Wednesday, April 24, 2024

How to Speed Clean Your Entire Kitchen in Minutes

Are you a clean freak with a strain on your time? (Tell me about it.) That’s okay! I’m going to teach you how transform the heart of your home into a spotless sanctuary with minimal time and effort!

Get your kitchen clean fast!

Let’s face it. The thought of tackling your entire kitchen can feel like a looming storm coming your way. That’s why we’re diving into some supercharged, speed cleaning tip and tricks that’ll have your space sparkling in no time.

Seasoned cleaning expert? Newbie? Doesn’t matter. These tips to keeping up with daily cleaning tasks will make you a confident cleaning pro, and allow you to focus on the more important things like cooking, relaxing, and enjoying time with your friends and family.

Pre-emptive Tips for Keeping Your Kitchen Clean

Fight the kitchen mess as you go

The best way to save you time and effort is by keeping the mess at bay in the first place! Here are some sanity-saving tips that you can employ throughout your day to ensure your weekly or bi-weekly cleaning sessions stay short and sweet.


The first game changer in your cleaning arsenal is to line everything you can. Grab reusable liners for your refrigerator shelves and drawers, paper liners for your air fryer, nylon resin liners for your slow cooker, and hell, there are even liners for your oven!

Next time you spill the spaghetti sauce or have a cheese meltdown, instead of expending a ton of elbow grease scrubbing away your life within the confines of a small space, just slide out the liner, toss it (or, if it’s reusable, give it a quick rinse or wipe), and voilà! It’s like nothing ever happened. It’s less intimidating, so you’re more likely to clean messes on the spot AND it just makes your life easier. 

Cook More One-Pot Meals

Have you ever heard of the “One-Pot rule”? This little trick has the potential to revolutionize your cooking and cleaning routine entirely. All you have to do is stick to recipes that only require one pot or pan (and there are LOTS of them out there) and you will significantly cut down on the amount of dirty dishes you have to do at the end of the day.

Some popular one-pot recipes include hearty stew, sizzling stir-fry, and bubbly one-pan bakes. Throwing more on-pot meals into your weekly lunch and/or dinner routines means less time cleaning and more time enjoying your meal.

Clean As You Go

Here’s a tip that might just be the biggest game changer for your cleaning routine: use your cooking downtime strategically. There are lots of little moments of waiting during the cooking process. Turn those into moments into bite-size bursts of mini clean-ups.

Waiting for the oven to preheat or water to boil? Break out a damp cloth and wipe down your kitchen counter, do a bit of decluttering, or give your kitchen sink a quick wipe. Got 2 minutes left of the microwave? Now’s the time to throw away any paper towels or food packaging.

Also, do yourself a favor after each meal, rinse down your plates and bowls, and pop them into the dishwasher to keep the dishes from piling up and enjoy an empty sink all week! These small moments are the best time to tackle small tasks that could save your future self a LOT of time and energy. 

Four Steps to Speed Cleaning Your Kitchen

Step by Step to speed cleaning

Okay, so you’ve done all you can pre-emptively to set yourself up for success (or maybe you haven’t, no judgement), but now it’s actually time to dive into your weekly or bi-weekly cleaning session. How do you get through it as quickly and efficiently as possible? Here are four smart steps to make the process fast and easy. Let’s talk about everything you need to speed clean your kitchen.

Step 1) Start with a Quick Declutter

Your first assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to initiate a super speedy declutter. Think of it like a quick sweep. Start at one end of the kitchen or the counter and work your way to the other side. Anything that doesn’t belong in your kitchen (mail, magazines, random electronics), take it to its designated area (or at least the room it SHOULD be in). Dishes go right in the sink to prep for the dishwasher. Trash (obviously) goes in the trash can.

This first step works to free up valuable space for you do the rest of your cleaning magic and cuts down on visual clutter, which makes the rest of the cleaning session WAY less daunting to your brain.

Step 2) Top-Down Dusting

It’s time to grab your trusty microfiber cloth or duster and dust from the top down. Why the top down? Because dust and debris succumb to the laws of gravity and naturally fall to the floor, which you can tackle last. Start with the tops of cabinets and the fridge, then work your way down to the counters, and finally, all the lower cabinets. Work smarter, not harder!

Step 3) Spot Treat and Wipe Down Surfaces

Now, it’s time to clean the surfaces. Use a good multipurpose cleaner or a mix of soapy water and white vinegar and spray down the kitchen counters, appliance faces, and cabinet doors. Then grab a fresh microfiber cloth and wipe these surfaces down lickity-split! If you run into stubborn kitchen grease or anything else that won’t quite come off, baking soda paste is your best friend. Apply it, let it sit for a bit, and then wipe it away. 

The places where you do most of your chopping, stirring, and cooking, like your stove top or kitchen island—these are magnets for grime, grease and food particles. Use a stainless steel cleaner for shiny surfaces and a soft scrub for more delicate areas like granite countertops. Done and done!

Step 4) The Floor Care Finale

You’ve done everything else, and now it’s time to tackle the kitchen floor. Let’s make it super simple! Use a broom (or, even quicker, a vacuum cleaner) to remove loose debris. Then, follow up with a damp mop or Swiffer. (Make sure to use a cleaning solution that is suitable for your flooring type.) And that’s it! Your kitchen is clean!

You’re a Speed Cleaning Pro!

A clean kitchen!

Do you already have an unbeatable speed cleaning process or particular flow? Got any extra tips or tricks that could help someone else? We’d love to hear about it! Let’s share our kitchen cleaning knowhow in the comments below.

The post How to Speed Clean Your Entire Kitchen in Minutes appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Top 10 Tips for Shopping Spring Farmers’ Markets

Spring is here and it’s prime time to check out your local farmers’ market! Sure, grocery stores are great (hello, midnight ice cream runs), but when you’re looking for uber fresh produce with a little community spirit on the side, then the farmers’ market is where you wanna be.

This spring, I’m gonna let you in on some farmers’ market tips and tricks to make your visit the best it can be, and maybe help you save some money along the way. But first, let’s talk about some reasons why you should take advantage of the market vibes this time of year. 

Why You Should Beeline to the Farmers’ Market This Spring

A treasure trove of fresh produce

You Get the Freshest of the Fresh: Your local farmers’ market is kinda like the VIP section of the food world. It’s a paradise of fresh fruits and heirloom tomatoes that rival anything you might find at the grocery store. And spring is when farmers’ markets really start to buzz with everything from leafy greens to the first strawberries of the season. It’s usually the best time of year to visit because it provides you access to the freshest produce possible. 

You Can Support Your Local Economy: You can feel good shopping at farmers’ markets it because not only do you go home with a tote brimming with goodies, but you also get to nourish your local economy and support small farmers and local businesses.

You Can Connect with Local Farmers & Vendors: Everyone loves getting the best produce at the best prices, but another perk of market trips is that they’re a great way to connect with food vendors and local farmers, and these relationships can lead to amazing deals on high-quality food and produce.

It’s a Great Place to Try New Things: Always been curious certain produce, but never had the nerve to try it? This is the place to experiment! Not only do you have the professionals in front of you to ask all the questions you want, but you can be confident that fruit or veggie is at its freshest! 

The Vendors Are Your Guides: Looking for information on peak seasons for your favorite fruits and veggies? Or maybe you’re not sure how to store those leafy greens? Your friendly local farmers market vendor is there to guide you!


What to Look for at Your Local Farmers’ Market

Fresh flowers and the Farmers' Market

Here’s a list of some common in-season spring produce you might find at your local farmers’ market:

1. Asparagus – A staple of early spring, asparagus makes a great pairing to almost any dinner. I like to wrap them in prosciutto, spray them with oil, add some salt and pepper, and air fry them for 10 minutes. But you can also grill, steam, or stir-fry them to bring out their natural sweetness.

2. Radishes – Radishes make for a great peppery addition to salads and add a little crunch. And did you know that you don’t have to discard the greens? They’re delicious sautéed or even added to soups!

3. Spring Onions – Scallions, green onions, spring onions. Whatever you call them, they’re a lot milder than mature onions and do great in salads, salsas, or as a topping to grilled fish or steak.

4. Peas – Snap peas. Snow peas. Garden peas. Your local farmers market may have them all! And they’re sweetest when freshly picked. Toss them into pastas and risottos for a healthy addition with a little texture.

5. Spinach – This extremely nutritious and versatile leafy green goes soft in warm dishes but stays crisp in cool salads, so it’s a great addition to whatever you might feel like for lunch or dinner.

6. Lettuce and Salad Greens – Spring is known for its introduction to flavorful greens, from butterhead to arugula, and the farmers’ market is a veritable cornucopia of all the greens you could ever need.

7. Strawberries – Strawberries are the superstar of springtime, and if you get them at a farmers’ market, they’re often far juicier and sweeter than what you would find in grocery stores. They’re also great for desserts, spring salads, by themselves, or dipped in honey or Nutella. 

8. Rhubarb – If you’re looking to make some pies or jams, rhubarb is your best friend because its tartness generally balances out the sweetness of any fruits you might be using.

9. Artichokes – Though they take a little extra doin’, artichokes are a spring delicacy that you can enjoy steamed or grilled. Use the hearts in dips or in pasta dishes.

10. Baby Potatoes – Young potatoes are smaller and less starchy than full-grown potatoes, and their skins are so tender, you don’t have to peel them! Baby potatoes are great roasted with herbs or cut and popped into your slow cooker with steak for stew or as a side dish.

11. Herbs – Fresh herbs practically scream springtime, and your farmers’ market likely has them cut and planted. If you’ve been thinking of starting an herb garden, this is the best time of year to do it. Look for popular herbs like fresh basil, mint, and cilantro.

Tips for Mastering Your Farmers’ Market Visit

1. Create a Game Plan

Every successful farmers’ market visit starts with a plan. Why? Because it’s easy to go a little stir-crazy among the sea of produce and sweet treats, especially if it’s your first time there. Creating an idea of what food items you’re looking for will help keep you on track and away from going over budget.

2. Don’t Overbuy

Here’s the golden rule of farmers’ markets: Think about your upcoming meals for the next week. It’s all too common to get overly excited and buy way more than you can eat at your local market, and then have to throw away a bunch of perishable items that have gone bad before you even got the chance to eat them. Having a plan not only saves you time and money, but also prevents the heartbreak of food waste.

3. Cash is King

Debit and credit cards are great for supermarket shopping, but at farmers’ markets, old-fashioned cash is often the easiest way to pay. Small farms and food vendors usually prefer cash to avoid paying ridiculously high credit card fees, and sometimes that means they pass the savings onto you with a better price for produce. In fact, some may not accept cards at all, so be sure to bring smaller bills and change for the smoothest transaction experience. It’ll also help you stick to your budget! 

4. Bring Reusable Bags

The farmers’ market is all about sustainability. In the spirit of being eco-friendly, be sure to bring your own reusable bags to reduce the demand for non-biodegradable plastic bags. Plus, vendors will appreciate you saving them materials. At the end of the day, you’ll feel good that you helped boost your local community’s economy in an eco-friendly way by bringing your own bag.

Let the vendors be your guides.

5. Ask All The Questions

A vendor is more than just a provider of produce. They are also your seasonal food guide! And one of the best tips for making the most of your farmers’ market visit is: engage with vendors. Unsure what the heck that curly-topped veggie is? Don’t know if those peaches are sweet enough for tonight’s dessert? Not sure what the best way to store something is? Ask! Farmers’ markets are a great opportunity to learn all you need to know directly from the source. (When else do you get to do that with your food?) And farmers are usually more than eager to talk about the best way to store and prepare the produce they sell.

6. Know What’s in Season

Whatever season you’re visiting your local market, it’s a good idea to go in with an understanding of what’s in season. Obviously, this will help you to know what you can expect to be available there, but more importantly, you’ll know what is unlikely to be found there. And this is a good indicator of whether or not a vendor is selling produce that they grew themselves or simply buying from big name stores and reselling at a markup. When vendors sell produce that is out of season in your local area, you can be sure they bought it outside of your local area. Watch out for produce that still has tags or is stored in big name boxes like Dole. Having this knowledge will ensure you’re truly supporting local producers and getting the best quality seasonal produce from your own neck of the woods.

7. Peek Under Your Produce Boxes

Have you ever picked up a box of beautiful strawberries only to discover the last layer was moldy mush or a bruised mess? Here’s a simple but important market tip: always look under the bottom of your produce boxes. While local vendors pride themselves on quality, sometimes the hustle and bustle of setting up at a farmer’s market can result in a few rotting stragglers sneaking into the bottom of the pile. Give those potential purchases a quick lift to make sure the pretty tops are not hiding a gross secret underneath. That being said, don’t write off ugly fresh produce! Some of the best tasting fruits and veggies might look a little unconventional, and sometimes vendors give great deals on produce that isn’t picture perfect.

8. Farmers’ Markets & SNAP Benefits

Did you know that outdoor markets benefit low-income communities? For those on food assistance programs like SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), many farmers’ markets across the United States are not only SNAP-friendly, but they usually offer incentive programs that DOUBLE the value of food stamps! This means every dollar of SNAP spent at the market could be worth two, making everything essentially half price.

9. See It All Before You Buy

When you first arrive at your local farmers’ market, you might be drawn in and tempted to buy fruits and items on the spot, but you should resist the urge to dive right into buying from the first stand you see. Unless something is in limited quantity, try to take a stroll through the entire market to check out all of their offerings before you purchase anything. This strategy will help you find the best deals by comparing prices on similar products while also keeping you on budget. Vendors of similar items price their goods differently, especially when it comes to common items like leafy greens or fresh meats. A complete lap means the difference between a good deal and a great one.

10. Always Wash Your Produce

Last but certainly not least, once you bring home your market haul, always be sure wash your produce before you eat it. The produce that farmers carry generally comes straight from the field and can carry dirt, bacteria, pesticides, or even small insects on (or in) it. Washing your fruits and vegetables under running water helps reduce the risk of foodborne illness and promotes the best food safety possible. For berries, I like to soak them in a bath of 1 part vinegar and 4 parts water for 4 minutes before I store them in my crisper. (Don’t soak them too long or they will get mushy.)


Now You’re a Farmers’ Market Pro!

You're a farmer's market pro!

I hope this guide helped you feel confident about your farmers’ market journey, whether you’re a seasoned pro or it’s your first time. There truly is nothing like the experience of walking a local market, discovering new foods, interacting with members of your community, supporting local farmers, and then bringing your haul home and enjoying all that fresh, hand-selected produce.

Here’s one extra tip: If you’re on social media, check out the market’s social media account before your next trip. They’re usually a great resource for updates on new vendors or special events. 

​Do you frequent farmers’ markets? What’s your favorite thing about them? What are some of the best deals you’ve come across? Have you ever picked up something you’ve never tried at your local market and loved it? We love hearing all about your experiences, so be sure to leave us a comment!

Happy eating, and we’ll see you at the market!

The post The Top 10 Tips for Shopping Spring Farmers’ Markets appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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via New Kitchen Special

Steamy Bloopers: The Claw Machine Conundrum

Hello, Steamy Fam!

Drey here again. 👋 Jaden’s Writer & Creative Content extraordinaire! You might remember my Platterful charcuterie board review or that time I haunted Steamy Kitchen for Halloween. Or even this hilarious blooper reel of Jaden.

I’m BACK! with another funny Jaden story. Most of our team works remotely, and as the only part of the team local to Jaden, we meet up to work together regularly. Sometimes, during these meetups, hilarity ensues.

Let me tell you the tale of…

The Claw Machine Conundrum

Jaden and the Scooby claw Machine

Recently, Jaden and I went out to lunch. While we were out, we passed by a business that was filled with claw machines. We had to go inside. We were surprised to find that their business was solely claw machines. Not renting out claw machines or repairing claw machines. No. Just letting people play with claw machines. We’d never heard of such a thing!

Jaden decided, “Well, we’re here. Let’s play with some claw machines!” She gave the staff a $20 and we split the tokens. I went to the first claw machine on my left and BOOM. I won a small stuffed Rick from Rick & Morty. (One of my favorite shows.) Jaden gloated to the staff, “She already won one! These aren’t so hard!” But, I wasn’t convinced this win was representative of how easy these claw machines were to crack. To me, it was beginners’ luck. I have failed many a claw machine in my day. 

We played a few here and there with no luck, and then Jaden made her way to a machine she thought might be easier. It was filled with Scooby Doo stuffed animals. Shaggy, Scooby, Mystery Machines. You name it. She put in a few tokens and gave it a try. No luck. Then again. No luck.

Seeing that Jaden hadn’t won anything by her second attempt, one of the staff came over to give her a better chance. She opened up the machine and stacked 2 Mystery Machines right next to the drop slot. Third time’s a charm? Yeah, no. Jaden tried, and failed again.

This is where I started filming.

The staff came over AGAIN, and stacked 2 more Mystery Machines on top of each other.

Jaden and the Scooby claw Machine

It seemed an easy win. Jaden attempted it… and promptly dropped the stuffed toy.

Jaden and the Scooby claw Machine

A chuckle of defeat.

Jaden and the Scooby claw Machine

The staff member came back and did it again, this time stacking the toys higher with a Scooby on top for an even better chance of winning.

Jaden and the Scooby claw Machine

All Jaden had to do was knock them over into the drop slot. Nervous chuckles ensued.

Jaden and the Scooby claw Machine

And finally… she did it! 

Jaden and the Scooby claw Machine


Jaden and the Scooby claw Machine

Check Out the Full Conundrum in the Video Below


We hope you enjoyed this Steamy blooper as much as we do.
How are you with claw machines? What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever won? Let us know in the comments!

The post Steamy Bloopers: The Claw Machine Conundrum appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Monday, April 22, 2024

ASUS Ultra Thin Laptop Giveaway

Hello Steamy Kitchen Family!

Welcome back to our fan favorite giveaway for a ASUS Ultra Thin Laptop! Read more about this affordable and high functioning laptop below! 

asus ultra thin laptop giveaway


The ASUS Laptop L210MA is designed to help you be productive all day — even when you’re on the move. This compact and lightweight 11.6 inch laptop is powered by the latest Intel processor and provides long lasting battery life.

With eMMC storage and pre-loaded Windows 10 in S mode, it offers full compatibility with a wide range of software and peripherals. It’s the best laptop for people on the go.

With over 5000 reviews and a 4.3/5 star review, this is a great affordable option for those in the market for a thin sleek new laptop! 

Some things that we love about this laptop is its sleek and clever design, innovative touch pad, and long battery life. You can read about the details below! 

Get it done, anywhere

With the compact and lightweight ASUS L210, productivity is always within reach. It easily slips into a backpack so you can create content anywhere.

Easy idea sharing

A cleverly designed 180° lay-flat hinge makes it easy to share content or collaborate with friends.

Reinventing the touchpad

The new ASUS NumberPad makes number-crunching a whole lot easier. Simply tap the icon to turn it on, Everything you need is printed on the touchpad

Keep on going

With ASUS L210, you can leave the heavy power adaptor at home. Its day-long battery life gives you the flexibility to work or play anywhere.

Go for your goals

With Windows 10 Home S, a Intel Celeron processor, and 64GB SSD, ASUS L210 is well-equipped to help you achieve your goals.

Asus Laptop

Input has never been easier

L210 comes with a backlit keyboard with long key travel and a large 6-inch multitouch pad with palm-rejection technology offers excellent experience

Silence is golden! 

The fanless design keeps noise levels down, so you won’t be distracted when working on a spreadsheet or watching a movie.

ASUS Ultra Thin Laptop Giveaway

Enter now and ge a chance to win this Asus Ultra Thin Laptop Giveaway!


The post ASUS Ultra Thin Laptop Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Friday, April 19, 2024

Kindness In The Kitchen: 8 Ways To Be Kind With Cooking

In every kitchen, beyond the clatter of pots and the sizzle of pans, there’s an opportunity to sprinkle kindness into every dish. If you are the same as me, cooking & food is a love language. A way for my mother to share her love, a way for me to share nourishment and lessons around food to my own children, with food & cooking playing a huge part of my life! Who can relate?

I think it is pretty special that across families, cultures around the world, we all can come together around food, special dishes and the warmth of a good homemade meal.  Sometimes a splash of love & kindness is the secret ingredient to elevate your meals!


 Today I wanted to spend some time sharing 8 simple yet impactful ways to infuse your kitchen with positivity and warmth:

1. Cook a Meal for Someone in Need

Whether it’s a friend going through a tough time, an elderly neighbor who could use a helping hand, or a local shelter, cooking a homemade meal can bring comfort and nourishment to those in need.

2. Share Cooking Tips and Recipes

Share your love of cooking by teaching a friend how to cook a new dish for the first time, sharing a favorite family recipe, or offering cooking tips and tricks on social media. This act of kindness can spread positive energy and inspire others to try new homemade meals.\]

3. Reduce Food Waste

Did you know that in the United States, approximately 30-40% of the food supply is wasted each year, equating to about 133 billion pounds and $161 billion worth of food? Be mindful of food waste in a tangible way by using up leftovers creatively, repurposing food scraps into new dishes, or composting them.

Supporting local food banks or organizations that redistribute surplus food is also a great way to reduce waste and support nonprofit organizations.

4. Practice Gratitude and Mindful Eating

Take a moment to appreciate the food on your plate and savor each bite mindfully. This not only enhances your dining experience but also is a powerful way to create a deeper connection to the food and the effort that went into preparing it.

5. Support Local Farmers and Producers

Shop at farmers’ markets, join a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program, or seek out local products at your grocery store to support local food systems and promote sustainable, ethical food practices. This act of kindness supports local farmers and promotes positive social bonds within your community.

6. Cook a Meal Together

Cooking can be a fun and bonding experience. Invite a friend or family member to cook a meal together, sharing the joy of preparing and enjoying food. This act of kindness promotes social bonds and creates positive cooking experiences.

7. Donate to a Food Bank

Support your local community by donating non-perishable food items to a food bank or participating in food drives. This act of kindness supports nonprofit organizations and helps those in need access nutritious meals.

8. Write a Thank-You Note to a Local Farmer or Producer

Show your appreciation for the hard work and dedication of local farmers and producers by writing them a thank-you note expressing your gratitude for their contributions to your community. This act of kindness acknowledges the main ingredient in your meals and supports local food producers.

By incorporating these acts of kindness into your cooking routine, you can spread positive energy, support nonprofit organizations, and foster social bonds within your community.


Love & Kindness $10 Paypal Cash Instant Win

Today we are giving away TEN X $10 Paypal to our lucky participants on Steamy Kitchen’s Love & Kindness $10 Paypal Cash Instant Win! Spread love, win instantly, and make a difference. Enter and spin below.


The post Kindness In The Kitchen: 8 Ways To Be Kind With Cooking appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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via New Kitchen Special

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Protected: Walnut Wood Cutting Board Reviewed

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The post Protected: Walnut Wood Cutting Board Reviewed appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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via New Kitchen Special

Thursday, April 11, 2024

1 Shot Energy & Focus Chews Review: The Best Coffee Alternative for Energy

As someone who juggles a lot (like, a lot! —if I were an animal, I’d probably be an octopus cuz I usually have 8 different things going on at any given time), I require a good amount of energy. With multiple businesses on the go, motherhood, a full pack of furry friends needing our attention, and my own crazy projects on the go – a little energy boost is much needed (and appreciated). Can you relate?

While I cherish my morning cup of coffee, the convenience of 1 Shot Energy caught my attention. While we have been spending lots of time out on the ranch, easy access to a coffee shop isn’t really a thing if you know what I mean. So, I was so intrigued by the concept of an energy substitute that could provide sustained energy without the preparation and hassle.

In this review, we’ll be sharing our experience with 1 Shot Energy and how their unique products have supported our daily routine. 

Read on to discover more about their healthy alternatives to energy solutions and how you can win a full bundle of 1 Shot Energy products for yourself!

1 Shot Energy Candies White

About 1 Shot Energy Company 

1 Shot Energy is revolutionizing the path to good health and sustainable energy, ensuring it’s not just effective but also enjoyable and convenient. Established in 2021 by Grant Redmond, Stephanie Soden, and their team of expert candy makers, the company is dedicated to crafting consumable products that prioritize innovation, mindfulness in ingredient selection, and a variety of health benefits.

We particularly love their commitment to delivering products that are not only tasty but also uphold the high standards in clean ingredients, flavor, and overall well being for their customers.

1 Shot Energy’s Focus Chews, Energy Chews & Voice Drops

Let’s talk about 1 Shot Energy’s lineup. 

Energy Chews

1 Shot Energy Energy Chews

They have an assortment of flavors in their Energy Chews, including Toxic Limeade, Lemon Lime, Blue Raspberry, and Orange Mango, and I wanted to check out a few of those, so I grabbed their sample pack which gives you 3 six-piece sleeves of chews. And, let me tell you, these are a great way to increase energy levels without all the unnecessary stuff you usually find in energy drinks or supplements.

Each chew is a low-sugar piece of taffy with 75 milligrams of caffeine (which is equivalent to the caffeine content in your usual 8 oz energy drink), and the experience is fast-acting and activates as you chew. 

1 Shot Energy has also infused their energy chews with amino acids, nootropics, and antioxidant compounds to level out your boost without giving you those dreaded caffeine intake jitters & increased heart rate. Plus, no artificial sweeteners in these babies, just monk fruit juice and a blend of fruit and vegetable extracts, so you also don’t have to worry about any kind of weird aftertaste. (Also, it’s a great caffeine alternative to the usual coffee habit most people employ to boost energy levels.)

Focus Chews

1 Shot Energy Focus Chews

Next up are their Focus Chews. While they come in 3 different flavors, including Blue Raspberry, Mandarin Orange, and Lemon Lime, I tried their assorted bag which contains all 3. (What can I say? I like variety!) Each bag comes with 30 chews, and they aim to provide mental clarity, focus, and a balance to energy levels while still remaining a caffeine-free option.

They use a blend of B vitamins and Tyrosine, an amino acid that’s essential for creating neurotransmitters in your brain, which provide a natural alertness and enhanced cognitive function. They’ve also included Vitamin C, D, E, and Zinc to boost your immune system. Along with these main ingredients, can you believe there’s only 1 gram of added sugar per piece?

Much of the sweetness comes from the addition of organic monk fruit juice. On top of all these benefits, they’ve also thrown in organic inulin, which is great for your gut health. (As I mentioned, they really care about the well being of their customers! 😄)

Voice Drops

1 Shot Energy Voice Drops

Last, but not least, 1 Shot Energy has created the perfect thing for singers, streamers, gamers, podcasters and speakers of all kinds: Voice Drops! These little candies come in a bag of 30 and boast a Soothing Yuzu flavor. Like their chewy companions, they are also low in sugar with no artificial sweeteners and no sugar alcohols (just monk fruit!).

What they DO have in them is slippery elm, marshmallow, and licorice root to provide a soothing throat coating that protects and supports your voice. They’re also infused with a refreshing organic peppermint oil, honey, and chicory root, a prebiotic that gives your beneficial gut bacteria a boost.

They’re even supported by (and created with the help of) metal vocalist Matthew Kiichi Heafy of Trivium, so you know they’re good!

Some of My Favorite Things About 1 Shot Energy Chews & Drops

1 Shot Energy Candies White

The Pros:

Here are a few things I really love about 1 Shot Energy’s recent products. 

The Ordering Process: You will find while browsing through their shop, that they make it easy to customize what you want exactly by being able to choose flavors and bundles. I really liked that they had assorted packs of the Energy and Focus Chews to try all flavors. And as if that wasn’t enough, I was able to choose which flavors I wanted within the Energy Chew Sample Pack. I thought that was really great when trying a new unique product. 

The Flavor: I’ve tried a few chews and drops in the past, and sometimes those artificial sweeteners overpower the flavor, or there’s something just off about it, and then you’re left with a really weird aftertaste. I have definitely been turned off by candy versions of cough drops or supplements (and even regular candies!) that I’ve tried in the past. But the taste of 1 Shot Energy’s drops and chews are amazing! Each flavor is distinct and tastes high-quality.

My favorite of the chews was the Blue Raspberry, hands down. (These blue ones quickly disappeared around the Steamy Kitchen HQ). With each of the flavors, you get a fresh fruity flavor burst, but the Blue Raspberry was especially vibrant and berry-licious, which I love. The Soothing Yuzu flavor of the Voice Drops is also really great. I almost expected it to taste like a cough drop, but no, it was nothing like a cough drop. 

1 Shot Energy Chews Flavors

The Experience: I’ll admit it. Before I tried the Energy Chews, I was skeptical about 1 thing: Is this really gonna give me energy? (And for good reason. I’ve been an avid coffee drinker for a long time. Am I really gonna get the same boost from a piece of candy as my morning cup?) But HOLY GUACAMOLE, these truly did the trick. They actually surpassed my expectations when it came to boosting my energy. And, as they promised, it came on pretty quick.

I tried one of the Lemon Lime Focus Chews the next morning, as I was working from my home office, and I can tell you that I didn’t feel the same conscious surge of energy that I did with the Energy Chews (which is great, cuz that’s not what they’re meant to do). It was more subtle, but it felt like I was a bit more effective in what I was doing. Sometimes I struggle to focus, especially when I’m transitioning between tasks, but that usual buffering time was nearly non-existent, and I was just knocking things out one-by-one with little resistance or distraction. Again, I was skeptical of this, cuz maybe I was just having a good brain day (haha), so I tried two of the Mandarin Orange-flavored one a few days later, and got the same results! I will certainly be keeping these on hand moving forward. 

I really liked the concept of the Voice Drops because I occasionally do speaking engagements, events, podcast interviews, or just Instagram lives, and some days you can use a little vocal enhancement beforehand. (Or even vocal recovery afterward!) I didn’t have any events this past week cuz my current life is consumed by other business tasks, but I did lose my voice after a LOOONG and exhausting day of manually filling orders for clients. I even had to skip the next morning’s Zoom meeting with the team cuz I couldn’t speak!

What better day to try a Voice Drop? 😄 As I rested, I popped one into my mouth and was, like I mentioned, delightfully surprised by the Japanese Yuzu flavor. And ahhhh, what a relief! It didn’t magically bring my voice back, but it felt like it coated my throat enough to start that process. Sooooo soothing!! It was just what I needed!

The Price: When it comes to energy drinks, most 8 oz cans are $4 to $6 a can! But if you opt for the Energy Chew Sample pack, that’s $18.50 for 18 pieces, which comes out to a little over $1 per chew. (To help you understand the difference, an 8 oz Red Bull has 68 mg of caffeine—less caffeine than 1 Energy Chew, which has 75mg!) If you opt for the 48-piece box of Energy Chews, that’s $34.99, which equals out to about $0.73 per chew! On top of this, if you use their available discount codes you can get it for as low as $0.62 per chew. That’s an energy no-brainer!

None of the Bad Stuff: When I do need an energy boost, I don’t really care for all the extra stuff. That’s why I’ve never been an energy drink fan. There’s always a world of other ingredients, most of them artificial, and ton of sugar. I just want the thing to do what I need it to do without all the extra junk. 😄 That’s what is a huge plus about these. Low sugar. No artificial sweeteners. Actual plant-based and organic ingredients. And it does what I need it to do! You can’t get more direct than that. 

The Convenience Factor: Need some energy? Don’t want to make a pot of coffee or go out to buy an energy drink? With the Energy Chews, all that’s standing between you and a boost of energy is a thin paper wrapper. Just unwrap, pop, and go! They fit in your purse or pocket no problem, so they’re easier to take with you than a thermos or a can. And you won’t have to worry about needing to use the restroom in an hour! 😄 (Honestly, that’s a concern sometimes!) All around, a good idea!

The Cons:

It’s pretty hard to think of a downside to these candies. If I had to say anything, it would just be to prepare for your tongue to be temporarily stained, especially by the Blue Raspberry chews. Maybe don’t eat these right before you give a speech or have to deliver a presentation before the board of directors. They might notice a blue tongue! 

A Wellness Mocktail Recipe Option

1 Shot Energy Lemon Mocktail

As a chef, I thought to myself… you can make Starburst mocktails, right? If I can do that, what’s stopping me from making energy mocktails?! I was inspired by the flavors of these chews to try to see if they would turn into a fun drink. 

And so, I did! It’s actually really easy.

  1. Unwrap a Focus or Energy Chew.
  2. Cut it (carefully) into 4 pieces.
  3. Throw it into a glass of sparkling cider or water! 

Just wait 4 to 5 minutes for it to dissolve, and you have yourself a 1 Shot Energy or Focus Mocktail!

You can get creative with this by adding in some fresh ingredients like fresh lime juice, fruit or mint to enhance the flavors and I found that they dissolved very well. This way you get the convenience of the chews, but also the possibilities of making a go-to morning beverage to sip on and to replace any energy drink cravings. 

1 Shot Energy Blue Raspberry Mocktail

Check Out Our Behind The Scenes Experience with 1 Shot Energy Products Video!

As I mentioned our full team has been using these chews to support us throughout the day. Catch this day in the life video to see how we’ve been incorporating them.

The Final Word

1 Shot Energy Candies Black

Overall, I think this is a super innovative and convenient way to get energy, focus, and maybe even a little vocal support. And, it’s definitely one of the best alternatives to regular coffee! They’re easy to carry with you. Easy to consume. You don’t have to stop what you’re doing or go out of your way to get what you need, and as someone who deals with a lot of distractions when transitioning from one thing to another, I appreciate that! I love that I can simplify my morning ritual on busier days. Also, they taste great and you just can’t beat that! (I don’t even miss the coffee taste when I have these.)

We hope you enjoyed this review and that maybe, just maybe, we’ve brought a new energy and focus solution to your awareness! Be sure to follow 1 Shot Energy on Instagram at @1shotenergy.Looking to order your own 1 Shot Energy candies? You can find them on their website here or on Amazon!

Have you tried these fruity little drops and chews? What did you think? We’d love to hear your take! Leave us a comment below! 


1 Shot Energy Review and Giveaway

Are you interested in trying out these fantastic 1 Shot Energy products? Enter for a chance to win below and experience the amazing flavor and benefits of these little healthy candies!


The post 1 Shot Energy & Focus Chews Review: The Best Coffee Alternative for Energy appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Steamy Bloopers: The Great Cotton Candy Fiasco

Hey guys!

Drey here. 👋 I’m Jaden’s Writer & Creative Content go-to. You might remember me from my Platterful charcuterie board review or that time I haunted Steamy Kitchen for Halloween. You might not know this, but I’ll let you in on a little secret: our little team is mostly remote, and many of us are located in other states or even countries! Our beloved CFO / Manager / the person who runs it all (she wears a lot of hats), Amanda, is somewhat of a digital nomad, actually. During my time here, I’ve had digital meetings with her while she’s been in Canada, Nicaragua, Mexico… you name it! That girl has wanderlust in her bones. 

As one of the only local people on the team (here in Vegas), I spend a lot of time with Jaden, and if you lean in real close, I’ll tell you another fun secret: She’s a goofball. Of course, she’s smart and witty and has a ton of kitchen know-how and great lifestyle advice, but it’s not all perfect recipes and flawless execution. There are quite a few Steamy Kitchen bloopers along the way. So today, I wanted to peel back the curtain and show you some of the hilarity that ensues behind-the-scenes of Steamy Kitchen. 

The Great Cotton Candy Fiasco

This is one of my favorite Steamy Kitchen outtakes. 

Jaden mischievously crushing candy

Jaden mischievously about to get a sugar fix.

One time Jaden purchased a cotton candy machine for an event, and I happened to be there while she was still attempting to figure out how to use it. It started innocently enough. Jaden crushed up some sugar-free Jolly Ranchers to prepare for the cotton candy bonanza.

Crushed Jolly Ranchers

Then she poured it in the machine and turned it on. 

Pouring more sugar

She grabbed one of those paper sticks and waited. And waited. And waited. Nothing seemed to be happening. 

Cotton Candy Machine

Then it started. But just in whisps. And those whisps turned into a spider web texture. At some point, it became clear to both of us that she couldn’t contain the cotton candy to the machine, and before it we knew it, it was flying all over the place.

Cotton candy everywhere

Soon, it was all over her. In her hair, on her clothes. Then it was on the plants. On the walls. On the dogs. It was EVERYWHERE. Jaden started this hilarious wheezy laugh. I was filming her with my phone, and it became difficult to continue without jostling the phone.

Instead of ending up with a few regular sticks of cotton candy, Jaden ended up with the world’s ugliest ball of cotton candy. 

Cotton candy mess

Then we tried it again, and the results were EVEN WORSE. It was the funniest thing ever.

Jaden tangled in cotton candy webs

See the Entire Cotton Candy Fiasco Here:



I hope you loved this silly little story and video. Let me know what you think in the comments. If you like it, I’ll make more of these!

The post Steamy Bloopers: The Great Cotton Candy Fiasco appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Monday, April 8, 2024

Fresh & Easy Dinner Ideas for the Spring Season

Spring is here again, and that means warmer weather and new recipes for the year. I love this time of year because we get to shrug off the winter blues and take advantage of new seasonal produce and fresh herbs. Perhaps the best part of the new season (at least, in my opinion) are healthy spring dinners–ones that are filled with simple ingredients and accompanied by a crisp spring salad. 

I don’t know about you, but spring to me is all about renewal, a chance to make better food decisions (and decisions in general), and a time to recharge our batteries for the year ahead. And the way we nourish ourselves for the season is a big part of that. That’s why we’ve put together this amazing list of Steamy’s best spring dinner ideas. Break out your fresh veggies and early spring fruits! It’s time to eat fresh to feel fresh. 


Why You Should Take Advantage of Seasonal Ingredients

What’s so important about opting for spring veggies and fruits during this time of the year? Let’s talk about it.

  • It Doesn’t Get Fresher Than This: There is nothing fresher than spring produce. Fruits and veggies harvested at their peak are ridiculously flavorful and PACKED with nutrients. This is the season to enjoy produce the way it was intended. Why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of that? 
  • More Flavorful Meals: Fresher ingredients equals more flavorful dishes. When you’re using lemon zest from just-picked spring lemons to enhance a salsa or a pasta salad, or super fresh basil in that homemade tomato sauce, you know your meals are also at their flavor peak. 
  • It’s Eco-Friendly: Using seasonal ingredients (especially from your local area) means your food hasn’t traveled a great distance to reach your plate, which reduces your carbon footprint. Likewise, it’s always great to support your local farmers markets and contribute to your local community’s economy.


What are Some Must-Try Spring Produce Options?

Here are some of the biggest stars of the spring season: 

  • Asparagus: You can grill asparagus or even roast it. OR, if you want to get really creative, throw it in a one-pan dinner with some skin-on chicken thighs and a squeeze of lemon for an easy spring meal that will definitely shine!
  • Strawberries: Looking to add a burst of spring to your dishes? Toss sweet, juicy strawberries into a fresh salad with some goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes.
  • Peas: Fresh peas can be added to so many things, like pasta primavera with a creamy sauce and a little lemon juice, or to a risotto for a healthy dinner!
  • Artichokes: Artichoke hearts can make almost any dinner party menu shine, especially when they’re paired with a good olive oil, some crusty bread, and a sprinkle of salty feta cheese.

And now, without further ado, let’s get into some of…

Steamy’s Best Spring Dinners

Thai Steak Salad

Thai Steak Salad Recipe

The best spring dinners start with great spring salads! Except this Thai Steak Salad is so hearty, it could be its own stand-alone dinner. Perfectly seared, thinly sliced steak tops are the star of this dish! Add in fresh ingredients like crunchy cabbage, fresh bean sprouts and fragrant basil and mint herbs, and have the ultimate easy and healthy dinner ready in 20 minutes! 

​Find the full recipe here!


Baby Artichokes with Garlic and Tomatoes

Baby Artichokes with Garlic and Tomatoes

Ready for a great spring dinner side? Celebrate a spring favorite with this baby artichokes dish, complete with fresh garlic and tomatoes. Artichokes are the epitome of spring vegetables, and this one features fresh lemon for a beautiful compliment of flavors. You’re gonna love it!

​Find the full recipe here!


Pork Chops with Apricot Brandy Sauce


Apricots are a great spring fruit that goes with so many things. So it’s no wonder it goes with pork too! Soak apricots in brandy for a welcome change to your usual unsauced pork chops. It’s so good, you might mistake it for dessert!

​Find the full recipe here!


Fish with Citrus Caper Sauce

Fish with Citrus Caper Sauce

Ready for a springy fish dish? This Fish with Citrus Caper Sauce recipe is a great way to enjoy spring from the seaside. With just a few flavorful ingredients that happen to be seasonal, like lemon, orange, and capers, some white wine, and your choice of fish fillet, you’ll have an easy dinner that’s also quite healthy!

Find the full recipe here!


Ribeye Cap Steak – A One-Pan Dinner for Two!

Ribeye Cap Steak – one pan dinner for two

This decadent meal for 2 only takes 40 minutes to make, and only uses one pan. It’s easy to cook AND easy to clean up! And it features some spring favorites like baby carrots and chives. As far as one-pan dinners go, this one is sure to become a regular go-to whenever you’re cooking for 2!

Find the full recipe here!


Skirt Steak Tacos Recipe

Skirt Steak Tacos Recipe

These Skirt Steak Tacos only take 20 minutes from start to finish! If you’re not the biggest fan of drowning your tacos in heavy salsas, this recipe allows you keep it light and fresh, spring-style, with diced tomatoes, shredded lettuce, crumbled Mexican cheese and a slice or two of avocado. Top it off with a squeeze of fresh lime juice and you’re ready to go!

Find the full recipe here!


Pork Tenderloin with Warm Grilled Tomato Salsa

Pork Tenderloin with Warm Grilled Tomato Salsa

Another spring salsa favorite, this Pork Tenderloin recipe features grilled tomato salsa that isn’t limited to just this dish. It’s so good, you can use it on grilled chicken, pan-fried tofu, pan-fried pork chops, in a salad, over fish… you name it! 

Find the full recipe here!


Pan-Fried Lemon Ricotta Gnocchi

Pan-Fried Lemon Ricotta Gnocchi

Spring is a great time for lemon dishes of all kinds, and this Pan-Fried Lemon Ricotta Gnocchi is no exception. This Italian-inspired masterpiece is slightly crisp on the outside and warm and soft on the inside. A true spring comfort dish!

Find the full recipe here!



Why should I work with seasonal ingredients when I cook in spring?
Opting for seasonal ingredients means your fruits and vegetables are at peak flavor and nutrients. Also, it’s eco-friendly because these ingredients travel shorter distances to reach your plate, which means less carbon emissions. As well, it supports local farmers and, when you buy local, your own community.

What are some spring ingredients to look out for?
Some of the best spring ingredients include asparagus, strawberries, peas, artichokes, green beans, spring radishes, sugar snap peas, and fresh spinach. These also happen to be the best ingredients to create healthy, vibrant meals.

Why is spring produce considered so healthy?
Many spring favorites are naturally low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Adding a variety of them to your diet can boost your intake of nutrients. For some easy ways to get fresh spring produce in, focus on fresh salads, steamed green vegetables with a little olive oil, and light soups packed with spring produce for healthy lunches and dinners.

What’s the best way to store spring veggies to keep them fresh?
Most spring vegetables do well in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. Asparagus should be kept upright in a glass of water and covered with a plastic bag. Berries last longest when they’re stored in a single layer in a paper towel-lined container. Only wash your produce right before you use it to prevent premature spoilage.

Any tips for cooking with spring ingredients?
For special occasions, try dishes like salmon with a side salad of tender asparagus and peas, or a risotto with artichoke hearts. And, of course, don’t forget to include a spring dessert with strawberries for a sweet end to your meal!


Ready to Make Some Springtime Dinners?

And there you have it! We hope you enjoyed this list of Steamy’s best dinners for the spring season. Which one is your favorite? Which ones are you going to try cooking? Do you have your own spring dinner recipes? We love when you share with us, so tell us all about it!

From my kitchen to yours, have a lovely spring season!

The post Fresh & Easy Dinner Ideas for the Spring Season appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

The Best Chinese Recipes to Cook in the Air Fryer

Do you catch yourself dreaming about foods from your favorite local (or not so local) Chinese restaurant? What if you could make some of those delicious dishes right from home?

“But that involves deep frying stuff and it’s a big ‘ol messy process!” you’re thinking. Screw the deep fryer! (Not literally. Don’t do that.)

If you’ve got an air fryer, you’ve got an easier AND healthier way to make your favorite Chinese dishes at home! Whether your favorite main course is sesame chicken or Chinese eggplant, we’re giving you a list of the best Chinese air fryer recipes. So break out your brown rice, green onions and sesame oil and get ready to whip up an easy dinner tonight!


Chinese Spring Rolls

by Wei of Red House Spice

Air Fryer Spring Rolls

Photo: Red House Spice

Golden, crispy spring rolls filled with a juicy mix of veggies and meats (whether you love cooked chicken, pork, or beef), minus the oily guilt. Sound too good to be true? Well, Wei’s got you covered! This easy recipe is the best way to make spring rolls without the pre-cooking hassle. AND she’s got tips for you on how to keep those rolls more crispy than greasy. These are literally the best alternative to Chinese restaurant spring rolls. Check out the recipe here.


Char Siu (Chinese BBQ Pork)

by Christie of Christie At Home

Air Fryer BBQ Pork

Photo: Christie At Home

Mmmm… Char Siu. That sweet, sticky, slightly charred slice of heaven. Christie takes this Chinese classic and flips it on its head by using the air fryer to achieve the perfect balance of juicy and tender. And at the end of your cook time, you’ll have decadent pork with a perfect char. Serve this with fluffy white rice and your fave veggies to impress the whole family! Check out the recipe right here.


Crispy Garlic Tofu in 20 Minutes

by Tiffy of Tiffy Cooks

Crispy air fryer tofu

Photo: Tiffy Cooks

If you think tofu is boring, Tiffy’s about to change your mind. We’re talking crispy edges, tender insides, and a spicy garlic sauce that may make you lick the damn plate clean. And the best part? It only takes 20 minutes to make this plant-based meal. Say goodbye to deep-frying and hello to this crispy delight (smothered in a savory sauce that… did we mention? You can put on almost anything!) right over here.


Sesame Chicken

by Robin of All Ways Delicious

Air fryer sesame chicken

Photo: All Ways Delicious

You’re going to love this air fryer chicken recipe! Imagine biting into perfectly crispy chicken pieces dripping in a gingery and savory sesame sauce, all topped off with a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds. All this from just a couple of humble boneless chicken thighs and some basic ingredients. Ready for this mouth-watering air fryer sesame chicken recipe? Find it here.


Chinese Eggplant

by Chihyu of I Heart Umami

Air fryer Chinese eggplant

Photo: I Heart Umami

We’re wrapping up this list by air frying Chihyu’s Chinese eggplant. Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, and coated in a sweet and tangy garlic sauce. It’s a side dish that is guaranteed to steal the show. Looking for the star of the dinner table? Click here for the recipe.


Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the best way to get that crispy texture with air fryer Chinese recipes?
Avoid overcrowding your air fryer basket. Cook everything a single layer and use a light spritz of cooking spray for the best results. For some extra crunch, a dusting of potato starch works wonders on foods like chicken or tofu before air frying.

Can I cook from frozen in the air fryer?
Absolutely! Got some frozen Chinese dishes like dumplings or egg rolls? You may need to adjust cooking times slightly longer than fresh or thawed foods, but with an air fryer, there’s no real need to defrost! Just place them in the air fryer basket and prepare to enjoy.

What’s the ideal cooking time and temperature for air frying Chinese cuisine?
It can vary depending on the dish and your type of air fryer, but typically, a medium-high heat setting (around 350-400 degrees F) works well for most recipes. Always refer to your specific recipe card!

How do I make my air fryer Chinese dishes flavorful?
Don’t skimp on the aromatic spices and seasonings! Fresh ginger, garlic, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, and five-spice powder are some key ingredients when you want that authentic Chinese flavor. Also, a tangy sauce or marinade will elevate almost any dish.

Is air frying a healthier alternative to deep frying?
Yes, air frying is a MUCH healthier option compared to deep frying. It requires a lot less oil, which reduces your overall calorie and fat intake without sacrificing flavor.

Can I use parchment paper in my air fryer when cooking Chinese recipes?
Yes. Parchment paper can handle air fryer heats up to 428°F. It’s great for making cleanup easier and to prevent sticking, especially when you’re cooking with sticky or saucy dishes. Just be sure not to place it in there alone (like during preheating). Add parchment paper at the same time as your ingredients for the most even cooking.


I Don’t Know About You, But I’m Hungry Now! 

We hope you enjoyed this short list of the best Chinese air fryer recipes. It’s kind of amazing what this little machine can achieve, and now with these recipes, you may never need to order Chinese takeout again! (Just kidding. Support your local Chinese restaurants.)

Which of these recipes is your favorite? Is there a recipe that we didn’t include on this list that you think should be on it? Is there a Chinese dish that you wish there was an air fryer recipe for? Either way, we’d love to hear about it!

​Enjoy your air frying adventures, and until next time, stay cookin’!

Cosori Air Fryer Giveaway

Are you interested in having your own Air Fryer and cook some of the best Chinese Recipes listed? Enter to win this amazing Cosori Air Fryer now.


The post The Best Chinese Recipes to Cook in the Air Fryer appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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