Having trouble identifying foods that start with the letter C? A letter game is always a good game. When it comes to food, there are so many you can name. In this article, we are taking a look at some foods that start with C, including fruits, veggies, and fluids that start with C. You have probably eaten most of them, and some you will be hearing of them for the first time. Take a look and educate yourself!

Foods That Begin With The Letter C
From coleslaw to casserole, we’ve got you covered. We’ve listed many foods down below that you’ll be familiar with, however you might be surprised by how many you never knew existed.
1. Cabbage
Cabbage is a veggie with thick green or purple leaves that surround anther bulb of green younger leaves inside. Cabbage is packed with nutrients and can be used in different dishes.
2. Cauliflower
Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable of the mustard family. The name in Latin means “flowers of cabbage” as the veggie looks like a cabbage. It can be eaten raw or as a part if any culinary dish.
3. Cajon pea
Cajon pea is a small nutritious seed of the pigeon pea plant. The plant is commonly cultivated in tropical areas. The seeds vary in color.
4. Cake
Who doesn’t love cake? Cake is a baked food that we can’t help obsessing about. There are many varieties of cake, but a standard cake is made using flour, eggs, sugar, and fat, then decorated with some icing sugar or whipping cream. My favorite has to be this coca cola cake from Cracker Barrel.
5. Calamari
The word comes from Italian for “squid” and refers to a famous deep-fried battered appetizer made form squish. Calamari is prepared differently depending on the locality and may have different names.
6. Calvados
Calvados is a drink made from apples that are native to the Normandy region. The drink was traditionally taken between meals to awaken one’s appetite. It’s made by juicing fresh apples, fermenting them into cider, and distilling the cider into a clear brandy.
7. Canape
The food is pronounced as “can-a-PAY” if you were wondering. It’s a small, finger food made with a small slice of bread or pastry as a base, a spread of butter, cheese or mayo, and different toppings. It was traditionally served right before dinner though it’s usually served with cocktails.
8. Candy
Candy is anything extra-sugary that is made from sugar. Candy is often mixed with fruit, nuts, and other additives to create different flavors. Don’t forget to floss or brush your teeth after having candy!
9. Canola
Canola is an oilseed made from plant crossbreeding. Rapeseed from which the oil is made produces toxic compounds hence the need for crossbreeding to make it safe.
10. Cantaloupe
Crazy about watermelons? If yes, you will also love the cantaloupe fruit. It is a juicy and orange summer fruit in the family of the watermelon and honeydew melon. It’s subtly sweet with a lot of water.
11. Caper
Capers come from the caper bush or flinders rose, a perennial plant that produces rounded leaves and white or pinkish flowers. The caper flower buds are used as a seasoning while the caper berries are used as pickles to add texture and flavor to different dishes.
12. Cappuccino
A cappuccino to buzz you out of a long weekend; yes? Cappuccino is an espresso-based coffee that is native to Italy. It was traditionally prepared with steamed milk foam. The espresso, steamed milk, and foam are in equal ration but can be varied for the strength of the drink.
13. Capulin
Capulin is a Mexican black cherry tree that produces edible fruits. The fruits are red with a single hard stone.
14. Carambola
Carambola fruit is also referred to as the star fruit. It’s a sweet and sour fruit that is shaped like a star. The flesh carries the sour flavor that makes it a great addition to different dishes. The skin is also edible.
15. Caramel
Caramel is made by heating or cooking sugar under high temperatures up to 170 degrees Celsius. It’s used in many candies, sauces, and as a topping in desserts.
16. Caraway
Caraway is a spice thy has, for many years, been used as a spice and even for herbal medicine. The dried fruit has an earthly bitter flavor and can be used in sweet and savory dishes.
17. Cardamon
Cardamon is a spice made from spindle-shaped seed pods. The whole seed can also be used or ground and added to various delicacies. The seeds are black or brown, but the pod varies in color depending on the origin.
18. Carp
Carp is a deep-water freshwater fish that is farmed for food in some parts of the world. It is can also be found in ponds and aquariums.
19. Carrot
You probably use carrots every day in different dishes. Carrots are a root veggie that is mostly orange in color though they also come in yellow, black, red, and white. They also come in different types depending on the root shape.
20. Cassava
This is a root vegetable that is packed with resistant starch and other nutrients. It grows in tropical countries and has a nutty flavor.
21. Cashew
Cashews are nuts that are shaped like a kidney. They should be roasted before eating.
22. Casserole
A casserole is any food that is cooked in a casserole or a large deep dish. One of our popular casseroles on this website is this delicious tater tot casserole, which your entire family will love..
23. Cassiri
This is a beer lookalike that is made by fermenting cassava juice. Its
24. Catfish
Catfish is a common fish found in freshwaters, especially in North America and Eurasia.
25. Cayenne
Cayenne is a form of pepper that is made from the cayenne plant. It adds nice hot soups and stews.
26. Celery
Celery is a member of the parsley family with succulent leaves stalks. They can be eaten raw or added to a variety of dishes.
27. Celtuce
Celtuce resembles the celery. These leaves can be eaten raw or stir-fried or added to different dishes.
28. Cereal
Cereal is a breakfast staple that is made from grain. It can be oats, Weetabix, and any personal favorite.
29. Challah
Challah is a braided traditional Jewish white bread that contains eggs, raisins and leavened with some yeast.
30. Chapati
Chapati is a flatbread made from flour and cooked on a griddle. It makes a great accompaniment to soups.
31. Chardonnay
Evenings are for a chardonnay, right? This is a white wine grape made from green-skinned grapes. It’s the number one selling white wine brand!
32. Chaya
Chaya is referred to as “tree spinach.” it’s a perennial shrub that thrives all year.
33. Cheddar
Cheddar is a smooth-textured cheese variety that can be added to a variety of dishes.
34. Cheese
Cheese is a food made from fermented or pressed curd milk giving it a tangy flavor. It comes in different varieties and can be added to a wide variety of foods.
35. Cherry
Cherries are common fruits that are a very nutritious and great source of vitamin C. A single hard stone characterizes them.
36. Chicken
Chicken is a domestic bird that is kept for eggs and delicious meat. My favorite chicken dish at the minute has to be these delicious chicken nuggets with our Bisquick chicken pot pie in second place.
37. Chickpea
Chickpea is a legume that is often mistaken for a pea. It’s a highly nutritious and great source of protein.
So, which food have you tried and which sounded foreign? We would love to hear about other foods that start with a C that you know.

from Recipefairy.com https://ift.tt/30VoEHu
via New Kitchen Special
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