Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Ultimate Seasonal Guide to Summer Vegetables

Summer is not only a season of sunshine and BBQs. It’s also the time of year for fresh, vibrant veggies to add a riot of color (and nutrients!) to your dishes. What’s that you say? You’re a seasoned chef? Perfect. You’re someone who just discovered that your stove has more than one setting? Also perfect! Summer veggies are for everyone and they’re easy to incorporate into our meals. Today, we’re gonna talk all things summer vegetables, their health benefits, what dishes they’re good for, and some tips on storing them. 

Basic Summer Vegetables

Let’s talk green beans

steamed green beans in a bowl

These crunchy little guys are wildly versatile and incredibly nutritious. They’re great for stir-fries, salads, or simply steamed with a little garlic and olive oil. AND, they’re at their peak during the summer months!

As for their benefits, green beans are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and are a great source of fiber, which aids digestion and helps you maintain a healthy gut. They’re also low in calories and high in antioxidants, which work to reduce the risk of chronic diseases by fighting free radicals.

Next up, bell peppers

bell peppers

These bad boys of summer are found in a rainbow of colors, including green, red, yellow, and orange. They’re a little bit sweet, which makes them perfect for grilling, and deliciously crunchy, which also makes them great for salads. (We recommend pairing them with fresh basil and feta cheese for a vibrant, refreshing summer salad.)

Bell peppers come packed with vitamins, but particularly vitamin C! In fact, one medium-sized bell pepper contains more than 150% of the daily recommended dose of vitamin C. They also boast a good amount of vitamin A, which is great for eye health. You’ll also find a wealth of antioxidants in them, including beta-carotene and lycopene, which help to support immune function and reduce the risk of certain cancers.

But it’s not summer without sweet corn! 

Sweet corn on the cob

Talk about versatility. You can grill it, boil it, turn it into a creamy corn salad, whatever you like! Fresh picked corn is really where it’s at because it only retains its sweetness for so long, so try to buy it from your local farmers’ market. Look for bright green husks and plump kernels for the best flavor.

Sweet corn is a great source of fiber to help the “flow” of your digestive tract, and it can help lower cholesterol levels. It’s also got B-complex vitamins (including folic acid), which help your body to produce energy and encourage brain health. Sweet corn also contains antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial to the health of your eyes and protect against age-related macular degeneration.

Summer Squash and Potatoes

Summer squash includes both yellow squash and zucchini, and it’s a summer veggie you’ll want to take advantage of this season.

Zucchini and summer squash stir fried in a cast iron skillet

They’re perfect for everything from sautéing to grilling to roasting to baking. You can stuff them, make them into zoodles, add them to pizza, make them into a salad, or go full ratatouille.

When it comes to body benefits, summer squash is rich in vitamins A and C, which help to maintain healthy skin and an effective immune system. It also promotes digestive health with its wealth of dietary fiber and helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Want another reason to love summer squash? It’s high in water content, which means it’s perfect for staying hydrated during the warmer months.

Speaking of squash, have you ever tried bottle gourd

Fresh bottle gourd

Also known as calabash, this versatile vegetable features a unique flavor and can be used in soups, stews, and even desserts.

Its high in water content to help hydration, and is a great source of vitamin C and antioxidants to boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. Like summer squash, it’s also low in calories and rich in dietary fiber to aid in digestion and support weight loss.

Have you heard of new potatoes?

New potatoes in a dish

They’re small, tender spuds that are best enjoyed right after being freshly harvested. Due to their thin skins and creamy insides, they’re perfect for roasting, boiling, or even grilling, and make a mean summer side dish.

New potatoes are big in vitamin C to promote immune health and collagen production. They also provide you with potassium to regulate blood pressure, and are high in dietary fiber to help you keep your blood sugar levels steady.

One of our absolute favorites… summer is the season for sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes with butter

While they might be available year-round, they REALLY hit their stride in late summer. They are versatile veggies and can be roasted, mashed, or turned into fries. They also make a great addition to soups, stews, and casseroles. If you want to go sweet, try baking them into pies, muffins, or even cookies!

Sweet potatoes are packed with a ton of essential nutrients like vitamin A, which is important for vision, immune function, and skin health. They also feature LOTS of vitamin C and manganese, both of which are crucial for bone health and metabolism. And, of course, they’re high in dietary fiber and antioxidant rich, especially when it comes to beta-carotene, which helps combat inflammation and protects against chronic diseases.

Looking for a Different Kind of Summer Heat?

If you’re someone who loves a little spice in the summer, you can’t go wrong with hot peppers.

hot peppers

That’s right, the hot summer heat energizes our spicy, colorful little friends, from jalapeños to habaneros. And you can use them in salsas, marinades, and sauces to boost flavor or add a spicy twist. They’re great for grilling, you can add them to stir-fries, or incorporate them into spicy soups and stews. You can even use them to infuse oils or create zesty pickles! 

Health-wise, hot peppers are rich in capsaicin, which boosts metabolism, reduces pain and inflammation, and supports heart health. They also have a ton of vitamins A and C, which strengthen the immune system and help to maintain healthy skin and eyes.

Wanna Keep It Cool?

Let’s face it. On those scorching summer days, we all need something a little more refreshing. Veggies like cucumber provide a cooling effect that’s perfect for this time of year. 

Cucumber on the vine

Cucumbers are perfect for giving a little crunch to your salads, sandwiches, or wraps. They can also be sliced and added to water for an even more refreshing drink, or blended into smoothies to aid in hydration. They’re also great in dips like tzatziki or eaten on their own. Enjoy them with lemon juice, Tajin, a little hot sauce, or all 3 combined! 

Like we mentioned, cucumbers are high in water, so they help to you hydrated and promote healthy skin. They super low in calories, but high in vitamin K, which is important for bone health and proper blood clotting. As a bonus, they contain antioxidants like beta-carotene, which helps fight inflammation and protects against many chronic diseases.

Bitter gourd, also known as bitter melon, is kind of an acquired taste, but it can be used in lots of different dishes like stir-fries, curries, and soups. It’s also delicious when stuffed with spices and herbs as a main dish or juiced for a health tonic. 

bitter gourd cut on a board

Despite its bitter taste, its main appeal is its health benefits. Bitter gourd is rich in vitamins C and A to boost your immune function and skin health. As well, it contains compounds that help regulate blood sugar levels, so it’s especially good for those with diabetes, boasts anti-inflammatory properties, and has been known to support liver health and digestion. Talk about beneficial!

When to Buy What

Timing is everything when it comes to getting summer veggies at their peak. Here’s a quick summer guide to help you out:

  • Early summer: New potatoes.
  • Mid to late summer: Summer squash, cucumbers, and green beans.
  • Late summer to early fall: Eggplant, corn, sweet potatoes, and sweet peppers. (Tomatoes as well, which are technically a summer fruit.)

Tips for Storing and Using Summer Vegetables

crisper fruits veggies produce

Storage is the secret to making the most of your summer veggies. Most summer vegetables do well at room temperature for a day or two, but if you plan to keep them longer than that, store them in a cool place like the refrigerator. For instance, tomatoes should ripen at room temp, then be moved to the fridge to maximize their shelf life.

When it comes to using summer vegetables before they go bad, here are a few ideas:

  • Grill ’em up!: Summer veggies like bell peppers, zucchini, and corn are great for grilling. High heat really brings out their natural sweetness and gives them a nice smoky flavor.
  • Toss them into salads: Fresh, crunchy salads are a prime way to enjoy the more raw flavor of summer veggies and get the most out of their nutrients, especially when it comes to cucumber and green beans.
  • Make a veggie platter: When you wanna communicate to your guests that you care about their health, veggie platters are the way to go. Pair them with a dip made from Greek yogurt, lime juice, and herbs to really make a statement.
  • Roast them: Roasting brings out the natural sweetness of carrots, sweet potatoes, and new potatoes. Want to make them real flavorful? Toss them with olive oil, salt, and some of your favorite herbs, and then roast until tender and golden!

Don’t Forget to Support Your Local Farmers

Perhaps the best way to enjoy summer produce is to buy them from local farmers’ markets. By doing this, you support local agriculture, and get the freshest produce possible. Farmers’ market produce generally travels a shorter distance to get to you, so it’s often fresher and tastier. It’s a win-win for everyone!

​Time to Summer Veg Out!

We hope you enjoyed this ultimate guide to summer veggies. 

What’s your favorite summer veggie and how do you like to prepare it? We’d love to hear all your summer veggie tips and tricks, and how you spot and get the best produce, so be sure to leave a comment below!

The post The Ultimate Seasonal Guide to Summer Vegetables appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways https://ift.tt/KAvZ5Li
via New Kitchen Special

Monday, June 24, 2024

A Quick and Easy Way To Properly Clean Your Toaster

Cleaning your toaster is an often-procrastinated (or even completely avoided) job. It just feels like one of those “last thing I wanna do today” types of tasks, and we don’t blame you. There’s nothing fun or interesting about it, BUT… it also doesn’t have to be daunting or take very long. 

Let’s face it, cleaning your toaster is a “necessary evil”, not just for sanitary reasons, but because a dirty toaster is a potential fire hazard, and nobody wants that. So we’ve put together a super simple, straight-forward step-by-step guide to getting your toaster clean in no time! In fact, this guide may even redefine your relationship to cleaning your toaster, and allow you do it more often! 

The front of the toaster

Why Clean Your Toaster?

Why should you clean your toaster? 

  • To Prevent Food Poisoning: All that crumb buildup can harbor harmful bacteria that can spread to the clean pieces of bread you put in your toaster! Regular cleaning helps you avoid the risk of making yourself sick.
  • To Prevent a Fire Hazard: Did you know that accumulating burnt crumbs can actually cause your toaster to catch fire? The chance is even higher when your toaster is on its side, so be sure to avoid using it in any position that it wasn’t meant for.
  • To Ensure It Functions Properly: Cleaning your toaster regularly will ensure that it functions at its best. An accumulation of food debris can cause uneven toasting or even burning. Make sure your toaster gets cleaned regularly to prevent this.


How Often Should You Clean Your Toaster?

If you use your toaster almost daily, you should clean it once a week. If you use it less often, perhaps only once or twice a week, then you’ll want to clean it once every few weeks, but be sure to empty the crumbs out on a weekly basis.

Dirty toaster from above

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Soft-bristle pastry brush
  • Damp cloth
  • Dish soap
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda (optional)
  • Microfiber cloth

The Cleaning Process:

1. Unplug and Prepare First things first: unplug your toaster. Always disconnect the power source before dealing with electrical components to avoid the risk of electrocution.

Unplug your toaster!

2. Remove the Crumb Tray – Detach the crumb tray. (Sometimes it slides out and detaches entirely, and sometimes it swings open on a hinge, but stays attached, like I have photo’d below. In this case, you will not remove it entirely from the toaster.) Dump out any crumbs into your garbage disposal or trash can. Doing this step alone regularly can significantly decrease your chance of a toaster fire accident.

Opening toaster crumb trays

3. Shake Out Any Loose Crumbs – Don’t forget to turn your toaster upside down and give it a gentle shimmy over the sink or trash can. This will help get rid of leftover crumbs stuck inside.

Emptying toaster crumb trays

4. Brush the Inside – Get out your handy-dandy pastry brush and gently clean the inside of the toaster. Be sure to pay special attention to the heating elements and hard-to-reach spots. These are where food particles and crumbs tend to accumulate.

Pastry brush cleaning of a toaster

5. Clean the Crumb Tray – If your crumb tray detaches completely, wash it with warm soapy water in the sink. Use dishwashing liquid and a sponge or soft-bristle brush to remove any food residue or crumbs from it. Rinse and dry it well before you put it back in.

Cleaning toaster with a rag

6. Wipe Down the Exterior – To clean the outside of your toaster, wipe it down with a damp cloth and a bit of dish soap. If you have a stainless steel toaster, use a solution of warm water and white vinegar to really make it shine. (Never use any harsh chemicals or abrasives to clean your toaster.)

Pouring white vinegar on a paper towel Wiping the toaster down with vinegar

7. Remove Stubborn Stains with Baking Soda – For tougher stains or stubborn grease on the outside of your toaster, mix together equal parts baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply this paste to the stains and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing it with a damp sponge. (Soft side only!)

A nice clean toaster

8. Dry Your Toaster Thoroughly – Dry the outside of the toaster with a microfiber cloth or a lint-free cloth. Dry the crumb tray as well, and reattach it. Let the inside of your toaster dry on its own by letting it sit out overnight before you plug it back in. You want to make sure your toaster is 100% dry before plugging it in!

More Cleaning Tips:

  • Clean Your Toaster on a Regular Basis: Make cleaning your toaster a part of your weekly cleaning routine will help you to keep it free from the buildup of crumbs and burnt food particles, and you’ll spend less time cleaning it in general.
  • Use a Soft Cloth for Stainless Steel: Always use a soft cloth or sponge to clean stainless steel appliances to make sure you don’t leave scuff marks on the surface.
  • Cleaning the Control Panel: You can use a damp paper towel or a soft cloth to clean the control panel, but be mindful to avoid getting any moisture into the electrical components.


Clean toaster close up

You Got This!

​See? Easy peasy!

We hope this step-by-step guide not only helped you learn how to clean your toaster the right way, but that it’s shown you how easy it is! With just a few simple steps, and a little time, you may even be ready to give your toaster a good cleaning on a weekly basis! 

Do you have any tips or tricks for cleaning your pop-up toaster or other small appliances? We’d love to hear about it! Be sure to leave a comment below with your favorite tips.

The post A Quick and Easy Way To Properly Clean Your Toaster appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways https://ift.tt/bT9OgL2
via New Kitchen Special

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Best Starbucks Vanilla Coffee Drink for You

Are you a vanilla fiend looking for the best vanilla drink at Starbucks? It doesn’t matter if you’re a casual coffee drinker or a Starbucks aficionado, finding the right vanilla coffee for yourself can be a bit intimidating, especially with so many options. 

Don’t worry, vanilla coffee lover! That’s why we created this comprehensive guide to match you with your perfect vanilla delight based on your preferences. Whether you want to keep it low-cal or just need a massive pick-me-up, there’s a Starbucks vanilla drink for everyone. Let’s find your next favorite cup of joe, shall we?

The Starbucks Vanilla Drink Lineup

If You’re Looking for a Lower Calorie Option…

Iced Blonde Vanilla Latte – Grande: 190 calories, 28 grams sugar, 4 grams fat, and 170mg of caffeine.

Iced Blonde Vanilla Latte

Photo: Starbucks

This is kind of like the lighter (but still delicious) cousin to your classic iced latte. It features Starbucks® Blonde Espresso, a touch of vanilla syrup, and cold milk over ice cubes, AND… it’s only 190 calories, which is perfect for those who are watching their waistline. Lucky for those of you who also need some energy, low-cal does not necessarily mean low caffeine, as this one comes in at 170mg.

When Want Something Warm and Comforting…

Blonde Vanilla Latte – Grande: 250 calories, 35g sugar, 6g fat, and 170mg of caffeine.

Blonde Vanilla Latte

Photo: Starbucks

If you like your coffee beverages warm and comforting, the regular (non-iced) Blonde Vanilla Latte is what you’re looking for. This drink is created with a combination of extra-smooth Starbucks® Blonde Espresso, steamed milk, and vanilla syrup. Its light, velvety taste is great for those who enjoy the milder flavors of a medium roast coffee bean. It does have more calories than the iced version (250 calories to be exact), but it’s a lovely treat during the cooler months when you’re looking for something to make you feel cozy from in the inside out.

For the Caffeine Connoisseur…

Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew – Grande: 70 calories, 4g sugar, 5g fat, and 265mg of caffeine.

Vanilla Sweet Cream Nitro Cold Brew

Photo: Starbucks

Do you prefer your caffeine fix super smooth and velvety? If so, this one is your match. Starbucks’ Nitro Cold Brew is served cold straight from the tap and topped with house-made vanilla sweet cream. It’s also got a cascading, creamy texture, but don’t let it fool you. This one’s not for the faint of heart! It packs a serious 265mg caffeine punch. And yet, it’s only 70 calories, so if you’re calorie-conscious and looking to be absolutely amped, this is the one for you.

If You Love a Rich, Indulgent Flavor…

Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino Blended Beverage – Grande: 250 calories, 33g sugar, 7g fat, and 150mg of caffeine.

Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino Blended Beverage

Photo: Starbucks

If you’re the kind of person who prefers their coffee taste like a decadent dessert-like treat, opt for this beautiful blend of Frappuccino® roast coffee, vanilla bean powder, and milk. Blended with ice and topped with whipped cream, this thing is pure joy, but as expected with more indulgent treats, this iced coffee contains 410 calories and 63 grams of sugar. We all need a little treat sometimes! So if you enjoy a sweet vanilla flavor that makes you feel like you’re having ice cream in your coffee, you and this coffee are a match made in heaven.

If You Prefer a Smooth, Creamy Experience…

Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew – Grande: 110 calories, 14g sugar, 5g fat, and 185mg of caffeine.

Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew

Photo: Starbucks

This Starbucks’ Cold Brew Coffee is slow-steeped with an addition of vanilla sweet cream, and it’s SUPER smooth! However, you might be delighted to find that it doesn’t overdo it on the sweetness. Perfect for when you need a refreshing, subtly sweet coffee during the summer months.

For Fans of All Things Caramel…

Caramel Macchiato – Grande: 250 calories, 33g sugar, 7g fat and 150mg of caffeine.

Caramel Macchiato

Photo: Starbucks

Caramel lovers, we got you. The Caramel Macchiato features steamed milk, vanilla-flavored syrup, and rich shots of espresso with a little caramel drizzle on top. If you’re seeking a balanced but still sweet coffee experience, this is a super comforting hot option that can be customized with almond milk or soy milk for a lighter twist.

Iced Caramel Macchiato – Grande: 250 calories, 34g sugar, 7g fat, and 150mg of caffeine.

Iced Caramel Macchiato

Photo: Starbucks

Want it iced? They have that too! The Iced Caramel Macchiato features a full-bodied espresso, vanilla-flavored syrup, cold milk, ice, and… you guessed it—a drizzle of caramel syrup. It’s a well-balanced option that provides the caffeine and sweetness you’re craving.

For the Adventurous Coffee Explorer…

Oleato Golden Foam Cold Brew – Grande: 310 calories, 21g of sugar, 25g of fat, and 185mg of caffeine. 

Oleato Golden Foam Cold Brew

Photo: Starbucks

This drink blends together Starbucks Reserve® Cold Brew with vanilla bean syrup and extra virgin olive oil-infused cold foam, and it’s definitely got a unique flavor profile. So if you’re someone who’s a little bit more adventurous, we highly recommend it! 

For The Tea Enthusiasts…

Iced London Fog Latte – Grande: 140 calories, 25g sugar, 2.5g fat and 40mg of caffeine.

Iced London Fog Latte

Photo: Starbucks

Love tea AND vanilla? This lovely drink is a take on the classic Earl Grey tea, but with a twist. It blends together bergamot, hints of lavender, and vanilla syrup with milk and ice. It’s both low-cal (140) and low caffeine (40mg), and it boasts a sophisticated flavor that iced tea drinkers will love.

Teavana® London Fog Tea Latte – Grande: 180 calories, 29g sugar, 4g fat and 40mg of caffeine. 

Teavana® London Fog Tea Latte

Photo: Starbucks

When you want to enjoy hot tea with the froth of a latte, then go for the Teavana® London Fog Tea Latte. The only difference from the iced version is its addition of steamed milk (and obviously, no ice). If you’re looking for a non-dairy version, be sure to try it with oat milk!

For the Non-Caffeine Lovers…

Vanilla Crème – Gande: 350 calories, 43g sugar, 14g fat, and 0mg of caffeine.

Vanilla Creme

Photo: Starbucks

Looking to enjoy a hot drink without the rich coffee flavor? Then Vanilla Crème is all you, baby! This smooth, frothy drink is basically a vanilla-flavored luxury. It’s creamy, warm, and comforting without the caffeine kick, but it will certainly satisfy your vanilla cravings.

Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino – Grande: 380 Calories, 52g sugar, 16g fat, and 0mg of caffeine.

Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino

Photo: Starbucks

Looking for a cold, creamy option that’s caffeine-free? Look no further! The Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino is waiting for you. It’s a rich blend of vanilla bean, milk, and ice topped with a little whipped cream, and it’s a match made in heaven for those seeking for a cool dessert-like treat in a cup. If you’re feeling really adventurous (and you’d like a little caffeine), try it affogato-style by adding a hot espresso shot over the top!

Starbucks Secret Menu Vanilla Delights

You won’t find these on the menu, but they’re worth trying nonetheless!

When You’re Craving Something a Little Different…

Iced Vanilla Bean Coconut Milk Latte

Iced Vanilla Bean Coconut Milk Latte

Photo: Starbucks

This tropical drink is a unique spin on the classic vanilla iced latte with just a dash of coconut milk and real vanilla bean powder. Because it’s shaken with ice and topped with Starbucks’ signature espresso, it gives you a super flavorful rich and nutty flavor profile, but with a lighter feel. If you’re a fan of non-dairy milk options and are looking for a drink that’s not too heavy on the dairy or sugar, then this is your go-to. 

However, this delicious drink is seasonal, and its availability varies at different locations, but we’re going to tell you how to order it, no matter the season. 

To order, say: “I’d like a grande iced upside down blonde latte with coconut milk and vanilla bean powder. Shaken, please!”

If You Love TikTok Trends…

Pink Drink w/ Heavy Cream

This Tiktok sensation takes the regular Pink Drink, with a flavor profile that includes passion fruit and creamy coconut milk, and mixes it up by swapping the coconut milk out for heavy cream. But that’s not all! You’ll also add in some vanilla bean powder, then top it all off with whipped cream. It’s creamy and fruity and perfect for those who enjoy having a dessert in your cup of iced coffee. 

To order, say: “Can I get a grande Pink Drink with heavy cream instead of coconut milk, 2 scoops of vanilla bean powder, and whipped cream on top?”

If You’re a Fan of Sweet and Spicy…

Iced Vanilla Chai Latte

Looking for a blend of sweet vanilla and spicy chai? This drink is your perfect match! It mingles together the warm spices of black tea and the smoothness of vanilla, and it’s the best way to enjoy chai if you’re a fan of clove, cinnamon, and vanilla.

To order, say: “A grande Iced Chai Latte with vanilla, please.”

If You Like Quick, Intense Coffee Shots…

The Undertow Espresso

Looking for a hidden gem that’ll having you movin’ and groovin’ in record time? This pick-me-up happens in layers: a bottom layer of vanilla syrup, two ounces of Half & Half, and two shots of espresso on top. Perfect for those who need something quick and easy and don’t have time to sit there and sip for the next hour. It’s a fun, unique drink in a short cup that’s meant to be enjoyed quickly. 

To order, say: “In a short cup, can I get 2 pumps vanilla, then 2 ounces of Half & Half, with 2 shots of espresso on top?”

If You Love Sweet and Nutty Flavors…

French Vanilla Latte

Looking to combine the smooth, sweet flavors of a Blonde Vanilla Latte with something a little more nutty in your daily cup of joe? Easy peasy, lemon squeezy! 

To order, just say: “A grande Blonde Vanilla Latte with 2 pumps of hazelnut.”

If You Prefer Cold and Creamy Treats…

French Vanilla Frappuccino

Like the Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino, but want to give it a French accent? Just add hazelnut syrup for a rich, nutty flavor! 

To order, just say: “A grande Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino with 2 pumps of hazelnut.”


Time to Go Vanilla Crazy!

By now, you should be paired up with at least one vanilla Starbucks beverage, and hopefully have found your perfect match!

What will you be opting for? Iced espressos? A classic iced vanilla latte? Let us know in the comments!

The post The Best Starbucks Vanilla Coffee Drink for You appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways https://ift.tt/NSbRcmV
via New Kitchen Special

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

10 of the Best Budget Recipes for Keeping It Cheap

With inflation on the rise, more people are attempting to budget. This can be hard to do with the temptation of fast food and easily accessible eats from food delivery apps, but home cooking not only saves you money, 8 out of 10 times, it also results in healthier meals, devoid of the insane amounts of preservatives, sodium, and who-knows-what that many “cheaper” food chains pack into their food. 

Still the question remains: Can you eat well without breaking the bank? The answer is YES! And you don’t have to sacrifice flavor or variety in order to do it. Whether you’re cooking for the whole family or just looking for cheap dinner ideas to keep your grocery budget in line, Steamy Kitchen’s got you covered. We’ve put together some of our favorite budget recipes just for you. These 10 recipes make the most of pantry staples and inexpensive ingredients so you can create budget-friendly meals to add to your meal plan rotation.

Chicken Fried Rice

But first, let’s talk about some practical tips to eating cheap in general.

Some Tips for Eating Cheap

To embrace a small budget, you don’t have to skimp on flavor or nutrition. Here are some tips to help you keep your food costs low:

  1. Embrace Those Pantry Staples: Rice, pasta, beans, and canned tomatoes are all super versatile foods that can be used in countless recipes. They’re also not very expensive and have a long shelf life.
  2. Buy Groceries in Bulk: Chicken thighs, ground beef, and rice are items that are generally cheaper when bought in larger quantities. Divide them into smaller portions and make use of your freezer to keep them good until it’s time to use them.
  3. Love Your Leftovers: Don’t toss those leftovers! You can make some new and exciting dinner recipes from them! Turn leftover rice into fried rice and extra veggies into soups or casseroles. In fact, Steamy’s got a whole collection of ideas on how to love your leftovers!
  4. Make a Meal Plan: Making a meal plan not only saves you time and money, but it also helps you avoid any impulse purchases and cuts down on food waste!
  5. Take Advantage of Sales and Coupons: Be sure to keep an eye on your local grocery stores’ ads in search of sales and coupons that can help you save money. Signing up for free memberships to take advantage of exclusive offers and digital coupons can often save you 20%! And don’t forget to stock up on those non-perishables when they’re on sale.
  6. Cook at Home: Like we mentioned, eating out can get expensive. Cooking at home is the best way to save money AND it ensures you know exactly what’s in your food.
  7. Make One-Pot Meals: Meals like chili, soups, and stews are not only some of most comforting foods out there, but they’re also budget-friendly. And you can make them with simple ingredients in large portions, which leaves you leftovers to enjoy throughout the week. In fact, we’ve got a guide with tons of slow cooker recipes to keep you on budget with minimal effort. Click here to check out our Quick and Easy One & Done Crock Pot Dinners.

Now, let’s get to those cheap and easy recipes!


10 Cheap Steamy Kitchen Recipes

Roasted Asparagus

roasted asparagus

Looking for a super cheap, though rather fancy side dish for your dinner meal? This roasted asparagus is surprisingly simple and very budget-friendly. And the recipe calls for just a handful of ingredients, while not skimping on flavor. All you need is asparagus, salt, black pepper, butter, soy sauce, and balsamic vinegar. That’s it! Most of which is probably in your pantry right now! It’s a side dish that pairs well with just about anything.

Check out the full recipe here!

Baked Potatoes in the Microwave

three baked potatoes on a grey plate.

Looking for another great side dish to those easy weeknight dinners? Baked potatoes are basically a blank canvas. They become whatever you want them to be. You can load them up with sour cream, cheese, chives, bacon bits. Whatever! The world is your baked potato. And the best part? You can cook them in the microwave in just minutes. Talk about a ridiculously easy and budget-friendly meal.

Check out the full recipe here!

Grapefruit, Avocado, and Arugula Salad

grapefruit avocado arugula salad recipe

Looking for a beautiful precursor to the upcoming main course (or perhaps just a light lunch?). This vibrant salad is wildly low-cost without tasting cheap by any means. It’s a combo of citrusy grapefruit, creamy avocado, and peppery arugula that’s super light yet refreshingly satisfying. Top it off with a homemade Grapefruit Shallot Vinaigrette (we show you how!) or use up any light dressing that’s in your fridge or pantry. Also, you just can’t beat getting healthy greens in your diet without spending a lot.

Check out the full recipe here!

Zucchini Carpaccio

Zucchini Carpaccio

Here’s another light and refreshing appetizer / salad that feels ✨extra fancy✨. Top thinly sliced zucchini with nuts, crumbled cheese, fresh or dried herbs, salt and pepper and finish it off with a little drizzle of lemon and olive oil. It’s a high-end restaurant vibe without having to pay high-end restaurant prices.

Check out the full recipe here!

Quick 10-Minute Vegetable Fried Rice

Simple, Quick 10-Minute Vegetable Fried Rice Recipe

Want something a little heartier? Veggie fried rice is a staple of budget cooking that’s both quick and tasty! And it only takes 10 minutes to make! With a handful of ingredients, you can whip up an amazing dish that can be used as a main course or side (your choice!). Whatever you choose, you can rest easy knowing you’ll be enjoying some immense flavors while still keeping your wallet happy. It’s also a great choice for feeding the entire family!

Check out the full recipe here!

Meat Fried Rice Four Ways

Vienna Sausage Fried Rice

Love fried rice but want to make it even heartier without breaking the bank? Then you’ll love this guide to making meat fried rice in 4 different ways, all of them budget-friendly. It even allows you to use up that leftover white, jasmine or brown rice in your fridge! It’s an extremely versatile dish that truly allows you ditch the grocery store run and just love your leftovers.

Check out the full recipe here!

Quick and Easy Tortilla Pizza

pizza with fresh mozzarella cheese and fresh basil on a white plate.

Maybe you have a very specific kind of craving: pizza. When marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese are calling your name, but you don’t want to spend OUTRAGEOUS prices on a pie, why not make your own homemade pizza? And good news: it’s a lot easier than you think! Using tortillas as your crust, you can customize your pizza with whatever toppings you have on hand and simply microwave it to create a super cheap and easy pizza pie! It’s quick. It’s satisfying. And it’s inexpensive. Done and done.

Check out the full recipe here!

Sheet Pan Roast Vegetables and Tofu

Sheet Pan Roasted Tofu and Veggies

When you’re looking to keep dinner costs down, sheet-pan dinners are one of the best meals out there. They’re healthy, packed with flavor, and perfect for the whole family. If you like crispy roasted vegetables and marinated tofu, this recipe is for you! (Also, did you know tofu is less expensive than most meats?) It’s a super simple dinner option (or side!) that’s extremely easy to prepare. Just toss everything on a sheet pan, roast until golden, and enjoy! Plus, you can use whatever favorite veggies you have on hand for this recipe.

Check out the full recipe here!

Gucci Prime Steaks from Cheap Choice Steaks

Grilled Steak

We get it. Sometimes you just can’t shake the craving for a luxurious steak dinner. And honestly, you don’t have to! We’ll teach you how to transform inexpensive cuts of steak into mouth-watering PRIME steak with nothing more than a clever marinating technique. Once you learn this trick, you may never eat regular steak again. It’s the perfect recipe for enjoying a premium meal at a fraction of the price.

Check out the full recipe here!

Miso Butter Shrimp

Miso butter shrimp

And last, but not least, is another beautifully high-end, delicious meal you can make for cheap. If you’re in the mood for seafood but don’t want to spend a fortune, our miso butter shrimp recipe is everything you’re looking for. Miso paste is not only inexpensive, but it adds a rich umami flavor to whatever you put it on, and the butter… well, the butter just makes everything better. 

Check out the full recipe here!


Reverse Meal Plan: A Smart Strategy for Budget Cooking

Start your budget shopping right from your fridge and freezer

Want to take budgeting even further? Do it smart with our Reverse Meal Plan

The Reverse Meal Plan method is all about starting your meal planning by “shopping” from your own kitchen first, way before you ever step foot in a grocery store. This means taking stock of what you already have in your fridge, freezer, and pantry and planning your meals around those ingredients. Then, you’ll only need to buy a couple more items to complete your meals. This not only helps prevent food waste, but it saves you time and money! Here’s how you can execute your own Reverse Meal Plan to make the most of what you already have:

How to Reverse Meal Plan

  1. Inventory Your Kitchen: Before you plan your meals, take inventory of the items in your pantry, fridge, and freezer. Pantry staples like canned beans, pasta, and rice are some of the best, most versatile items you can use. Be sure to also focus on fresh ingredients that need to be used up soon.
  2. Plan With What You Got: Think about what meals you can make based on what you have. Got a can of beans and some ground beef? Perfect! That sounds like the start of a hearty chili. Got a bunch of veggies and some chicken broth? That’s a sheet-pan dinner or a veggie-packed soup waiting to happen. The world is your oyster. Be sure to consult Google for all the variations of what you can make using the ingredients you have on hand.
  3. Make a Shopping List: After you’ve planned your meals, make a list of the few extra items you’ll need from the grocery store. It’s important to stick to this list and avoid impulse shopping!
  4. Cook For The Long Haul: Try cooking techniques that help stretch your ingredients further. Using a Dutch oven or a slow cooker to make a big pot of stew can give you several servings for the week ahead. Also a good casserole recipe will allow you to combine multiple ingredients into one delicious dish.

The Benefits of Reverse Meal Plan

It Saves You Money: By using up what you already have, you have to shop for less, which can significantly lower your grocery bill and prevent you from overbuying.

It Reduces Food Waste: Reverse Meal Planning encourages you to use up your on-hand ingredients before they spoil, which helps to minimize food waste.

It Allows You To Get Creative: Working with a set amount of items engages your brain to come up with creative solutions, which may also prompt you to try recipes you’ve never tried before, and maybe even stumble upon a new family favorite.

It Saves You Time: Fewer trips to the grocery store means more time for important things (or just rest, which is also important!). And, once you get the hang of planning meals in advance, you’ll learn to streamline your cooking process entirely.

It Promotes Healthier Eating: Planning your meals around fresh ingredients you’re looking to use before they spoil means making healthy meals. You’ll resort to takeout A LOT less, and opt instead for something nutritious and satisfying.


​Ready to Start Saving?

​We hope this guide to budget meals helps you to cook from home and save some dough! 

Have you tried any of these recipes? Do you have some of your own cheap eats? If so, let us know in the comments below! We’d love to hear about it!

The post 10 of the Best Budget Recipes for Keeping It Cheap appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways https://ift.tt/h4pTd8u
via New Kitchen Special

Monday, June 17, 2024

3 Cookbooks I’m Loving Right Now

As a long-time cook who’s always whippin’ up something for the family or for gatherings, some days, the last thing I want to do is cook! But my life still very much revolves around food. (Not only have I made a whole business from it, but I kinda need it to survive!) It’s days like these where I like to watch (or read about) other people cooking. 

Coming up in the food blogging scene (I make it sound so cool, don’t I? 😅), I spent many years while building Steamy Kitchen hanging with other food bloggers. In fact, that’s how I met most of my very good friends! We would meet at blogging conventions, and plan food blogging camp vacations together.

Club Med Food Blogger Camp

Eventually Ree of The Pioneer Woman, Elise of Simply Recipes, and I would throw big food blogger parties that were all the rage.

And though I’m busy these days with life and anywhere up to 8 various endeavors at a time, I still consider these my people, and enjoy diving into the cookbooks of other food bloggers and recipe developers.

That being said, here are 3 cookbooks that I’ve been enjoying lately, and I think you might enjoy too!

Cookbooks Worth Checking Out

101 Asian Dishes You Need to Cook Before You Die by Jet Tila

101 Asian Dishes You Need to Cook Before You Die:

Named one of 2017’s Top 10 Cookbooks by the Los Angeles Times, this is an AMAZING comprehensive guide to a TON of great Asian dishes, including Korean BBQ Short Ribs on Coke, Pho, Panang Curry Beef, Vietnamese Banh Mi Sandwiches, and so much more!

And if that’s not enough, award-winning chef Jet Tila will teach you now to make your very own sriracha right at home. (Also, his world famous drunken noodles are to die for!) 

Get your very own copy here!

Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking by Samin Nosrat

Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking

Whether or not you’ve checked out chef and writer Samin Nosrat’s Netflix series of the same name, I highly recommend this book. In it, Samin breaks down the four elements of what makes for a great meal, and HOW each of those elements contribute to the taste and texture of that meal! After you read this book, you’ll never look at cooking the same way again. And she explains it so beautifully!

It also includes 100 essential recipes so you can test Samin’s philosophy in real time. 

Get your own copy here!

The Complete Plant-Based Cookbook: 500 Inspired, Flexible Recipes for Eating Well Without Meat

The Complete Plant-Based Cookbook: 500 Inspired, Flexible Recipes for Eating Well Without Meat

Whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, or curious about eating mostly plant-based, this book is for you! 

In it, you’ll find 500 recipes, each with their own vegan and vegetarian variations, meat and dairy alternatives that are actually satisfying, tips for maximizing the lifespan of your produce, and all you need to know to meet your nutritional needs. The recipes are inspired by dishes from around the world, so you’ll never get bored. (I mean, how could you with 500 options??

Get your own copy here!


Happy Reading (and Cooking!)

I hope you get as much enjoyment and inspiration from these books as I do!

If you pick up a copy or find your new favorite recipe in one of them, we’d love to hear about it! Leave us a comment below!

The post 3 Cookbooks I’m Loving Right Now appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways https://ift.tt/FoQydik
via New Kitchen Special

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

How To Create More Joy In Your Life

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “joy”? Is it a memory? A feeling? A visual of yourself in a certain place or around certain people? What does joy mean to you? 

Let’s take a moment to breathe and contemplate how to get more joy into our lives. 

What is Joy to You? 

Though joy might have a standard definition, we all have our own understanding of what joy is. Each of us has a unique viewpoint into what actually brings joy into our life. 

For some it might be being around family and friends. For others, joy is solitude in nature or with animals, the feeling we get when cooking a delicious meal, or gardening in our yards. Joy can be stimulated by multiple things in our lives and tapped into through many different means. 

What’s important to note is that joy is available to you at any point in time, only by shifting into an activity or mindset that evokes a state of joy. 

But joy is more than just “available” to us. It some regard, the state of joy is a natural state of being. You can see this most evidently in babies, toddlers, and children in general. 

We are born into the world with so much inner joy. We laugh and smile at a funny face, can find joy in the simplicity of a box, a bug outside, a smile from our mom.. the list goes on and on. 

However, as our environment greatly impacts us, as we grow and learn to harness our joy, that natural state of being is dimmed. We lose the core joy that is innate to all humans after we experience trauma, hardship, and the overall influence from our outer world. (Not to mention that each of our brains are wired to experience and access joy differently.)

The good news is that we are able to harness and infuse joy back into our state of being by bringing consciousness back into our days and choosing joy, peace and healing. 


Why Joy is Important

Studies show that people who live in a state of joy tend to have less health problems, a lower risk of depression, and longer lives.

By regulating our joyful state of being and prioritizing it, we elevate our entire health, body, mind and spirit. Joy can also help us become more resistant to whatever life throws at us.

I believe there’s a distinct difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is situational, and a fleeting emotion, whereas joy is more of an inner state of being. So the more we can master joy, the more often we can experience happiness, peace and calmness, even when the waters of our life are rocky.

Though we have little control over circumstances beyond our immediate selves, we have lots of control over how we allow experiences to affect our state of being.


What does joy mean to you?

Defining Joy For Ourselves

Because joy is so unique to each person, it’s important to explore this emotional state for yourself. Here are some great questions to ask yourself to discover your joy: 

  • What activities do I naturally gravitate to?
  • What genuinely brings me happiness?
  • When do I feel most myself and at peace?
  • What triggers me to be OUT of joy? What causes me stress, anger, or sadness? 

It’s important to explore both what creates joy for you, and what causes the opposite effect, so that you have a good awareness about the things that may throw you out of balance. Let’s face it, life is not perfect, but the better we can understand ourselves in the lows, the better we can understand how to set boundaries around those activities and situations, and stay more present in our positive state. 


Tips for Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Joy

As I mentioned, our joy can be greatly impacted by our outer world IF we let it. And a HUGE part of navigating that is understanding how to set your own unique boundaries and prioritizations, so you can return to joy even when life isn’t always smooth sailing. 

Here are some of our favorite tips for prioritizing joy: 

1. Understand your Stressors 

Having a thorough understanding of things that bring on stress, complications, and negative emotions will help you prepare to be more aware of their effects on you. By understanding your stressors, you can create an awareness and an action plan to reduce your exposure or improve your reaction when they occur. Start by taking notes when things come up that throw you off your joy game to increase your awareness of these outer influences / actions / situations and better understand how to manage them. 

2. Take A Life Audit

Look into your relationships, career, job, living situation, activites, nutrition, and where you spend your time. Tune into your joy-o-meter in each category and take an audit to see where you can bring more joy into your life, and where your joy is being drained! 

3. Set Boundaries

What does this mean? Boundaries are limits that we set with ourselves and communicate with those around us on what we allow into our lives. Essentially these are mini promises that you can set for yourself to prioritize your peace. After understanding your stressors, begin to identify what you can say no to, change, adapt, or allow into your reality. After establishing a clear understanding of your boundaries, you can begin to communicate them with those in your life with love and peace. 

Remember that boundaries are not ultimatums. They are not expressed as demands like “You must do this.” We can’t control what other people do. We can only control what we choose to be a part of. 

4. Stay True to your Boundaries

If you’re not used to setting boundaries, sometimes it will feel foreign and even selfish, but it’s actually just the opposite! The more you stay true to what you need, the more your cup will be full, and the more you will be able to contribute to those around you.

Setting boundaries and staying true to them will help you develop more self-trust, free up your time and energy, prioritize your peace and joy, and increase your overall happiness by only allowing what you desire into your days. 


Daily Practice for More Joy

Now it’s time to take action and make your own joy list that you can return to on the days you’re not feeling so great. Put this list up where you can see it every day, and when you need to stimulate more joy, you’ll know exactly what to do! 

Want to take it a step further to add more joy to your life? Be sure to take a look at that list and pick one thing that you feel called to do each day, then add this into your morning or night routine. 

Here’s my own joy list:

My Joy List


Share Your List With Us!

What brings you joy? We want to hear about it! Share some of the items on your joy list with us in the comments below!

The post How To Create More Joy In Your Life appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways https://ift.tt/SoI9QpM
via New Kitchen Special