Monday, September 16, 2024

$100 Best Buy Gift Card Giveaway

Looking to upgrade your kitchen? Join our $100 Best Buy Gift Card Giveaway! Use it to buy a new blender, air fryer, or anything you need to make Steamy Kitchen recipes even easier.


$100 bestbuy gift card giveaway


One lucky entrant will win $100 Best Buy Gift Card on us. How would you spent your extra $100 to make an upgrade to your kitchen?


$100 bestbuy gift card giveaway one winner


Don’t miss out! Enter now for a chance to win and treat yourself to some new kitchen goodies!


$100 Best Buy Gift Card Giveaway

The post $100 Best Buy Gift Card Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Fall Season Vegetables

Do you love autumn as much as we do? The crisp air. The cozy sweaters. And perhaps most importantly, the colorful array of veggies! As the temperature drops, delicious produce thrives, making the harvest season a great time to transition from summer veggies and into hearty and nutrient-packed fall vegetables!

Are you a seasoned gardener or farmers’ market enthusiast? Either way, fall has something for everyone. So, let’s talk about what’s waiting for you this fall. 

fall veggies

What’s in Season For Fall?

What’s in season during the fall harvest, you ask? Well, for one, root vegetables like carrots, turnips, and sweet potatoes. These bad boys of autumn can handle cooler weather with ease. Also, plenty of cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower, and leafy greens like kale, collard greens, and Swiss chard. For some of these veggies, the light frost makes them taste even better. 

Let’s dive into some of the benefits and uses of these in-season veggies.

Cruciferous Veggies

Brussels Sprouts

roasted brussels sprouts

Once the bane of every picky eater’s existence, these mini-cabbages have made quite the comeback in recent years. And it’s all in how you prepare them! You can roast them to crispy perfection with a little olive oil and a sprinkle of salt or a bit of maple syrup for a sweet, caramelized finish. You can even add in some bacon bits to make them savory or shred them raw into salads for a crunchy texture. 

Your body will be glad you did because Brussels sprouts are PACKED with nutrients, like vitamins C and K, which support immune health and bone strength. They’re also a great source of antioxidants and are high in fiber for healthy digestion and a lower risk of chronic diseases. 

Check out our recipe for Roasted Brussel Sprouts With Cranberry Pistachio Pesto here! 


broccoli on a plate

Ah, broccoli. The veggie our parents were always trying to get us to eat. And for good reason! Health-wise, broccoli is a powerhouse of nutrients. Like Brussels sprouts, it boasts a wealth of vitamins C and K, as well as potassium, calcium, and iron. Broccoli is also rich in fiber, and contains antioxidants like sulforaphane, which has been linked to a lower risk of certain cancers. Bonus, it’s also a great source of folate, which supports brain health.

You can roast broccoli to get a nutty flavor, and pair it with olive oil, garlic, or a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. It’s also delicious when steamed as a tender side dish, stir-fried with other veggies, or tossed it into pasta for a super easy dinner. And if you want to get real fancy, you can even try blending it into cream of broccoli soup for a cozy meal.

Want an easy to way to cook broccoli, check out our Steamed Broccoli In The Microwave post for a quick and easy method!


Roasted Cauliflower

We all know just how wildly versatile cauliflower has become in recent years. It can be used as a low-carb alternative to mashed potatoes, made into cauliflower rice, enjoyed as a vegan substitute for buffalo wings, and even turned into pizza crust! Roasting it can bring out its slightly sweet, nutty flavor, and it’s ridiculously amazing when tossed with olive oil and your favorite spices like smoked paprika or cumin. 

Because it’s a close cousin to broccoli, it boasts a lot of the same health perks, while also being low in calories, which makes it amazing swap-out for less healthy foods or enjoyed on its own. 

Root Vegetables

Sweet Potatoes

sweet potatoes

Root vegetables store energy in their roots, making them naturally rich in carbohydrates, fiber, and a ton of other essential vitamins and minerals, and sweet potatoes are no exception. These little spuds of deliciousness are rich in beta-carotene to support eye health and boost your immune system. They also contain fiber, potassium, and vitamin C, so they’re great for digestion and your overall well-being. 

What’s more, you can mash them, roast them, or turn them into sweet potato fries and pies. There’s really no wrong way to enjoy them.


Roasted Carrots with Sesame Ponzu Vinaigrette Recipe

This sweet, crunchy darling of the root vegetable brigade is great for snacking raw, shredding into salads, or roasting to bring out their sweetness. You might even glaze them with a little honey or maple syrup for an addicting side dish, or toss them into soups and stews for a little extra flavor. Heck, you can even use them in baked goods like carrot cake or muffins. They’re quite a versatile treat!

Carrots are famous for being rich in beta-carrot-tene (see what we did there?), which your body converts into vitamin A for eye health and glowing skin. They’re also packed with antioxidants to help protect against free radical damage, AND, they offer a great boost of vitamin K and potassium to keep your bones strong and your heart healthy. 



Let’s face it. Turnips don’t get as much attention as other root veggies, but they really should. Their peppery flavor gives a unique kick to many a dish, like mashed potatoes, and they roast up beautifully with some olive oil, salt, and herbs. Turnips are great in soups, stews, and casseroles, and you can even enjoy them raw in salads for a crunchy, spicy boost.

Turnips are also packed with nutrients and they’re low in calories. Their vitamin C content boosts the immune system and promotes healthy skin, while their potassium content helps regulate blood pressure.


Leafy Greens

Swiss Chard

swiss chard

With its bright red, yellow, and orange stems, Swiss chard makes for a quick and easy side dish when sautéed with olive oil and garlic. It also makes a great addition to soups and stews when you’re looking to add some extra nutrients. Add it to stir-fries, mix it into frittatas, or use its large leaves as wraps to make your meal low-carb.

However you choose to use it, Swiss chard offers vitamins A, C, and K, which are great for eye health, immune function, and strong bones. It’s also a great source of magnesium and potassium to regulate blood pressure and support heart health. Swiss chard is also high in fiber for healthy digestion, and its antioxidants help to reduce inflammation and protect against chronic diseases.


Roasted Squash, Kale & Feta Salad with Walnut Vinaigrette Recipe

We all know Kale is regarded as a superfood. Why? Because not only can it be enjoyed in a variety of ways—massage it with olive oil to make a salad, bake it to make crispy kale chips, or toss it into smoothies for a nutrient boost—but also because it’s packed with vitamins A, C, and K, and a wealth calcium, making it great for bone health. It’s also loaded with antioxidants to help fight inflammation, and contains compounds like sulforaphane, which have been linked to cancer prevention. 

Looking for other uses for this amazing veggie? Sauté it with garlic and lemon, add it to soups, or blend it into a pesto for a unique spin!

Collard Greens

collard greens recipe with ham and smoked hock

A Southern staple that deserves a spot on everyone’s table, collard greens are traditionally braised with a bit of bacon or smoked meat, but they’re also delicious when sautéed with garlic or used as wraps for a low-carb alternative to tortillas. They’re super hearty, which makes them great in soups, stews, and even casseroles, giving all of them a subtle buttery flavor.

Don’t even get us started on the health benefits of collard greens! They’re rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and support everything from vision to bone strength to immune health. Their fiber content keeps you feeling full longer, and they’re chock full of calcium, making them extra great for bone health.

Butternut Squash

butternut squash

No autumnal veggies list is complete without butternut squash. There is perhaps no greater comfort produce for the season. It’s sweet, it’s nutty, and it’s perfect for soups, roasting, and even stuffing into ravioli. It’s packed with vitamin A, potassium, and fiber, and is a great low-calorie option for filling you up without weighing you down. If you’re looking for a quick, warming dish, roasting butternut squash cubes with olive oil, sage, and a dash of cinnamon is everything you need.

When to Buy What

Fall is the best time for cool-weather crops, and buying your produce at the right time will help you take advantage of optimal flavor and freshness. Here’s a factual guideline on the best time to buy fall vegetables to make sure you’re getting them at peak season!

Early Fall (September to Early October)

These veggies are at their best when weather starts to cool but hasn’t hit frost levels yet:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Green Beans (still available from the end of summer harvest)
  • Swiss Chard
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Leafy Greens (like spinach and arugula)

Mid Fall (October to Early November)

When the days get shorter and the air gets cooler, these vegetables hit their best flavor:

  • Carrots
  • Beets
  • Turnips
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Kale (really good right after a light frost)
  • Pumpkins
  • Butternut Squash
  • Collard Greens
  • Radishes

Late Fall (November to Early December)

As the frost hits and temperatures drop, these hearty vegetables hit their stride:

  • Parsnips
  • Rutabagas
  • Leeks
  • Celery Root (Celeriac)
  • Winter Squash (including acorn, spaghetti, and kabocha)

Fall Fruits (All Autumn Long)

We’re throwing in some fall fruits because everyone loves a little sweetness!

  • Apples (peak season begins in early fall and continues through late fall)
  • Pears (best in early to mid-fall)
  • Cranberries (available fresh in late fall)


Tips for Storing Fall Vegetables

Proper storage will ensure you get the most out of your fall veggies. Here’s how to store them.

storing fall veggies

Storing Fall Vegetables

  • Root Vegetables (Carrots, Beets, Turnips, Parsnips)
    • Storage: Store root crops in a cool, dark place like a root cellar or the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. Make sure to remove any leafy tops to prevent them from drawing moisture that can cut their life short.
    • Shelf Life: Weeks to months when stored properly.
    • Bonus Tip: Keeping them in slightly moist sand or sawdust in a cold area is a great long-term storage if refrigeration isn’t an option.
  • Winter Squash (Butternut, Acorn, Spaghetti, Pumpkin)
    • Storage: Keep these in a cool, dry place at room temperature, and away from direct sunlight. Make sure they are fully cured first (the skin should be hard and unblemished) before storing.
    • Shelf Life: Up to 3 months or more if stored properly.
    • Bonus Tip: Check your squash regularly for any soft spots and use those squash first to avoid spoiling the rest.
  • Brussels Sprouts
    • Storage: Store unwashed Brussels sprouts in the crisper drawer of your fridge (on the stalk or individually)
    • Shelf Life: 1-2 weeks in the fridge.
    • Bonus Tip: If they’re still on the stalk, leave them attached to extend their freshness.
  • Leafy Greens (Kale, Swiss Chard, Collard Greens)
    • Storage: Wrap in a damp paper towel and store in a breathable bag in your fridge’s crisper drawer. Avoid crushing them under heavier items.
    • Shelf Life: At least a week, but can stay fresh for 10 days with proper storage.
    • Bonus Tip: If you see the greens start to wilt, a quick soak in cold water will revive their crispness.
  • Cabbage, Cauliflower, and Broccoli
    • Storage: Store in the fridge in perforated plastic bags or loosely wrapped in plastic. Air circulation is important to keeping them fresh.
    • Shelf Life: Cabbage can last up to a month. Cauliflower and broccoli typically last 1-2 weeks.
    • Bonus Tip: Don’t wash them before storing! Excess moisture can cause them to spoil faster.
  • Celery Root (Celeriac)
    • Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place or in your fridge, wrapped in plastic or in a plastic bag.
    • Shelf Life: 3-4 weeks in the fridge.
    • Bonus Tip: When storing in the fridge, cut off any greens first, as they’ll pull moisture from the root.


Other Fall Posts & Recipes To Check Out:

Fall Into the Season!

While warmer weather has its perks, the fall season offers us a wealth of unique, healthy veggies that are super versatile and incredibly delicious. What are you enjoying this time of year? What’s your favorite fall produce? We’d love to hear about it! Be sure to leave a comment letting us know what you love about autumn veggies. 

The post The Ultimate Guide to Fall Season Vegetables appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Friday, September 13, 2024

$10 Target Gift Cards Instant Win

Hello Steamy Family!

It’s time to stock up on all your Fall season favorites! Whether you’re grabbing new clothes, fun items for the kids, or cozy decorations for your home, Target has everything you need.

Today, We’re giving away $10 Target Gift Cards that can help you kick off your fall shopping! Imagine getting cute sweaters, fall-themed candles, or school supplies for the kids—all for free!

Ready to shop? Enter now and spin for your chance to win a $10 Target Gift Card and start your fall shopping spree today!

$10 target gift card instant win

FIVE lucky entrants will win $10 Target Gift Card. How would you spend your extra $10 Gift card in Target? Let us know in the comments.

target gift card instant win five winners

Hurry! Enter NOW and Spin below for your chance to win!

$10 Target Gift Cards Instant Win


The post $10 Target Gift Cards Instant Win appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Hot Honey Crispy Salmon Bowl Recipe

This Hot Honey Salmon Bowl has become one of my favorite kitchen go-tos. Let me tell you why. Flaky salmon. Spicy-sweet hot honey, crunchy veggies. Creamy avocado. Are you drooling yet? And better yet, it’s one of those fancy meals that’s extremely easy to throw together. (Of course, no one needs to know that!) It also makes for a great meal prep dish! Let’s talk about all the perks of this amazing recipe. 

Hot Honey Salmon Bowl with honey drizzle

Why This Hot Honey Salmon Bowl Works

  • It’s Ridiculously Easy: This dish is ready in just 35 minutes, which makes a perfect recipe for when you don’t feel like spending too much time in the kitchen. 
  • It’s Adaptable: You can use sushi rice, jasmine rice, or cauliflower rice as a low-carb option. The other ingredients are also wildly customizable.
  • Get Your Healthy Fats In: Need a good dose of omega-3 fatty acids? You’ll find it in the salmon. As well, the avocado will provide you with those healthy fats that are great for your skin and heart.
  • It’s Great For Meal Prep: This is the kind of dish that will hold up well in an airtight container in the fridge. That and that fact that it’s easy to prepare means it makes for a perfect meal prep meal.
  • Tons of Flavor: The honey makes it sweet. The chili flakes make it spicy. The soy sauce add the salty, and the sesame seeds give you a crunch. It’s got everything!


  • Honey
  • Chili flakes
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Salt
  • Salmon fillets (or wild-caught salmon from your local fish vendor)
  • Pak choi
  • Snap peas
  • Soy sauce (or coconut aminos for a gluten-free option)
  • Cooked rice (use short-grain sushi rice, jasmine rice, or brown rice)
  • Avocado
  • Green onions
  • Mixed sesame seeds

Ingredient Substitutions

  • Salmon: If you’re not a fish person, the salmon is easily replaced with tofu or even tempeh for a plant-based alternative. If you are into salmon, but want to explore other types, opt for Sockeye or Atlantic salmon. Wild-caught salmon is the best option though, and it has the highest nutrient content you can get.
  • Rice: The world is your oyster when it comes to rice. You can use white rice, jasmine rice, brown rice, or for a low-carb version, cauliflower rice. Heck, you can even use leftover rice to lessen food waste.
  • Veggies: Don’t have pak choi or snap peas? That’s okay! You can throw in spinach, kale, or even a crunchy cucumber salad on the side.
  • Hot Honey: Out of chili flakes? Sriracha sauce or red pepper flakes work well too!

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Make the Hot Honey

Throw together the honey, chili flakes, apple cider vinegar, and salt in a small saucepan. Heat it up over medium heat and then let it simmer for about 5 minutes. Once it’s done simmering, remove it from the heat and allow it to cool and infuse for about 10 minutes. Strain the mixture through a fine sieve and into a small bowl or jar. Set aside.

Tip: Looking to store your hot hoeny? Keep it in an airtight container at room temperature for a couple of days, or in the fridge for up to a week.

2. Cook the Salmon

Preheat your air fryer to 380°F for 10 minutes. While it’s heating up, remove the skin from your salmon and cut the fillets into 1-inch cubes or small chunks.

Coat the salmon pieces with ¼ cup of the hot honey, then place the salmon in a single layer in the air fryer basket. Cook them for 10–12 minutes, making sure to flip halfway through. You’ll know their done when the salmon bites are golden brown and crispy on the edges.

Don’t have an air fryer? You can bake your salmon bites at 400°F for 12–15 minutes or pan-sear them over medium-high heat in a skillet.

3. Sauté the Veggies

In a non-stick skillet, heat a drizzle of olive oil or avocado oil over medium-high heat. Add in the pak choi and snap peas (or your choice of veggies) and sauté them for about 5 minutes, until they’re tender but still crisp. If you want even more flavor, throw in a splash of soy sauce or sesame oil.

4. Make the Bowls

Divide the cooked rice between your bowls, and then top with sautéed veggies, hot honey salmon bites, creamy avocado chunks, and green onions. Drizzle on some soy sauce and sprinkle with sesame seeds for a little crunch.

Tip: If you like a little spice or zing, top your bowl with homemade spicy sriracha mayo or add a squeeze of lime juice.

Jaden’s Top Tips for Choosing the Best Salmon

After many years of whipping up fish dishes, whether it’s a poke bowl, salmon rice bowl, or a quick weeknight dinner, I’ve learned the best way to choose the freshest, most flavorful salmon. Here are some tips:

  1. Go Wild-Caught for the Best Flavor
    If you’re looking for the richest flavor and healthiest choice, always go with wild-caught salmon like sockeye or king. Farmed salmon, like Atlantic, is a good budget-friendly choice, but in my opinion, wild-caught is worth the extra cost for it’s superior flavor and higher omega-3 fatty acid content.
  2. Look for that Vibrant Color
    Fresh salmon will have a deep pinkish-orange color that’s consistent throughout. Avoid any fillets that look dull or have brown spots. These generally indicate a lack of freshness.
  3. Trust Your Nose
    One of the best ways to know whether your salmon is fresh or not is by smell. Fresh salmon will have a clean, ocean-y scent. Less fresh salmon will smell overly fishy or sour, and no one wants to buy bad fish! When in doubt, skip it.
  4. Firmness is Key
    Another way to tell if your salmon is fresh is by giving the fillet a gentle press. You should see it spring back immediately. If the flesh feels soft or mushy, the salmon isn’t fresh.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can this dish work for meal prep? Definitely! Just be sure to store the salmon, rice, and veggies separately in airtight containers for no more than 3-4 days. When you’re ready, reheat and assemble the bowls.

What’s the best rice for this bowl? I recommend short-grain sushi rice for this dish, but jasmine rice or brown rice also work really well. If you’re looking for a low-carb option, try using cauliflower rice.

Do I need to use an air fryer for this recipe? You can just bake the salmon at 400°F or pan-fry it on medium heat until golden brown.

Can I make this bowl with teriyaki sauce instead? Absolutely! Don’t have honey or just want a different vibe? Swap the hot honey for a store-bought teriyaki sauce or make your own.

I honestly cannot wait for you to try this Hot Honey Salmon Bowl and to hear what you think! Be sure to rate and review the recipe below and let me know if you put your own twist on this delicious dish!

Hot Honey Salmon Bowl with honey drizzle

Hot Honey Crispy Salmon Bowl

This Hot Honey Crispy Salmon Bowl is a quick and flavorful meal perfect for busy weeknights. Tender salmon is air-fried to perfection and coated with a homemade spicy hot honey glaze. Served over a bed of sushi rice with sautéed pak choi, snap peas, creamy avocado, and a sprinkle of sesame seeds, this bowl packs a punch of flavor and texture. Ready in just 35 minutes, it's a delicious, healthy dinner that's sure to impress.
Course dinner
Keyword buddha bowl, hot honey, salmon
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes
Servings 4 people
Calories 774kcal


For the Hot Honey:

  • 1 cup honey
  • 2 teaspoons chili flakes
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

For The Bowl:

  • 4 salmon fillets about 1 lb/500g
  • 4 small heads pak choi halved
  • 1 cup snap peas trimmed
  • 4 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 4 cups cooked sushi rice
  • 1 avocado cubed
  • 1 green onion thinly sliced
  • 1 tablespoon mixed sesame seeds


Make The Hot Honey

  • Add the honey, chili flakes, apple cider vinegar, and salt into a saucepan over a low heat. Stir it together and bring the honey to a gentle simmer. Let the honey simmer for 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat and allow the honey and chili flavors to meld together for 10 minutes.
  • Once the honey and chili have infused, strain the hot honey through a fine mesh sieve into a jar.

Cook The Salmon

  • Preheat your air fryer at 380F for 10 minutes. Use a sharp knife to remove the skin from the salmon fillets. Slice the salmon into 1-inch cubes. Coat the salmon with ¼ cup of the hot honey then place it into your air fryer in a single layer. Cook the salmon for 10 – 12 minutes, flipping it halfway through.

Cook The Vegetables

  • In the meantime, sauté the pak choi and snap peas in a non-stick skillet with a drizzle of neutral oil for 5 minutes.

Assemble Your Bowls

  • Divide the rice between four bowls. Top with the vegetables, sticky salmon, avocado cubes, green onions, and sesame seeds. Drizzle each bowl with some soy sauce and a little extra hot honey and enjoy.


Make Ahead Tip: The hot honey can be made in advance and stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.
Serving Suggestions: For an extra kick, add a sprinkle of red pepper flakes or a squeeze of fresh lime juice just before serving.


Calories: 774kcal | Carbohydrates: 114g | Protein: 41g | Fat: 19g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 5g | Monounsaturated Fat: 9g | Cholesterol: 94mg | Sodium: 1259mg | Potassium: 1255mg | Fiber: 6g | Sugar: 71g | Vitamin A: 734IU | Vitamin C: 21mg | Calcium: 55mg | Iron: 3mg

The post Hot Honey Crispy Salmon Bowl Recipe appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Monday, September 9, 2024

Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 Giveaway

Imagine a tablet that’s perfect for every part of your family’s life. This week, Steamy Kitchen is giving away ONE Samsung Galaxy Tab A9. A sleek, powerful device that makes schoolwork, family time, and daily tasks easier and more fun.

samsung galaxy tab a9 giveaway

Students will love this tablet for its lightweight design and long battery life. It’s great for carrying to classes, doing homework, and watching videos.

Families can enjoy sharing photos, streaming movies, and playing games on the tablet’s bright screen. It’s a fun way to connect and entertain everyone.

samsung galaxy tab a9 giveaway

Photo from Amazon

For everyday use, this tablet helps you stay organized and connected. Its simple design makes it easy to manage your schedule and stay in touch with friends and family.

samsung galaxy tab a9 giveaway

Photo from Amazon

Want to win this amazing tablet? Enter now for your chance to win the Samsung Galaxy Tab A9!


The post Samsung Galaxy Tab A9 Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Friday, September 6, 2024

Fall Fiesta Instant Win

Hey, Steamy Kitchen fam! Fall is officially here, and we couldn’t be more excited! It’s the season of cozy recipes, family gatherings, and everything warm and comforting. We’re diving into all the deliciousness that comes with fall, and to celebrate, we want to give you the chance to win $10 PayPal Cash instantly! 

fall fiesta instant win

Imagine what you can do with a quick $10 boost—grab fresh ingredients for that mouthwatering fall soup you’ve been wanting to try, treat yourself to a pumpkin spice latte (or two!), or stock up on your favorite seasonal goodies.

fall fiesta instant win five winners

How would you spend your extra $10 cash? Let us know in the comments.

We want you to enjoy every little moment this fall—from lazy mornings in soft sweaters to big family dinners around the table. Let this $10 Fall Fiesta instant Win add a little extra sparkle to your autumn adventures.

Fall Fiesta Instant Win

Enter and Spin below.


The post Fall Fiesta Instant Win appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Monday, September 2, 2024

HP 14 inch Laptop Giveaway

Fall is here, and it’s time to get ready for school and home! Enter our HP 14 inch Laptop Giveaway and win the perfect laptop for all your needs. Whether you’re studying or working from home, this lightweight, powerful laptop will help you stay organized and productive.

hp 14 laptop giveaway

About HP 14 inch Laptop 

  • READY FOR ANYWHERE – With its thin and light design, 6.5 mm micro-edge bezel display, and 79% screen-to-body ratio, you’ll take this PC anywhere while you see and do more of what you love (1)
  • MORE SCREEN, MORE FUN – With virtually no bezel encircling the screen, you’ll enjoy every bit of detail on this 14-inch HD (1366 x 768) display.
  • ALL-DAY PERFORMANCE – Tackle your busiest days with the dual-core, Intel Celeron N4020—the perfect processor for performance, power consumption and value.
  • 4K READY – Smoothly stream 4K content and play your favorite next-gen games with Intel UHD Graphics.
  • STORAGE AND MEMORY – An embedded multimedia card provides reliable flash-based, 64 GB of storage while 4 GB of RAM expands your bandwidth and boosts your performance.


hp 14 inch laptop image


The HP 14 Laptop offers a sleek, lightweight design that’s easy to carry whether you’re on the go or working from home. Its powerful performance makes it ideal for students tackling assignments or professionals handling work projects. Plus, with its long battery life, you can stay productive all day without missing a beat.

This fall, don’t miss out on the chance to win a laptop that’s as versatile as your busy lifestyle and perfect tech upgrade for both home and school.

Stay cozy, stay connected, and get ready to make this fall your most productive one yet!

Don’t wait—enter now and start the season off right with the HP 14 inch Laptop Giveaway!


The post HP 14 inch Laptop Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special