Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Easy Flavored Butter Recipes

Making flavored butters, also known as compound butters, is one of my favorite ways to jazz up plain old sauteed vegetables. Compound butter is a gourmet take on an everyday ingredient that elevates your cooking — and makes a great present to hand out to friends and family. It’s almost too easy, and using it where you would regular butter in your cooking is a sure way to wow the crowd!

Recipes for compound butter are almost too easy: all you need to do is soften the butter, finely chop any herbs you’re using, and then use a wooden spoon to stir the herbs and spices into the butter. Store the butter in the fridge and use it in your cooking for as long as it lasts!

Here are some of our favorite flavored butter recipes to try at home.

Herbed butter with fresh herbs in a glass bowl

Flavored Butter Variations: 

All of these recipes make 1/2 cup of flavored butter and take approximately 5 minutes to make. 

Gochujang Butter: A Spicy Serenade for Your Taste Buds

Elevate the ordinary with the bold flavors of Gochujang Butter. Dive into a fusion experience where the creamy richness of butter is complemented by the robust heat of Gochujang, a Korean chili paste, with the refreshing crisp of scallions. It’s a symphony of East meets West, bringing a unique kick to your table. This is a delightful treat that will have you questioning why you’ve been settling for plain butter all along.

Why Gochujang Butter Works:

  • Balanced Fusion: Gochujang lends its signature fermented chili kick, which is perfectly mellowed down by the creamy texture of the butter. The outcome? A spicy yet silky spread that’s just waiting to enhance your favorite dishes.
  • Versatility: From grilled steaks to your morning toast, this butter can be slathered, dolloped, or melted across an array of dishes, making it an instant favorite for both daily meals and special occasions.
  • Easy Prep, Big Rewards: With just three simple ingredients, the effort-to-impact ratio is unbeatable. A few minutes of prep transports plain butter into a gourmet condiment that’s hard to resist.

Fun Facts About This Butter: Gochujang is a rich source of capsaicin, a compound found in spicy peppers responsible for their fiery taste. Capsaicin has been researched for its potential health benefits including anti-inflammatory properties, boosting metabolism, and even pain relief. So, not only does this butter pack a flavor punch, but you’re also getting a sprinkle of wellness with each spread!

The Best Ways To Use This Butter: Unleash a Korean twist on your classics by melting this fiery Gochujang Butter over a sizzling steak or slathering on a grilled cheese sandwich. The blend of spicy gochujang and aromatic scallions makes for an unexpected and delightful pairing with barbecued meats, elevating your BBQ game. Alternatively, consider stirring it into a bowl of freshly cooked ramen or pasta to give it a zesty kick and a buttery finish.

Customization Ideas: To infuse a smokier undertone, consider blending in a touch of smoked paprika. For those craving an even fiercer kick, a splash of sriracha or some crushed red pepper flakes can be a good addition.

Storing and Shelf-Life Tips: Store in an airtight container or well-wrapped in cling film in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. If you’re considering longer storage, you can freeze the butter in ice cube trays and then transfer the frozen cubes to a zip-top bag, storing them in the freezer for up to 3 months.

How to Make Gochujang Butter:

  • 1 stick of salted butter, softened
  • 3 tsp of gochujang
  • 2 scallions, finely chopped

Mix gochujang and scallions into softened butter.

Gochujang Butter with butter, gochujang and scallions


Garlicky Dill Butter: A Herbaceous Romance for Every Meal

There’s magic to be found when garlic meets dill in the heart of creamy butter. Unveiling our Garlicky Dill Butter — a harmonious blend that promises to elevate every meal. Think of the whispers of dill intertwined with the bold declaration of garlic, creating a symphony on your palate. It’s not just any flavored butter; it’s a culinary crescendo waiting to happen.

Why Garlicky Dill Butter Works:

  • Classic Companionship: Garlic and dill are culinary soulmates, and when merged with the richness of butter, they bring forth a time-tested flavor profile that’s impossible to resist.
  • Universal Enhancer: Whether it’s a piece of seared salmon, a bowl of mashed potatoes, or a slice of rustic bread, this butter lends its charm effortlessly, ensuring each dish reaches its flavorful zenith.
  • Quick Transformation: Simplicity is its strength. With a trio of ingredients and a few moments of mixing, you get a gourmet experience. Suddenly, every meal feels like it’s been touched by a chef’s magic.

Fun Facts About This Butter: Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which has potent medicinal properties. When garlic is crushed or chewed, allicin is formed and is known for its ability to combat sickness, including the common cold. Dill, on the other hand, contains compounds called monoterpenes that possess antioxidant properties. Together, they don’t just taste good but potentially offer health-boosting benefits!

The Best Ways To Use This Butter: When the rich essence of garlic meets the herbal aroma of dill, you get a butter that’s destined for seafood. Melt this Garlicky Dill Butter over baked or grilled salmon, or toss it with some shrimp just before serving. It’s also a fantastic companion to freshly baked bread, turning your ordinary loaf into a garlic bread masterpiece that’s bursting with dill-infused goodness. And don’t forget about those potato dishes; a dollop of this will turn your mashed or roasted potatoes into a gourmet side.

Customization Ideas: For a fresh zest, incorporate some lemon rind or a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Want a creamier texture? Blend in a touch of cream cheese or feta.

Storing and Shelf-Life Tips: Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 10 days. For extended freshness, follow the freezing method mentioned above, ensuring you label and date your storage bag.

How To Make Garlicky Dill Butter:

  • 1 stick of salted butter, softened
  • 2 tsp of dried dill
  • 1 tsp of garlic powder

Mix the dill and garlic powder into the softened butter. 

Garlicky Dill Butter ingredients with butter dried dill and garlic powder

Rosemary Butter: The Timeless Dance of Herbs and Cream

Sometimes, the most profound flavors are born from the simplest pairings. Enter the Rosemary Butter – where the age-old charm of rosemary meets the silky allure of butter. It’s the kind of accompaniment that feels right in any season, with any dish.

Why This Works:

  • Elevated Simplicity: The aromatic pungency of rosemary, with its pine-like scent and flavor, lends a touch of rustic elegance to the rich butter, creating a spread that’s straightforward yet sophisticated.
  • Garlic’s Gentle Boost: Incorporating grated garlic not only provides a subtle spicy undertone but also acts as a bridge, harmonizing the butter and rosemary to create a unified taste sensation.
  • Versatility Unleashed: Whether you’re spreading it on a fresh baguette, melting over steamed vegetables, or giving your steak a flavorful finish, this butter adapts and enhances, making it a must-have for versatile home cooks.

Fun Facts About This Butter: Rosemary isn’t just a fragrant herb; it’s a powerhouse of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. One of its key components, rosmarinic acid, has been studied for its potential in improving digestion and enhancing memory and concentration. Smearing this butter might just give your brain a tiny, flavorful boost!

The Best Ways To Use This Butter: This herbaceous Rosemary Butter is a match made in heaven for your roasted dishes. Brush over lamb chops before grilling or roasting to allow the flavors of garlic and rosemary to deeply infuse the meat. Alternatively, consider kneading it into your bread dough or simply slathering it on warm focaccia. For a Mediterranean twist, drizzle this butter over oven-roasted vegetables like eggplant or zucchini.

Customization Ideas: For a Mediterranean twist, mix in some finely chopped olives or sundried tomatoes. A sprinkle of parmesan can also lend a lovely savory depth.

Storing and Shelf-Life Tips: Refrigerate in a sealed container for up to 10 days. The freezing method applies here too, keeping in mind that fresh herbs like rosemary can slightly change in flavor profile when frozen.

How To Make Rosemary Butter:

  • 1 stick of salted butter, softened
  • 2 tsp of finely chopped fresh rosemary
  • 1 clove of garlic, grated

Mix the chopped rosemary and garlic into softened butter.

Rosemary butter with rosemary and garlic gloves

Miso Butter: A Fusion of Tradition and Creamy Indulgence

Journey into a realm where the profound depth of miso dances with the creamy texture of butter. Here, the umami-rich notes of fermented soybeans blend seamlessly with the mellow richness of butter, crafting an experience that’s as soulful as it is delightful.

Why This Works:

  • Umami Delight: White miso, with its savory-sweet profile, enhances the butter’s innate creaminess while introducing a delightful layer of umami that’s hard to resist.
  • Garlic’s Whisper: A pinch of garlic powder adds a soft echo of warmth, ensuring that the miso doesn’t overpower but rather plays harmoniously with the butter’s flavor.
  • Universal Enhancer: From lathering on fresh bread to finishing off grilled vegetables or fish, this miso-infused butter is versatile enough to elevate a multitude of dishes, making it a culinary treasure in any kitchen.

Fun Facts About This Butter: Miso, a traditional Japanese seasoning, undergoes a fermentation process that’s not only responsible for its umami flavor but also makes it a source of beneficial probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy gut. So, when you’re savoring the umami depth of this butter, remember you’re also indulging in some gut-friendly love!

The Best Ways To Use This Butter: The umami-rich Miso Butter is a versatile gem that’s perfect for adding depth to a variety of dishes. Melt it over roasted vegetables like Brussels sprouts or asparagus for a delightful twist. It can also be spread on salmon before broiling, creating a savory glaze that complements the fish perfectly. And if you’re in the mood for a warm, comforting bowl of soup, stir a spoonful of this butter into your broth to elevate its flavor profile.

Customization Ideas: You can experiment with different types of miso – red miso for a bolder taste or a dash of soy sauce for an added umami punch. Toasted sesame seeds could also provide a delightful crunch.

Storing and Shelf-Life Tips: Given miso’s natural preservative qualities, this butter can be refrigerated in a sealed container for up to three weeks. Freezing is also an option, especially if you’ve made a larger batch.

How to Make Miso Butter:

  • 1 stick of salted butter, softened
  • 2 TBSP of white miso paste
  • Pinch of garlic powder

Mix the miso and garlic powder into the softened butter.

Miso Butter with white miso paste, butter and garlic powder

Spicy Jalapeno Butter: A Zesty Kick to Your Culinary Repertoire

Dive into the electrifying world of zesty butter, where the vivacious heat of jalapeno finds its comforting counterpart in creamy butter. This isn’t just a spice kick; it’s a harmonious blend of warmth met with the smooth caress of butter, brightened by a burst of citrusy lime.

Why This Works:

  • Dynamic Duo: The pronounced heat of the jalapeno seamlessly complements the butter’s creamy nature, creating a balanced yet fiery experience in every spread.
  • Citrusy Charm: The addition of lime juice introduces a citrusy zing, cutting through the richness and ensuring the butter doesn’t feel too heavy on the palate.
  • Gastronomic Versatility: Perfect for grilled corn, a luscious steak, or just a simple toast, this butter is bound to become a favorite, adding a spicy twist to an array of dishes.

Fun Facts About This Butter: Jalapeños, like their spicier pepper cousins, contain capsaicin which we earlier learned has health benefits. But did you know that jalapeños also contain a good amount of vitamin C? In fact, chili peppers were found to contain nearly double the amount of vitamin C found in oranges. A spread of this butter might just be a zesty defense against colds!

The Best Ways To Use This Butter: Bring the heat and zest of Latin cuisine to your dishes with the Spicy Jalapeño Butter. Perfect for corn on the cob, this butter melds into the sweet kernels, giving them a spicy kick. Use it to brush over chicken or shrimp skewers before grilling for a fiery touch. Or imagine a baked potato, bursting at its seams, oozing with this spicy, tangy butter – it’s a side dish that could steal the show.

Customization Ideas: For a smoky version, roast the jalapeños before dicing. Adding some finely chopped cilantro can introduce a fresh dimension, while a sprinkle of cumin could provide an earthy depth.

Storing and Shelf-Life Tips: Refrigerate in a well-sealed container for up to 10 days. If you’ve used fresh lime juice, aim to use the butter within a week. As with the others, freezing works for longer storage.

How to Make Spicy Jalapeno Butter:

  • 1 stick of salted butter butter, softened
  • ½ jalapeno, diced very finely
  • 1 tsp lime juice

Mix the jalapeno and lime juice into the softened butter.

Spicy Jalapeno Butter ingredients with lime juice

Thai Inspired Butter: A Culinary Trip to the Heart of Thailand

Venture into the aromatic avenues of Thai cuisine with this innovative butter, where every spread feels like a journey through bustling Bangkok streets. Envision the harmonious play of sweet basil, the gentle heat of serrano pepper, and the invigorating zest of ginger coming together. With this butter, you’re not just adding a condiment—you’re adding a passport stamp to your culinary adventure.

Why This Works:

  • A Flavorful Fusion: The basil brings forth a sweet, anise-like quality that balances perfectly with the peppery bite of the serrano, creating a multi-dimensional taste profile.
  • Zesty Ginger: Ginger offers a fresh, aromatic punch, ensuring that the butter has depth, character, and an element of surprise with its warming undertone.
  • Versatile Vibe: Beyond just toast, imagine this butter melting over grilled shrimp, chicken skewers, or even enhancing a simple bowl of noodles. The Thai-inspired fusion turns everyday dishes into something exotic.

Fun Facts About This Butter: Ginger, a key component in this butter, contains a compound called gingerol. Gingerol is responsible for much of the medicinal properties of ginger, including its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Studies have even shown gingerol to be effective against nausea, especially morning sickness. This Thai-inspired treat is more than just tantalizing for the taste buds; it’s a fusion of nature’s best!

The Best Ways To Use This Butter: Travel to Southeast Asia with each bite by using the Thai Inspired Butter. It’s an exotic choice to spread over grilled seafood, especially shrimp and white fish, letting the flavors of basil, serrano pepper, and ginger shine. Consider tossing it with some freshly cooked noodles, or stir-frying with vegetables for a quick and aromatic Thai-inspired dish. The playful dance of spicy, sweet, and herby makes for a unique flavor profile in every dish it graces.

Customization Ideas: Incorporate some zesty kaffir lime leaves or a dash of fish sauce for an even more authentic Thai flavor. Crushed peanuts can add a delightful texture and flavor.

Storing and Shelf-Life Tips: Given the fresh ingredients in this butter, aim to consume within a week when stored in the fridge in a sealed container. The freezing method remains consistent for those wanting to store for longer periods

How to Make Thai Inspired Butter:

  • 1 stick of salted butter, softened
  • 6 basil leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 serrano pepper, finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp grated ginger

Mix basil leaves, serrano pepper, and grated ginger into softened butter.

Thai Inspired Butter Ingredients with butter basil serrano pepper and ginger


Isn’t it amazing how a little twist on regular butter can turn our meals into something extraordinary? I’ve had so much fun experimenting with these flavored butters. They’re are super easy to whip up and add such a gourmet touch to everyday dishes. If you’re like me, always looking for simple ways to jazz up your meals, give these a try. You’ll be surprised at how much fun and flavor they add to your cooking adventures!

Looking For More Buttery Goodness?

The post Easy Flavored Butter Recipes appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Involly 15-in-1 Bread Maker Review and Giveaway

Picture this: the enchanting aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through your home, that unmistakable warmth as you slice into a perfectly golden loaf—there’s truly nothing better! And if you happen to disagree, well, let’s just say our friendship might be at risk (just kidding… maybe!). 

Today, I am delving into the world of artisanal baking made easy, as I explore the features and benefits on the Involly 15-in-1 Bread Maker and a chance for you to win your very own. I am excited for this one as it combines modern innovation meets the warmth of homemade goodness. Let’s dive in! 

Involly-15-in-1-Bread Maker Review Image

Involly 15-in-1 Bread Maker Product Features:

The Involly 15-in-1 Bread Maker positions itself as a versatile kitchen companion. Let’s delve into the specifics to understand its offerings:

  • Versatile 15-in-1 Functionality: With an impressive lineup of 13 preset programs and 2 customizable options, this bread maker caters to a variety of culinary desires. Whether you’re craving gluten-free, white bread, pizza dough, cake, jam, or yogurt, the possibilities are endless.
  • Customizable Size and Crust Options: Tailor your creations to perfection with 3 loaf sizes (1 lb, 1.5 lbs, and 2 lbs) and 3 crust color preferences (light, medium, dark), ensuring your bread matches your family’s diverse tastes.
  • Delay Timer and Automatic Keep Warm: The 15-hour delay timer lets you wake up to freshly baked bread, while the 1-hour automatic keep warm feature ensures your bread stays at an ideal temperature until you’re ready to enjoy it.
  • 360° Even Heating and Nonstick Pan: The improved double heating tube evenly heats the aluminum bread pan, resulting in beautifully browned loaves with consistent flavors. The nonstick coating simplifies cleaning and enhances the durability of the pan.
  • Ultra Quiet Operation and Masterful Kneading: A powerful yet whisper-quiet 35W brushless motor combined with a stable design guarantees quiet operation. The unique palm-shaped paddle ensures thorough and even mixing, preserving the bread’s texture and flavor.
  • Auto Fruit Nut Dispenser and Cost Efficiency: The detachable fruit and nut dispenser adds an extra layer of flavor to your creations, while the energy-efficient 600W motor keeps your baking costs in check, making homemade 2lb bread cost approximately $2.
  • =Involly-15-in-1-Bread-Maker Product Features

The Steamy Kitchen Review: 


  • Diverse Program Library: With a whopping 13 preset programs and room for 2 customized settings, this bread maker isn’t a one-trick pony. From gluten-free to pizza dough, it’s a versatile workhorse.
  • Loaf Customization: Choose your loaf size (1 lb, 1.5 lbs, or 2 lbs) and crust color (light, medium, or dark) to match your needs and preferences. This is such a great feature and something you do not see on many other bread makers. 
  • Consistent Results: The dual heating tubes and nonstick pan team up for even browning and effortless cleaning. No surprises, just a well-baked loaf. I was very happy with the consistency of the bread. 
  • Low-Volume Operation: The upgraded brushless motor keeps the noise down, so you can multitask without a doughy distraction.
  • Fruit & Nut Dispenser: Um Yes! This is such a cool feature. A detachable dispenser adds texture and taste variety, spreading ingredients throughout your loaf.
  • Cost-Efficient Baking: At around $2 for a 2lb loaf, including electricity costs, this bread maker proves that homemade doesn’t mean breaking the bank. Double yes! 


  • Patience, Young Grasshopper: A bit of experimentation might be needed initially, but oh, the rewards are sweet!


Steamy Kitchen Recipes for Your Involly Bread Maker:

The Involly Bread Maker opens doors to a world of culinary exploration. Here are a few tantalizing ideas that come to mind to make in your new bread maker: 

  • Rosemary Olive Oil Bread: Infuse your kitchen with the aroma of fresh rosemary and savor the harmony of flavors in this artisanal loaf.
  • Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Bread: Transform breakfasts with this delectable, sweet treat featuring a swirl of cinnamon and plump raisins.
  • Whole Wheat Honey Oat Bread: Indulge in a wholesome, hearty loaf that’s rich in fiber and nutrients, perfect for sandwiches or toast.
  • Gluten-Free Artisan Bread: Craft a heavenly gluten-free loaf that rivals its wheat counterpart in taste and texture.
  • Homemade Pizza Dough: Elevate your pizza nights with a perfectly kneaded and risen dough that’s ready to be transformed into a delicious pie.
  • Decadent Chocolate Chip Banana Bread: Combine the goodness of banana bread with chocolate indulgence, creating a treat that’s perfect for breakfast or dessert.

Involly 15-in-1-Bread Maker Review Nut & Fruit Dispenser demonstration images

Overall Review of the Involly 15-in-1 Bread Maker

Overall, My Opinion Is: Considering the Involly 15-in-1 Bread Maker’s array of features and functions, it presents itself as a versatile kitchen tool. The preset programs and customizable options cater to a wide range of baking preferences, making it suitable for both the occasional baker and the bread enthusiast. The ability to choose loaf sizes and crust colors adds a personalized touch to the baking process, ensuring that your creations align with your family’s tastes.

The inclusion of a delay timer and automatic keep warm feature provides convenient flexibility for those who want fresh bread when they wake up or return home. The even heating and nonstick pan contribute to consistent results and easy maintenance, simplifying the bread-making process.

The improved motor design and unique paddle functionality emphasize quiet operation and thorough kneading, which can be a significant factor for those sensitive to noise or seeking well-kneaded dough.

The cost-efficiency aspect, with an approximate $2 cost for a 2lb loaf, offers a compelling incentive for those who are mindful of their budget.

While the bread maker’s strengths are evident, it’s important to note that there might be a learning curve, especially for those new to bread making. Experimentation might be needed to fine-tune recipes and achieve desired results.

Ultimately, whether the Involly 15-in-1 Bread Maker is the right fit depends on your specific baking aspirations and preferences. If you value convenience, versatility, and the opportunity to customize your bread-making experience, this appliance could potentially be a valuable addition to your kitchen. As with any product, it’s advisable to weigh its features against your needs and make an informed decision.

Involly 15-in-1-Bread Maker different loaf sizes and crust shades

Involly Bread Maker Review and Giveaway

Enter below. 

The post Involly 15-in-1 Bread Maker Review and Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Thank You for entering the $50 Target Gift Card Giveaway

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via New Kitchen Special

Thank You for entering the $100 Costco Gift Card Giveaway

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via New Kitchen Special

Thank You for entering the Jolly Jackpot $250 CASH Giveaway

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The post Thank You for entering the Jolly Jackpot $250 CASH Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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Monday, November 27, 2023

beats by Dr. Dre Headphones Giveaway

We’re turning up the volume on excitement with a fantastic giveaway that will take your music experience to the next level. Get ready to immerse yourself in the beats and rhythms like never before because we are thrilled to announce our Beats by Dr. Dre Headphones Giveaway!


beats by dr. dre headphones giveaway


About beats by Dr. Dre Headphones 

If you’re a music enthusiast, you already know that Beats by Dr. Dre headphones are synonymous with premium audio quality and unmatched style. Renowned for their deep bass, clear mids, and crisp highs, these headphones deliver a listening experience that will make you fall in love with your favorite tunes all over again.

beats by dr.dre full image


But it’s not just about the sound – Beats by Dr. Dre headphones are also a fashion statement. With their sleek design and iconic logo, you’ll be turning heads wherever you go. Whether you’re commuting, working out, or just relaxing at home, these headphones are the perfect companion for any music lover.


beats by dr.dre headset


Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to elevate your music game. Enter our Beats by Dr. Dre Headphones Giveaway now and get ready to feel the beat like never before! Good luck everyone.


beats by Dr. Dre Headphones Giveaway

Enter to win below.


The post beats by Dr. Dre Headphones Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Sunday, November 26, 2023

The Future of Gifting: Top 15 Digital Presents for 2023

In today’s digital age, where distance often separates us and last-minute shopping is all too common, virtual gifts have become a true lifesaver. And, honestly, who doesn’t love receiving an unexpected treat in their inbox? Whether it’s for a friend who’s halfway across the world or that cousin who’s a tech guru, Steamy Kitchen’s got you covered. Dive into this list of 15 brilliant virtual gifts that are sure to light up anyone’s digital day, no wrapping paper or postage required.

Kindle Unlimited Subscription: A Bibliophile’s Dream

Digital display showcasing a variety of book covers available on Kindle Unlimited, including titles like 'Finlay Donovan Is Killing It' and 'Brighter by Night', set against an orange and blue gradient background.

Photo: Amazon

There’s something incredibly satisfying about having a world of literature at your fingertips. Whether your friend loves diving into epic fantasies, riveting mysteries, or thought-provoking non-fiction, a Kindle Unlimited subscription is a passport to unlimited reading adventures. Plus, with access to over a million titles and thousands of audiobooks, they’ll never run out of stories to explore. Ready to gift a literary journey like no other?

Sign up for a Kindle Unlimited subscription here and watch their eyes light up with every page turn.


Hulu Subscription: Gifting Binge-worthy Shows & Movies

Hulu streaming platform interface showcasing a variety of shows including 'Adventure Time', 'Solar Opposites', 'Family Guy', 'Dave', 'Snowfall', and 'Welcome to Flatch'.

Photo: Microsoft

If you haven’t had a Hulu binge session wrapped in your coziest blanket with a bowl of popcorn by your side, are you even living the streaming life? Hulu is like that trusty friend who always knows just what you need when you’re in the mood for a TV night. From gripping originals to classic TV shows and blockbuster movies, Hulu offers a treasure trove of entertainment. Gift a Hulu subscription to that special someone and let them dive into a world where the next episode is always just a click away.

Ready to make someone’s day? Sign them up for Hulu right here!


Peloton App Subscription: Give the Gift of Motivation

Three thumbnails showcasing the variety in Peloton workouts: A male instructor in a boxing stance, a female instructor sitting peacefully for meditation, and another female instructor striking a pose during a Barre class.

Photo: Peloton

We all have that friend or family member who’s always on the move, craving that next sweat session. For them, nothing could be more perfect than a subscription to the Peloton app. But here’s a delightful twist: they don’t need to own a swanky Peloton Tread or the luxe Peloton Bike+ to dive into the Peloton universe! The basic Peloton app subscription, priced at just $12.99, unlocks a world of workouts that require zilch in terms of equipment. From heart-pumping HIIT sessions to calming yoga flows, it’s fitness at their fingertips, tailored to their space and pace.

Ready to offer them the gift of non-stop motivation? Hop on over to the Peloton site and get them started. 🚴‍♂️💦🧘‍♀️


Artistree: Gift a Unique Digital Art Commission

A vibrant and whimsical illustration depicting Artistree's website homepage. A serene waterfall cascades in a lush, forested setting, leading the viewer's eyes to a central figure – a stylized character standing on a bridge, pointing towards the 'Discover Artists' button.

Photo: Artistree

If you’ve got someone on your list who cherishes personalized and bespoke gifts, then you’re in for a treat! Let’s talk about Artistree, a haven for art enthusiasts and creators alike. This digital art commission platform is doing things right. Not only do the artists receive a full 100% of their earnings (yes, you heard that right – charge $100 and get paid the whole amount!), but the company’s eco-conscious approach is something that warms my heart. For every art piece purchased, Artistree collaborates with Eden Reforestation to plant a tree. It’s the perfect blend of creativity and sustainability, allowing your loved ones to own a one-of-a-kind masterpiece while also giving back to our beautiful planet.

Feeling inspired? Head over to Artistree and bring a special vision to life! 🌳🎨🖌️


Cozymeal: Virtual (and In-Person) Cooking Classes and More!

A collage from Cozymeal's website showcasing diverse culinary experiences. On the left, a group of people enjoy a food tour in an urban setting with a chef guiding them. The center-left shows a cheerful woman wearing a white apron with the Cozymeal logo, preparing a dish alongside two others. The center-right displays a young woman with curly hair using a tablet in a modern kitchen, indicating online cooking sessions.

Photo: Cozymeal

For the gourmet enthusiast or budding chef in your life, gifting a virtual cooking class from Cozymeal is an unbeatable choice. Step into a digital kitchen classroom and explore the world’s culinary treasures, all without leaving home. With Cozymeal, gifting a memorable and savory experience is as easy as 1-2-3. First, select from thousands of delightful culinary experiences ranging from traditional cooking classes to food tours. Next, pick a date that suits your schedule, or opt for a flexible date range. Finally, book & enjoy a seamless gastronomic adventure with just a few clicks. Whether your loved ones are in one of the 120+ cities Cozymeal serves or prefer the comfort of online sessions, there’s something for everyone. In addition to virtual classes, Cozymeal offers a curated collection of chef-recommended cookware, in-person courses, private chef-prepared meals, and more.

Discover all these culinary wonders and more at Cozymeal.


X-Box Game Pass Subscription: The Ultimate Gaming Experience

An electrifying gaming setup illuminated in neon blues and purples showcases various game scenes. Center stage is the iconic white Xbox logo, set against a backdrop of monitors and gaming rigs.

Photo: IGN

Want to give the gift of gaming? 🎮 If so, the X-Box Game Pass subscription just might be the perfect thing to give this holiday season. And it’s not limited to just the console. There’s PC and cloud gaming too. A smorgasbord of gaming delights, if you will. The library? MASSIVE. From heart-thumping action to brain-teasing strategies, it’s got it all, with new titles added all the time Plus, it offers exclusive discounts on games for members.

Ready to be the favorite friend, family member, or secret Santa? Hop on over to the X-Box Game Pass Subscription and make someone’s gaming dreams come true.


Super Duolingo Subscription: Unlocking Linguistic Adventures

Playful and colorful Duolingo characters interacting with a smartphone, including the signature green owl mascot and other animated figures.

Photo: Duolingo

Remember the sheer thrill of uttering your first words in a foreign language? With the Super Duolingo subscription, your loved ones can feel that rush every day. This nifty platform transforms the tedious task of language learning into a playful adventure. Whether they’ve been daydreaming about ordering a croissant in flawless French or conversing in captivating Japanese, Duolingo is their ticket to becoming a global citizen.

Gift Duolingo, and watch them unlock a world full of linguistic wonders.


Skillshare Membership: Unleash Their Inner Creator

Collage of featured Skillshare courses including digital illustration, film & video, music, drawing & painting, and more, highlighting various instructors and their creative disciplines.

Photo: Skillshare

Every one of us has a dormant artist, photographer, or writer within, just waiting for the right nudge. Skillshare is that gentle push! This platform is a treasure trove of courses tailored for creatives, taught by industry professionals. Whether your pal wants to perfect their watercolor technique, start their own podcast, or delve into digital illustration, Skillshare has a class that fits the bill. It’s not just a gift; it’s an invitation to a creative journey.

Inspire your friends or family with the gift of a new skill!


Astrology+ Subscription: For That Horoscope-Loving Friend

Circular logo for Astrology+ showcasing zodiac symbols with a blue moon in the center, surrounded by clouds and stars on a dark background.


For that loved one who wants to tell you all about your rising sign and which house the sun is currently in, the Astrology+ subscription is a divine gift. Offering in-depth horoscopes, readings, and cosmic insights, this platform connects users with the universe in the most intimate way. Whether they’re seeking clarity about love, career, or destiny, the stars have their answers, this holiday, offer them a compass to navigate life’s celestial terrain.

Sign them up to Astrology+ this holiday season!


The Escape Game: Bond With Friends & Family in a Virtual Escape Room Experience

Interactive virtual escape room from The Escape Game, showing a futuristic room setup with digital screens, an inventory section at the bottom, and a live video call window with enthusiastic participants.

Photo: The Escape Game

The Escape Game is where it’s at this holiday season! If you’ve got pals or family spread out across different zip codes (or even countries), this virtual escape room is the golden ticket. Gather your crew, and let a live Game Guide transport you directly into the escape room. Feel like Sherlock as you sift through 360° images of the room and manage clues via your nifty online dashboard. It’s bonding, it’s challenging, and most importantly, it’s a ton of fun.

Ready to get your sleuth on? Check out The Escape Game here!


Zinio: For the Digital Avid Reader

Digital library screen from Zinio showcasing an assortment of magazines like 'The Economist', 'Vanity Fair', and 'TIME' on a tablet display.

Photo: Zinio

Got a friend with specific interests who’s always on the hunt for the next best read? Enter Zinio, the digital magazine subscription service. It’s a global newsstand right at your fingertips! From fashion and politics to tech and travel, there’s something for everyone. The best part? No more bulky mags cluttering the coffee table. It’s all sleek, chic, and digital!

Sign them up for their own library here!


Luminosity: Up Their Brain Game

Screenshot of Lumosity dashboard displaying today's recommended workout called 'Classic', additional workouts such as 'Math' and 'Language', and user's training history with a calendar.

Photo: Luminosity

We often hear about exercising our bodies, but what about our brains? Especially during the festivities where our primary exercise might just be lifting a fork (guilty!). Lumosity is your brain’s gym – it offers games designed by neuroscientists to train memory, attention, and more. Perfect for that cousin who loves challenges or an aunt who’s into brain teasers. It’s fun and, dare I say, a little addictive. But in a good way, promise!

Boost their brainpower with Lumosity!


KraftyLab: Virtual Team Building Activities For Employees

KraftyLab's website showcasing three of their featured virtual experiences: 'Wine & Charcuterie' with a glass of red wine next to a charcuterie board, 'Wine Tasting Experience' displaying three wine glasses filled with different wines, and 'Wine & Chocolate' showing a dish of dark chocolate chunks.

Photo: KraftyLab

Are you an employer? Got a team that’s spread across the map or just want to create a fun holiday experience for your in-house crew? Bring everyone together this holiday season with a lil’ sprinkle of magic from KraftyLab. From sipping on wine and nibbling charcuterie to letting those creative juices flow with some sip and paint, there’s a virtual activity for every group. They send all the supplies straight to your team’s door. A mixology class or soap-making session? They got it! Share the cheer and make remote work feel a little more together this year.

Explore their virtual funhouse and start planning your holiday team party right here!


Headspace Subscription: Give the Gift of a Calm Mind

Colorful Headspace graphic with triangle characters, smiling, and surrounding a content square character, symbolizing joy and calm.

Photo: Headspace

It’s the most wonderful (and sometimes stressful) time of the year! 🎅 Why not gift some peace and tranquility this festive season? Headspace is your pocket-sized guru, guiding you into the world of meditation and mindfulness. Perfect for that friend who’s been running on empty. Relax, recharge, and rediscover the joy amidst the holiday hustle and bustle.

Gift a world of zen here!


Tours By Locals: Take Them Anywhere in the World… Virtually!

A picturesque canal in Amsterdam with historic buildings lining the sides. A person paddleboards on the water, while on a bridge, a tour guide animatedly talks to a woman wearing a vibrant patterned sweater.

Photo: Tours By Locals

Travel plans on pause? No worries! Take your loved ones on a globe-trotting adventure from the comfort of your couch. 🌍 Tours By Locals offers live virtual tours led by, you guessed it, fabulous local guides! Wander the cobbled streets of Italy or marvel at the Northern Lights in Iceland. This gift is perfect for the curious explorer in your life.

Ready to embark on your next adventure without even packing a bag? Travel together here!


Let’s take a moment to appreciate how technology has brought us closer in 2023. We truly live in the future! From tantalizing taste adventures to calming meditation breaks, and from the bustling streets of foreign cities to our very own living rooms, these virtual experiences are more than just gifts – they’re memories in the making. So, here’s to giving the gift of connection, joy, and perhaps a bit of wanderlust, all from the comfort of home. Cheers to a holiday season filled with love, laughter, and a touch of the virtual magic!


Top 15 Digital Presents for 2023 Instant Win

Spin to win below.


The post The Future of Gifting: Top 15 Digital Presents for 2023 appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Friday, November 24, 2023

Holiday Happiness PayPal Instant Win

The holiday season is upon us, and what better way to spread cheer than with a chance to win instant happiness? Get ready to unwrap joy and embrace the festive spirit with our Holiday Happiness PayPal Instant Win!


holiday happiness paypal instant win


Embracing the Festive Spirit

The holidays are a time for laughter, love, and creating cherished memories with family and friends. It’s a season of giving, and what better gift than the chance to win big with the Holiday Happiness PayPal Instant Win? Imagine the delight of unexpected joy, just a click away!


Instant Joy, Instant Win

With the Holiday Happiness PayPal Instant Win, the thrill of winning is just a moment away. Whether you’re treating yourself to that special something you’ve been eyeing or spreading the love by gifting to others, PayPal is here to make your season bright. It’s not just a win – it’s an instant injection of holiday happiness!


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As we countdown to the most wonderful time of the year, let the Holiday Happiness PayPal Instant Win add an extra sprinkle of magic to your celebrations. Unwrap joy, spread cheer, and make this holiday season unforgettable with PayPal.

May your days be merry, your nights be bright, and your instant wins be nothing short of spectacular. Happy holidays!


Holiday Happiness PayPal Instant Win

Spin to win below.


The post Holiday Happiness PayPal Instant Win appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thank You for entering the Best Buy $100 Gift Card Giveaway

Thank you for entering the giveaway! Come back tomorrow and enter again! Scroll below to find the bonus entries! Jaden


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The post Thank You for entering the Best Buy $100 Gift Card Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Thank You for entering the beats by Dr. Dre Headphones Giveaway

Thank you for entering the giveaway! Come back tomorrow and enter again! Scroll below to find the bonus entries! Jaden


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The post Thank You for entering the beats by Dr. Dre Headphones Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Chinese Baked Buns with Ground Beef Filling Recipe

Remember those amazing Chinese buns from the corner bakery? This recipe comes straight from my Mom’s old cookbook from her cooking school days in Hong Kong, and we’ve tweaked it just right for your home kitchen. Imagine biting into a soft, freshly baked bun filled with savory, spiced ground beef – it’s like a little piece of Hong Kong right in your kitchen. Whether you’re a baking newbie or a seasoned pro, this recipe is all about bringing a bit of that Chinese bakery magic into your own home.


Chinese baked buns with sesame seeds

What are Chinese Baked Buns?

Ever wandered into a Chinese bakery and felt like you’ve entered a world of fluffy, golden delights? That’s the magic of Chinese baked buns. These buns, known as “bao” or “baozi” in Chinese, are a staple in Chinese cuisine and come in a myriad of varieties.

So, what exactly makes these buns so special? It’s all about the dough – a sweet, yeasty creation that puffs up into cloud-like perfection when baked. The dough is usually made from simple ingredients like flour, sugar, yeast, and milk, but the real magic happens during the fermentation and baking process. This is where the dough transforms into a soft, pillowy bun with a slightly sweet taste and an oh-so-satisfying texture.

It’s not just about the dough. The heart of a Chinese baked bun lies in its filling. These buns are often stuffed with a variety of fillings, ranging from sweet red bean paste to savory mixtures like BBQ pork (Char Siu Bao), creamy custards, or, like in our recipe today, a hearty and flavorful ground beef mixture. Each bite is a beautiful harmony of soft dough and rich filling, making them irresistible to just about anyone.

Originating from Northern China, these buns have traveled far and wide, evolving with regional twists and filling variations. They’re a beloved breakfast item, a go-to snack, and even a comfort food for many. 


Jaden with fresh Chinese baked buns

Chinese Baked Buns Basic Dough Recipe

You will need:

  • white granulated sugar
  • active dry yeast
  • powdered dry milk
  • softened butter
  • eggs
  • bread flour
  • egg wash

This dough is a simple dough, mix and knead until smooth. Let rise for 1 hour in a warm spot (or until doubled in size). While the dough rises, it’s a good time to make the filling. The ground beef filling recipe is below.  

Ground Beef Filling

  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 2 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 small onion (chopped)
  • 4 tablespoons water
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch  

Make your bun dough:

  • Add the water, sugar and yeast to the mixing bowl and let sit for 5 minutes, until the mixture is foamy. Turn on the mixer on low speed and add in the powdered dry milk, softened butter, eggs, and salt. Let mix for 2 minutes. Add in about half of the flour. Add the rest of the flour as needed to form a slightly sticky dough. Knead until smooth and elastic, about 6 minutes.
  • Transfer the dough to a large oiled bowl, turning to coat. Cover and let rise at room temperature for 1 hour, or until doubled in size.
  • Turn the dough out of the bowl to a lightly floured surface. Roll into a long log, and divide dough into 32 equal portions, about 1 ounce each. Form each piece into a tight round ball, tucking the edges under and pinching the seam closed. Place seam side down. Keep all pieces covered as you go.
  • Beginning with the first ball you made (use the balls in order), use a small rolling pin to roll out the balls to 4-5″ round (or oval, if making oval shaped). Place spoonful of desired filling on top, and pinch/pleat to close. Place bun on a parchment lined cookie sheet, and cover. Let rise for 20 minutes in a warm spot.
  • Heat oven to 375F. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg and water.
  • Brush each bun with the egg wash. Repeat so each bun has double layer. Optional: sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Bake 20 minutes, until buns are golden brown. Let cool on wire rack.

Make your ground beef filling:

  • In a large bowl, mix to combine the ground beef, soy sauce, sugar, cornstarch, black pepper, ground coriander, and salt. Marinate for 10 minutes, up to overnight in refrigerator.
  • Heat a wok or large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the ground beef and cook for 6-7 minutes, until browned. Tilt the pan to let the fat settle to one side. Spoon out the ground beef, leaving as much fat in the pan as possible. Discard the fat, leaving about 1 tablespoon to cook the onion.
  • Return pan to medium-high heat. When hot, add the onion and cook for 5 minutes, until softened. Return the cooked ground beef to the pan.


  Ground beef filling for Chinese baked buns


Forming Your Chinese Baked Buns

Once the dough has risen, and the filling is ready, it’s time to divide the dough and form the buns. The recipe will make 32 buns in total, so with a scale, measure out 1 ounce pieces of dough and form into tight, round balls, tucking the edges under. Keep all the dough covered to prevent drying out. 

Once all the dough has been measured and formed into balls, start back with the first ball you formed. With a rolling pin, roll out the dough — you can make the buns either oval, or round. 

When we made these buns, Mom wanted a version with sweet coconut filling, and another with savory ground beef filling. We differentiated the two by the SHAPE of the buns: the oval were the sweet coconut filling, and the round buns contained the ground beef mixture. 


How to Get Shiny Tops

Whisk 2 eggs with 2 tablespoons of water for an egg wash. Brush onto the tops of the buns. I sprinkle sesame seeds on top as well.

Bake 375F for 20 minutes. 


Want Sweet Buns Instead?

Check out this recipe for Chinese Sweet Coconut Buns.

Chinese Sweet Coconut Buns Recipe

Chinese Baked Buns with Ground Beef Filling

Savor the taste of homemade Chinese Baked Buns, featuring a soft, sweet dough filled with a savory, seasoned ground beef mixture. This delightful recipe brings a touch of traditional Hong Kong baking to your kitchen, perfect for a satisfying snack or a unique meal option.
Course Appetizer, Breakfast, dinner
Cuisine Chinese
Keyword baked buns, chinese buns, chinese new year
Prep Time 2 hours
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 20 minutes
Servings 32 buns
Calories 191kcal


Chinese Sweet Bun Dough

  • 2 cups warm water
  • 1/2 cup white granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon active dry yeast
  • 1/2 cup powdered dry milk
  • 1/2 cup softened butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 6 1/2 cups bread flour
  • 2 eggs + 2 tablespoons water for the egg wash
  • 3 tablespoons sesame seeds

Ground Beef Filling

  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 2 tbsp low-sodium soy sauce
  • ½ tsp sugar
  • 2 tsp cornstarch
  • ½ tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • ¾ tsp salt
  • 1 small onion chopped
  • 4 tbsp water


Make your Bun Dough:

  • Add the water, sugar and yeast to the mixing bowl and let sit for 5 minutes, until the mixture is foamy. Turn on the mixer on low speed and add in the powdered dry milk, softened butter, eggs, and salt. Let mix for 2 minutes. Add in about half of the flour. Add the rest of the flour as needed to form a slightly sticky dough. Knead until smooth and elastic, about 6 minutes.
  • Transfer the dough to a large oiled bowl, turning to coat. Cover and let rise at room temperature for 1 hour, or until doubled in size.

Make the Ground Beef Filling

  • In a large bowl, mix to combine the ground beef, soy sauce, sugar, cornstarch, black pepper, ground coriander, and salt. Marinate for 10 minutes, up to overnight in refrigerator.
  • Heat a wok or large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the ground beef and cook for 6-7 minutes, until browned. Tilt the pan to let the fat settle to one side. Spoon out the ground beef, leaving as much fat in the pan as possible. Discard the fat, leaving about 1 tablespoon to cook the onion.
  • Return pan to medium-high heat. When hot, add the onion and cook for 5 minutes, until softened. Return the cooked ground beef to the pan.

Shape the Buns

  • Turn the dough out of the bowl to a lightly floured surface. Roll into a long log, and divide dough into 32 equal portions, about 1 ounce each. Form each piece into a tight round ball, tucking the edges under and pinching the seam closed. Place seam side down. Keep all pieces covered as you go.
  • Beginning with the first ball you made (use the balls in order), use a small rolling pin to roll out the balls to 4-5" round (or oval, if making oval shaped). Place spoonful of desired filling on top, and pinch/pleat to close. Place bun on a parchment lined cookie sheet, and cover. Let rise for 20 minutes in a warm spot.

Bake the Buns

  • Heat oven to 375F. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg and water.
  • Brush each bun with the egg wash. Repeat so each bun has double layer. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Bake 20 minutes, until buns are golden brown. Let cool on wire rack.


Serving: 1g | Calories: 191kcal | Carbohydrates: 23g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 8g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 3g | Trans Fat: 0.3g | Cholesterol: 40mg | Sodium: 176mg | Potassium: 113mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 4g | Vitamin A: 138IU | Vitamin C: 0.4mg | Calcium: 38mg | Iron: 1mg

The post Chinese Baked Buns with Ground Beef Filling Recipe appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special