweed, and crispy puffed rice, every layer of this bowl adds depth and character.

In essence, our Tuna and Salmon Sushi Bowl embraces the core of what makes a Buddha Bowl so delightful: balance. It balances textures, flavors, and nutritional value, crafting an experience that’s both indulgent and wholesome.


The Sushi Bowl Scoop: Common Questions

  • Can I use regular rice instead of cauliflower rice? Absolutely! While cauliflower rice offers a low-carb alternative, if you’re craving that authentic sushi experience, feel free to use warm, slightly vinegared sushi rice as your base. It’ll give your bowl that classic sushi flavor profile.
  • What if I can’t find sushi-grade fish in my local store? Sushi-grade means the fish is safe to eat raw. If you can’t find it, consider using cooked shrimp, crab meat, or even grilled chicken as a substitute. Remember, it’s all about making the recipe work for you.
  • Is there a non-spicy alternative to the spicy mayo? Definitely! You can simply use the Kewpie mayo on its own for a creamy, slightly sweet contrast. Alternatively, mix in a little honey or a dash of mirin for a sweet touch.
  • How long can I store the marinated fish in the fridge? Ideally, you’d want to consume the marinated fish within 24 hours for the best flavor and freshness. If you’ve got leftover marinated fish, it’s best not to let it sit for more than two days in the refrigerator.
  • Can I add other vegetables to my sushi bowl? Of course! That’s the beauty of Buddha Bowls — they’re super versatile. Consider adding thinly sliced radishes, edamame beans, or even pickled ginger for an extra kick.

Remember, cooking is as much about following your taste buds as it is about following a recipe. Customize, experiment, and most importantly, enjoy every bite!

Check Out Our Other Signature Buddha Bowls 

Tuna and Salmon Sushi Bowl with Spicy Mayo Sauce Recipe1

Tuna and Salmon Sushi Bowl with Spicy Mayo Sauce Recipe

Experience the ultimate fusion of flavors in our Tuna and Salmon Sushi Bowl with Spicy Mayo Sauce. Fresh tuna and salmon meet fluffy sushi rice, crisp veggies, and a fiery kick of homemade spicy mayo. A tantalizing adventure for your taste buds!
Course Main Course, signature buddha bowl
Keyword buddha bowl, salmon, spicy mayo, sushi, sushi bowl, tuna
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 470kcal


Spicy Mayo: Yields ½ cup

  • ½ cup Kewpie Japanese mayo or mayo of choice
  • 2-3 tbsp Sriracha

Tuna and Salmon Sushi Bowl

  • ½ lb sushi grade ahi tuna cubed ½” thick
  • ½ lb sushi grade salmon cubed ½’ thick
  • ½ cup high quality soy sauce or coconut aminos
  • 2 tbsp sesame oil
  • 2 tbsp ginger paste or grated ginger
  • 2 tbsp mirin
  • 1 cucumber thinly sliced
  • Large avocado sliced
  • 6 or more cups cooked cauliflower rice served warm

To Serve: 

  • Microgreens
  • Seaweed
  • Crispy puffed rice
  • Spicy mayo


  • Make spicy mayo. Place mayo and Sriracha in a small mixing bowl and whisk to combine. Store in an airtight container in the fridge until needed. Lasts up to 1 week.
  • Make marinade. Combine soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger, and mirin in a bowl and whisk to combine. Add cut tuna and salmon and gently toss to coat. Cover and marinate in the fridge for at least 60 minutes.
  • Build your Buddha Bowls. Add your warm cauliflower rice and top with marinated tuna and salmon, cucumber and avocado slices, microgreens, seaweed, crispy puffed rice, and spicy mayo.


Calories: 470kcal | Carbohydrates: 12g | Protein: 25g | Fat: 34g | Saturated Fat: 6g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 18g | Monounsaturated Fat: 10g | Trans Fat: 0.1g | Cholesterol: 64mg | Sodium: 1142mg | Potassium: 557mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 3g | Vitamin A: 1343IU | Vitamin C: 8mg | Calcium: 25mg | Iron: 1mg

The post Tuna and Salmon Sushi Bowl with Spicy Mayo Sauce Recipe appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Thank You for entering the Apple Airpods Giveaway

Thank you for entering the giveaway! Come back tomorrow and enter again! Scroll below to find the bonus entries! Jaden


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The post Thank You for entering the Apple Airpods Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

After School Fuel: 5 Easy Back to School Meals

If you’re a parent, you know that after school snack time is like the Super Bowl for hungry kiddos But forget those tired pre-packaged snacks; it’s a new school year, and we’re upping the game. Introducing the “Back to School Snack Extravaganzaaaaahhhh,” where easy meets delicious and every bite celebrates the day’s little wins—from acing that spelling test to nailing the big presentation in history class. Whether you’ve got a first grader or a high schooler, these crave-worthy treats will make you the household MVP. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and make after school snacks the highlight of their day!

Quesadilla Quicker: Microwave Magic

Tray of quesadillas on a small sheet pan with salsa.

Ah, the quesadilla. A timeless snack loved by kiddos and adults alike. But did you know that those few minutes saved by cooking it in the microwave might just be the few minutes your high schooler needs to finish that math homework? Enter: the Microwave Quesadilla from Steamy Kitchen. Quick, cheesy, and oh-so-satisfying, it’s the perfect remedy for those growling tummies right after the school bell rings. No stove, no fuss, just pure snacking bliss in minutes. Whether it’s for your hungry middle-schooler or your teen rushing between extracurriculars, this snack’s got you covered. Jazz it up with some guacamole or salsa on the side, and you’ve got an after-school snack that might just rival dinner. So next time that “Mom, I’m hungry!” shout echoes through the house, remember this recipe is just a microwave beep away.

Check out the full Microwaved Quesadilla Recipe here!


Plan Ahead Perfection: Beef Satay Skewers with Habanero Peanut Sauce

Beef Satay Habanero Peanut Sauce Recipe

The school rush doesn’t always stop once the bell rings. Between sports practices, music lessons, and all the other after-school activities, finding the time to prep a delicious snack can be quite the challenge. Well, let’s take that stress right out of the equation with the Beef Satay Skewers from Steamy Kitchen. The brilliance of this recipe lies in its “marinate tonight, grill tomorrow” approach. Let those skewers soak up all the mouth-watering flavors overnight, and come next afternoon, you’re just a quick grill away from a snack that screams gourmet.

Oh, but we’re not done. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the zing of the Habanero Peanut Sauce – another component you can prep ahead. Dipping those succulent skewers into the fiery yet creamy sauce? Absolute after-school bliss. For those teens who crave a bit more excitement in their food, or for parents looking for a unique treat that doesn’t demand same-day prep, this recipe is an absolute game-changer.

Dive into the detailed Beef Satay Skewers with Habanero Peanut Sauce recipe here!


Fast Food Remix: Quick and Easy Tortilla Pizza

pizza with fresh mozzarella cheese and fresh basil on a white plate.

Miss that irresistible crunch of a Taco Bell Mexican Pizza but either short on time or opting for a home-cooked bite? Say no more. This Quick and Easy Tortilla Pizza from Steamy Kitchen is the answer to your speedy snack prayers. Taking the beloved concept of a tortilla base, this recipe amps up the flavor with customizable toppings to suit everyone’s palate – yes, even that picky little eater who’s decided they’re a gourmet critic.

A few simple ingredients, a dash of creativity, and voila! In mere minutes, you’ve got a delightful, crispy pizza that’s perfect for satisfying those after-school hunger pangs. Why drive to the fast food joint when you can have this goodness, fresh and steaming, right in the comfort of your own kitchen?

Hop over for the full Quick and Easy Tortilla Pizza recipe details!


After-School Wing Delight: Smoky Sweet Spicy Wings

Chicken wings: the hero of game nights and now, the reigning champion of after-school snacking. Let’s push those plain old buffalo wings to the side, because there’s a new flavor in town ready to rock your kiddo’s world. Meet the Smoky Sweet Spicy Wings. With each bite, they’ll ride a flavor roller-coaster, starting with the deep, smoky embrace of chipotle, followed by the sweet warmth of cinnamon, finishing with a feisty kick that’s bound to keep them coming back for more.

Forget the usual PB&J or store-bought snacks; these wings bring an exciting twist to the after-school table. And hey, the convenience of finger food means no dishes to wash! If you want a snack that not only satiates hunger but also incites joy, these wings are it!

Discover the magic of this Smoky Sweet Spicy Wings Recipe here!


Sweet Finale: Rice Krispie Treats in the Microwave

Rice krispie treats wrapped in parchment paper.

Whew, we made it! After that whirlwind of savory, let’s finish our snack parade on a sweet note, because honestly, what better way to reward a long day of learning than with a gooey treat? I’m not talking about store-bought snacks filled with who-knows-what. No, we’re heading straight for the good stuff.

Enter: Rice Krispie Treats in the Microwave. The quintessential childhood delight, reimagined for the modern parent’s convenience. And the best part? No need to slave over the stove or wait hours for it to set. With just a microwave and a few minutes, you and your little ones will be indulging in this chewy, marshmallowy heaven. And trust me, they’ll be the envy of every lunch table when they pull out these homemade treats.

Whip up this timeless Rice Krispie Treats in the Microwave Recipe in record time!


Snackin’ Success!

There you have it! A delightful array of after-school snacks to satisfy even the most voracious of appetites. Whether your kiddo is coming home ravenous after a long day of equations and essays or simply craving a little treat, we’ve got your snack game on lock. Remember, it’s not just about filling their bellies, but also nourishing their growing minds and bodies. Here’s to making this school year the tastiest one yet. Keep snacking smart, and stay steamy! 

If you make these for your kiddos (or for yourself too because they are that good & easy), leave a comment below on your favorite! 

The post After School Fuel: 5 Easy Back to School Meals appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Charred Tomato Salsa Chicken Bowl Recipe

Smoky meets zesty in the most delightful way. Introducing the Charred Tomato Salsa Chicken Bowl – where charred tomatoes tango with juicy grilled chicken, all in one vibrant bowl of deliciousness. And guess what? Clocking in under 40 minutes, it’s a quick culinary masterpiece. And if you’ve got some leftover chicken lying around, you’re in for an even faster treat! Let’s explore this flavor fiesta together, and I’ll share the secret of slotting it perfectly into your Reverse Meal Plan and Buddha Bowl repertoire.

Salad chicken bowl with charred tomato salsa in red bowl

Why This Recipe Works: 

  • Flavor Festival: The combination of charred tomato salsa, succulent grilled chicken, and crisp zucchini noodles isn’t just a mix; it’s a true flavor festival. Think of it as the meeting point of smoky depth and zesty liveliness.
  • Effortless & Adaptable: Whether you’re vegan, keto, or just plain indecisive, this recipe’s got your back. It’s flexible enough to work with what you’ve got lurking in your pantry, and if you’ve got some leftover grilled chicken, you’re already halfway there.
  • Nutrition-Packed: Not only does this bowl bring the flavor, but it’s also brimming with nutrients. From the protein-packed chicken to the vitamin-rich zucchini noodles, it’s a wholesome meal that doesn’t skimp on taste.

Reversing the Meal Plan: Savor Every Ingredient

Integrating the Charred Tomato Salsa Chicken Bowl into your Reverse Meal Plan not only adds flair to your meals but also champions the ethos of mindful consumption. Begin by taking a culinary tour of your own kitchen. Got some boneless chicken? Check. Ripe tomatoes lounging on the countertop? Perfect. Dive into your pantry next, and make friends with that bottle of olive oil, your garlic stash, and those ever-reliable spices.

Remember, with Reverse Meal Planning, it’s all about flipping the script: start with what you’ve got, then plan. Embrace the art of culinary resourcefulness and turn whatever’s available into a gourmet delight.

Now, in case you’re missing a star player or two, fret not. This recipe’s charm lies in its flexibility:

Ingredient Swaps and Subs:

  • Grilled Chicken: If chicken’s not your jam today, give steak a whirl. Going green? Swap out chicken for plant-based stars like grilled tofu, tempeh, or majestic portobello mushrooms.
  • Zucchini Noodles: Whether you’re carb-loving or carb-cautious, you’ve got options galore: rice, quinoa, couscous, farro, or the ever-versatile cauliflower rice.
  • Crispy Onions: Up for a cheesy twist? Thinly sliced cheese, baked to crispy perfection, can be your golden ticket. Or, if you’re feeling that south-of-the-border vibe, crushed tortilla chips bring both the crunch and the fiesta!

Build Your Charred Tomato Salsa Buddha Bowl: 

buddha bowl

A Buddha Bowl, known for its wholesome, balanced combination of grains, proteins, veggies, and a flavorful sauce or dressing,embodies the ideal meal in one bowl. The Charred Tomato Salsa Chicken Bowl is a prime example of this nourishing concept.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting the perfect Charred Tomato Salsa Chicken Buddha Bowl:

  1. Base Up with Zoodles: Begin with a refreshing bed of zoodles, laying a low-carb, vibrant green foundation.
  2. Saucy Salsa Layers: Drizzle the Charred Tomato Salsa over your zoodles, where the roasted tomatoes and fiery jalapenos harmonize for a perfect blend.
  3. Chicken – The Protein Punch: Lay out the juicy, tender strips of seasoned chicken. Marinated in smoky spices, this chicken takes center stage with its hearty flavor profile.
  4. Crunch and Color with Fried Onions: Introduce a delightful crunch with crispy fried onions, offering a tantalizing contrast to the softer textures in the bowl.
  5. Cilantro Freshness: Finish with a sprinkle of freshly chopped cilantro, introducing a burst of herby brightness that ties all the flavors together.

Charred Tomato Salsa Chicken Bowl with Charred Tomato Salsa Recipe2

Serving Up Solutions: The Chicken Bowl FAQ

Store-Bought Salsa – Yay or Nay? 

While store-bought salsas can be a time-saver, the homemade Charred Tomato Salsa is where the magic truly lies. Its rich smoky depth adds a unique touch to the bowl. If you do go the homemade route (which I highly recommend!), consider making a bigger batch. Freeze the surplus to ensure you’ve got this delightful salsa at your fingertips for future creations and more Reverse Meal Plan adventures!

Bone-In Chicken: Is It Bowl-Worthy?

Though boneless chicken is the go-to for its straightforward grilling and dishing out convenience, don’t let that stop you from using bone-in chicken if that’s what you have on hand. Just be vigilant with your grilling times to guarantee every bite is succulent and perfectly cooked.

Prepping Charred Tomato Salsa Ahead: A Wise Move?

Absolutely! If you’re planning ahead, the charred tomato salsa welcomes early preparation. Just stash it in an airtight container in the fridge for a few days. If you’re thinking even further ahead, pop it into the freezer. This foresight not only ensures you’re ever-ready but also shaves off valuable time when you’re piecing the bowl together.

Check Out Our Other Low Carb Buddha Bowls:

Charred Tomato Salsa Chicken Bowl with Charred Tomato Salsa Recipe2

Charred Tomato Salsa Chicken Bowl with Charred Tomato Salsa Recipe

Enjoy a flavorful twist on a classic chicken bowl with our Charred Tomato Salsa Chicken Bowl. Tender grilled chicken is served over a bed of fluffy rice and topped with a zesty homemade Charred Tomato Salsa. This delicious and easy-to-make recipe is bursting with fresh ingredients and bold flavors. Perfect for a quick and satisfying meal!
Course Main Course
Keyword buddha bowl, chicken, chicken bowl, salsa, signature buddha bowl, tomato
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 360kcal


Charred Tomato Salsa : Yields 1 ½ cups

  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 roma tomatoes
  • 1 jalapeno
  • ¼ large red onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 small bunch fresh cilantro
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Chicken Bowl

  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 ½ lbs. chicken breasts Boneless, skinless , cut into thin strips
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • ½ tsp oregano
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 16 oz zoodles

To Serve: 

  • Crispy Fried Onions
  • Cilantro


  • Make tomato salsa. In a large saute pan over medium heat add oil, whole tomatoes, whole jalapeno, onion, and garlic cloves. Rotate the vegetables until blistered and charred all over, about 5-7 minutes. Be careful not to burn the cloves (remove them).
  • Add all charred ingredients, plus the rest of the ingredients to a blender. Pulse until desired consistency. Taste and adjust with additional salt and pepper.
  • To the same saute pan, over medium-high heat, add additional olive oil and the chicken strips. Sprinkle with all seasonings and toss to coat evenly. Pour salsa over chicken and cover and cook for 8-10 minutes until the chicken is cooked through.
  • To your bowls add your zoodles, salsa chicken, cilantro, and crispy fried onions.


Calories: 360kcal | Carbohydrates: 8g | Protein: 38g | Fat: 19g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 2g | Monounsaturated Fat: 12g | Trans Fat: 0.02g | Cholesterol: 109mg | Sodium: 801mg | Potassium: 1133mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 5g | Vitamin A: 1271IU | Vitamin C: 36mg | Calcium: 50mg | Iron: 2mg

The post Charred Tomato Salsa Chicken Bowl Recipe appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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via New Kitchen Special

Monday, August 28, 2023

Black and Decker Microwave Giveaway

Hello Steamy Kitchen! Welcome to our new and amazing Black and Decker Microwave Giveaway!

This microwave oven will helps you cooks all your favorite foods easily and conveniently.

Read more about this Black and Decker Microwave and enter below:

black and decker microwave giveaway


About the Black and Decker Microwave

  • Pre-programmed buttons for popcorn, potato, pizza, frozen vegetable, beverage and dinner plate
  • 900 Watts with 10 power settings, clock and kitchen timer, 30 seconds express cooking
  • Large LED digital display, easy-to-read control panel, child safety lock, interior light, removable 10.6” glass turntable
  • Push-button door release for easy access
  • Dimensions (W x D x H): 19.1” x 14.8” x 11.5”, Internal dimensions: 12.36” x 13.66” x 8.70” (W x D x H); Color of door frame is stainless steel, enclosure is black

Black and Decker Microwave 3

This professional-style Black + Decker 0.9 Cubic Foot 900 Watt Stainless Steel Microwave features 10 power levels, a removable glass turntable, and a spacious interior. Optimally cook or reheat six of the most popular food items with the touch of a button. Choose power levels up to 900 watts. The large LED digital display has a clock function and can also display a countdown timer as well as the cooking time remaining. Easily open the microwave with the push-button.

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Black and Decker Microwave Giveaway

Enter to win below.


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Sunday, August 27, 2023

Target $10 Gift Card Instant Win

Happy Friday Steamy Kitchen! Today we are giving away TEN $10 Target Gift Cards!

You can use the $10 Target Gift Card for everything… from groceries, essentials, clothing and etc.

target $10 gift card instant win

What would you buy to $10 Target Gift Card?

target $10 gift card instant win

Target is one of the world’s most recognized brands and one of America’s leading retailers. 


The post Target $10 Gift Card Instant Win appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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via New Kitchen Special

Lemon Tahini Sauce Recipe

If there’s one sauce to have in your culinary toolkit, it’s Lemon Tahini. Born from the rich tapestry of Middle Eastern flavors, this sauce mixes the zest of a citrus favorite with the depth of sesame like they’re old pals. Drizzle it over roasted veggies, pair it with falafels, or give that grain bowl a good kick. Enough chat—let’s whip up some Lemon Tahini and let the flavors do the talking.

Lemon Tahini Sauce in a glass jar

Why This Sauce is Boss:

  • All About Balance: Creamy tahini, zesty lemon, and a hit of garlic come together for a perfect flavor trifecta.
  • It’s Nutritious: Beyond its standout taste, tahini brings a roster of nutrients to the table — we’re talking healthy fats and essential vitamins.
  • It Wears Many Hats: This sauce isn’t just for show. Use it on salads, as a dip, or even a drizzle on grains; it’s as versatile as they come.

Let’s Talk Tahini:

Tahini’s history is rich and deep, tracing all the way back to the Middle East. There, sesame seeds weren’t just a fleeting trend – they were central to the cuisine. The name “tahini” is drawn from the Arabic word “tahana”, which neatly translates to “grind.” And that’s just it: it’s all about grinding those roasted sesame seeds down to a luscious paste.

This golden delight was a treasure in ancient times, cherished not only for its velvety texture and flavor but also its health perks. Nowadays, tahini’s found its way to kitchens worldwide, especially winning hearts in vegetarian and vegan circles. Our lemony spin is just a fresh take on an age-old favorite.

Zest Up Your Week with Lemon Tahini Magic:

Whipping up a batch of homemade sauces is a game-changer. And when it comes to leveling up your weekly meals, our Lemon Tahini Sauce is where the magic’s at. Think about crafting this zesty treat on a laid-back Sunday, and then watch as it becomes your culinary sidekick all week long.

But what makes this Lemon Tahini Sauce such a must-have in your kitchen arsenal? Let’s dive into some delectable uses:

  • Buddha Bowl Brilliance: Create a nourishing Buddha Bowl by layering cooked quinoa, roasted vegetables, chickpeas, and sliced avocado. Drizzle that Lemon Tahini goodness on top, and bam – your taste buds are in for a treat.
  • Salad Sass: Whether it’s mixed greens, hearty grain salads, or a twisty pasta number, this sauce is your salad’s new best friend.
  • Wrap & Roll: Elevate your wraps or sandwiches. Spread a dollop of this sauce and make every bite pop.
  • Get Dippin’: Got fresh veggies or pita on hand? Maybe some falafels? Dive into this Lemon Tahini Sauce and relish every savory scoop.
  • Grill Guru: Whether you’re into grilled chicken, fish, or maybe a tofu steak, a splash of this sauce adds that gourmet touch.

No Tahini? No Problem: Recipe Remixes

You know how it goes – sometimes your pantry doesn’t play by the recipe’s rules. No sweat! The best dishes can come from a little culinary improvisation. Here’s how to keep the Lemon Tahini dream alive with what you’ve got:

  • Tahini Paste: Missing tahini? No biggie. Swap in other nut or seed butters, like almond or sunflower seed butter. The flavor will dance to a different tune, but your sauce will still shine with creamy goodness.
  • Fresh Lemons: Freshly-squeezed is the dream, but if you’re in a pinch, that bottled lemon juice in the back of the fridge will do the trick.
  • Parsley’s Playing Hard to Get? No problemo. Fresh cilantro or even a sprinkle of dried parsley can jump in. They won’t be the exact flavor twins, but hey, they’re family and will do in a pinch! If all else fails, a hint of fresh chives or even green onions can give that refreshing touch you’re aiming for.

Lemon Tahini Sauce Ingredient Collage

Tahini Tips: Your Saucy Questions Answered

  1. Got Leftovers? Pop that Lemon Tahini Sauce into an airtight container and stash it in the fridge for up to a week. It’ll thicken a bit while it’s chilling – so just whisk in a splash of water or lemon juice to get it back to its sassy self.
  2. Garlic Not Your Jam? No worries. Skip the garlic and let the tahini and lemon do the talking. Still delish.
  3. Nut Allergy Concerns? Tahini is all about sesame seeds. Still, if you’re on high-alert, always check the label for any sneaky cross-contaminants.
  4. Too Thick? Too Thin? Adjusting is a cinch. Thin it with a dash of water or lemon juice. Need it thicker? More tahini or toss in some soaked cashews.
  5. Big Batch Freezing? You can freeze it, but expect a wee texture change when you thaw. Freezing in small portions is key. Give it a good mix post-thaw, and you’re golden.

Check out our other simple sauce recipes:

Let us know how you like this recipe and make sure to leave a star rating and your review below! 

Lemon Tahini Sauce Recipe1

Lemon Tahini Sauce Recipe

Lemon Tahini Sauce is a creamy and tangy condiment made with tahini paste, freshly squeezed lemon juice, garlic, and a touch of salt. It adds a burst of flavor to various dishes, from salads and wraps to roasted vegetables and grilled meats. This versatile sauce is quick and easy to make, and its rich and zesty taste complements a wide range of flavors.
Course sauce
Keyword buddha bowl, lemon, sauce, tahini
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 182kcal


Lemon Tahini Sauce: Yields 1 cup

  • ½ cup tahini
  • 4 tbsp fresh lemon juice about 1.5 juicy lemons
  • 4-6 tbsp water more if needed for your preferred consistency
  • 1 garlic clove grated
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Very finely chopped flat leaf parsley to taste


  • In a bowl, whisk together al tahini sauce ingredients.
  • Taste and adjust for more lemon, salt, or pepper if needed.
  • Thin out with water to your preferred consistency.


Calories: 182kcal | Carbohydrates: 8g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 16g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 7g | Monounsaturated Fat: 6g | Sodium: 12mg | Potassium: 156mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 0.4g | Vitamin A: 21IU | Vitamin C: 7mg | Calcium: 45mg | Iron: 1mg

The post Lemon Tahini Sauce Recipe appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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