Thursday, July 30, 2020

Can You Freeze Hard Boiled Eggs?

Let’s talk about boiled eggs! Boiled eggs are one food you either love or dislike; no in-betweens. The best part about boiled eggs, however, is their versatility. They can be incorporated in any dish as a protein source, eaten with a salad, or eaten alone.

hard boiled eggs

Boiled eggs are also an excellent solution for those mornings you need a simple yet nutritious on-the-go breakfast. If you are late for work and don’t have time to make cereal, you can grab your boiled eggs and leave the house. Some people prefer their eggs cold while some like them warm. Whichever the case, boiled eggs are delicious, simple to make, and nutritious.

Someone just cringed on the easy to make part! Yes, boiled eggs are easy to make. Surprisingly a lot of people find it a demanding task because they can’t seem to estimate the time it takes to boil eggs. In this article, we will look at everything you need to know about boiling eggs and preserving them for future use. Take a look!

Can You Freeze Hard Boiled Eggs?

Boiled eggs come through when you need a quick meal to grab on the go. They provide high amounts of proteins that will supply energy for long hours. So, can you make boiled eggs in bulk and freeze them? Yes and no. You can freeze boiled eggs but not the whole egg. While the egg yolk can be frozen for up to 1 month, eggs whites cannot. Egg whites become sticky or rubbery when frozen making them inedible, which is quite a waste. You, therefore, need to separate the yolk from egg white before freezing. Sounds complicated? Worry not as we have dedicated a whole section of the article to teach you how to preserve hard-boiled eggs.

Making Boiled Eggs

A boiled egg is simply an egg that has been boiled in water with the shell intact for boiling purposes. You can also prepare boiled eggs by steaming (this might take forever for a hard-boiled egg.) Boiled eggs can be made from any egg though we usually use chicken eggs. You can either boil your eggs to soft boiled or hard-boiled eggs. Soft boiled eggs are basically runny. The yolk, in most instances, is left runny, and the egg white may be solid or soft. A hard-boiled egg is an exact opposite; hard yolk and solid egg white.

Whichever eggs you prefer, the preparation method is straightforward, so you can enjoy your eggs whichever way you like. Hard-boiled eggs have a longer shelf life, especially when appropriately preserved. You can always leave your hard-boiled eggs at room temperature and consume them the next day.

How Do You Make Hard-Boiled Eggs?

eggs over boiling water

Making boiled eggs has never been simpler, thanks to advanced inventions. Instant pots and crockpots are very fast and come handy in boiling eggs in bulk. They are a great idea to save time and make work easier and more convenient. So, if you intend to freeze the eggs, hard-boiled eggs are the best options. Here is a general step by step guide on how to make hard-boiled eggs. There are many ways of boiling eggs, so don’t think you are wrong if you use a different method. Take a look!

What you need

• Eggs (depending on how many you want to prepare)

• A large saucepan

• Cover lid

• Timer


i. Place your eggs in the large saucepan carefully not to break them.

ii. Cover the eggs with water up to an inch over the top of the eggs.

iii. Cover the saucepan with the cover lid and let the water come to a rolling boil.

iv. Once the water is boiling as needed, start the timer. Also, allow your eggs to boil at medium heat.

v. Boil your eggs for 9-10 minutes for hard-boiled eggs.

vi. Remove from heat and uncover.

vii. Allow the eggs to cool. You can even remove the eggs from the hot water and transfer to cold water to stop further cooking if you will not be consuming them immediately.

viii. Serve your hard-boiled eggs and enjoy!

Guide To Perfect The Timing

boiling eggs

The boiling time varies depending on what kind of eggs you prefer. Here is a short guideline about the time to be taken for each egg.

• 5 minutes- the egg white will set, but the yolk remains runny. This is the perfect boiling time for eggs to be used for dipping.

• 6 minutes- the yolk remains liquids but not as runny.

• 7 minutes- the egg is almost set but not as firm. The center remains creamy while the white is smooth.

• 8 minutes- soft egg where the egg white and the yolks are softly firm. This is how you prepare boiled eggs for scotched eggs.

• 10 minutes- hard-boiled egg. The parts are both solid and mashable, but the egg is not dry and chalky.

There is no foolproof way of making hard-boiled eggs, but there are tips that will ensure you get perfect hard-boiled eggs no matter the method of boiling your use;

• If your eggs are too small or too large, adjust the boiling time with 30seconds.

• Scoop the hard-boiled into cold water when they are done to stop further cooking. Keep replacing the water to keep the eggs cold.

• Ensure the eggs are at room temperature before boiling them to reduce the chances of cracking. You can also use a picker to make a small hole on the head of the egg.

• Slowly lower the egg into the water using a spoon instead of dropping them to avoid cracking. Add water very carefully to avoid creating pressure on the eggs.

Storing and Freezing Hard-Boiled Eggs

You can store your eggs peeled or unpeeled without affecting their shelf life. You can always boil eggs in bulk and peel them all to make your work easier on these rush Mondays. Hard-boiled eggs have a better refrigeration life than soft boiled eggs. You can simply put your hard-boiled eggs in a bowl, egg cover, or fridge dishes and toss them in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

Eggs do not do very well in the freezer. However, if you have run out of options, ensure you remove the yolks from the rest of the eggs. Yolks freeze so well ad can stay fresh for eve 6 months. Ensure you put the yolks in a freezer bag or freezer-friendly container.

Are Hard-Boiled Eggs Healthy?

Hard-boiled eggs are very healthy. They may be small, but they pack all essential nutrients, including proteins, vitamin E and folates, and minerals such as potassium, zinc, and iron.


Feeling more confident about making some hard-boiled eggs? You can use hard-boiled eggs for egg salads, pasta salad, on toast, pickled eggs, deviled eggs, and many more dishes. Th key to making the perfect hard-boiled eggs is timing! Try today, and let us know how it goes!

via New Kitchen Special

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