We all have that one favorite dessert we can eat over and over again, but trying a new one from time to time will help you discover so many new flavors. There are hundreds of different desserts out there, and today we’re focusing on desserts that start with the letter M.
Check them out and pick the dessert you want to try next. Who knows, maybe it’ll be your next favorite treat.

Desserts That Start with The Letter M
1. Madeira Cake
This firm yet light sponge cake is most commonly flavored with lemon. People tend to eat it for breakfast along with tea. It’s similar to a yellow cake or pound cake.
There’s no evidence that this cake originated in Madeira, despite its name. In fact, it’s British. People here like to eat it with a glass of Madeira wine, so that’s the reason for the confusing name.
2. Macarons
This colorful cookie sandwich consists of two meringue macaron shells and a sweet filling. The recipe includes ground almond flour, egg whites, and sugar. The filling can be made from cream cheese, extracts, real fruits, egg whites, chocolate, etc.
These fun cookie sandwiches are available in various colors, depending on the food coloring used.
This delicate dessert was invented by Italian chefs back in 1533, but it was later perfected by the French into the Macarons we know today.
3. Macaroons
Macaroons are not the same dessert as macarons. Even though they have the same size and shape and both come from France, macaroons contain sweetened condensed milk, almonds, shredded coconut, egg mixture, and other flavorings.
They are soft and fragrant, and many consider them as coconut-y biscuits. So, if you’re a fan of coconut, you’ll be crazy about these cookies.
4. Marshmallow Pie
This delicious and fluffy dessert is all about the pillowy marshmallows. It’s sweet, creamy, and a piece of heaven. One of the best things about this dessert is that you don’t need to bake it, so it’s super easy and quick to make.
5. Madeleines
This small sponge cake is native to Liverdun and Commercy in France. It’s popular for its beautiful and characteristic scalloped shell shape.
These bite-sized cakes are usually eaten hot with coffee as a first thing in the morning, or with tea in the afternoon. They are made with basic ingredients, but they do demand patience, attention, and precision.
Madeleines are most commonly topped with confectioners’ sugar, but sometimes they are paired with chocolate. Both combinations are delicious.
6. Marzipan
This popular confection is made with ground almonds and honey. It’s an ingredient in different desserts, including chocolates and cakes, and molded into decorations and shapes around the holidays. You can also eat it like candy.
Marzipan has a sweet taste and smooth texture. Back in the Middle Ages, this popular flavoring was used for treating physical and mental disorders.
7. Millefeuille
Here’s another French delicacy that starts with the letter M – Millefeuille. It’s the flakiest, butteriest French pastry consisting of layers of super thin pastry and rich and creamy pastry cream.
The most common toppings include cream and chocolate, pastry crumbs, cocoa, fondant or icing.
This dessert may be classic, but it’s hard to perfect. The first Millefeuille recipe appeared in 1651, but its exact origin is still unknown.
8. Meringues
This light, sweet, and chewy candy or dessert is linked to Italian, Polish, French, and Swiss cuisines, hence the different types with varying uses and consistencies.
Meringues are soft and chewy on the inside but crispy on the outside.
They are made with sugar and whipped egg whites, and an acidic ingredient like vinegar, lemon, or cream of tartar. The most common flavor of meringues is vanilla, a small amount of orange juice, or apple juice,
9. Mousse Cake
When you think about mousse cake, you think of smooth, fluffy, and airy. A mousse cake is made with whipped cream, whipped egg whites, or both. They are flavored with coffee, chocolate, pureed fruits, caramel, or different spices and herbs like vanilla and mint.
A mousse can be creamy and thick, or light and fluffy, depending on the preparation methods. This delicate cake is usually chilled before being served. The cold temperature makes the texture of the dessert denser.
10. Moon Pies
Moon pies consist of two graham cracker cookies and marshmallow filling in between. They are very popular in the USA. The dessert is available in more sizes, but the most common one is 4 inches in diameter.
The main flavors of moon pies are vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, banana, and salted caramel.
11. Mochi
This Japanese treat is unusually chewy because of the main ingredient Mochigome – short-grain gelatinous rice. Additional ingredients include cornstarch, sugar, and water. Some of the most common fillings include red mung bean paste, flavored cream, and matcha.
People should be careful when eating this Japanese rice cake since the chewy texture may be a bit tricky, and sometimes even deadly. Apparently, this dessert can cause choking in the elderly.
12. Mississippi Mud Pie
This chocolate-based pie consists of a crumbly chocolate crust and gooey chocolate topping. The treat is typically served with ice cream.
The reason why this dessert is called Mississippi Mud Pie is that its density reminds of the banks of the Mississippi River.
You can find it with whipped cream topping sprinkled with cocoa powder.
13. Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
This one-of-a-kind ice cream flavor marries chocolate chips and refreshing milk. Although it was created in Britain, nowadays is more popular in the USA.
In certain areas, this ice cream is called peppermint bon bon. No matter how you call it, the creamy, smooth mint chocolate chip ice cream is a real feast for your taste buds.
Now that you know all of these delicious desserts that start with the letter M, you can start trying them one by one and see what works best for you.
If you know any other treat that begins with this letter, feel free to add it to our list.

from Recipefairy.com https://ift.tt/32Np9Ww
via New Kitchen Special
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