Monday, October 5, 2020

Fruit That Starts With E

One of the challenges when trying to think of fruits that start with E was that there aren’t actually that many of them. And no… “Eggplant” doesn’t count. But now that we have said it, we bet that you can’t get it out of your head? No, us neither. But the good news is that because there aren’t that many, they are easy to remember.

fruit that starts with e

We have looked far and wide to find fruits that start with E. There aren’t many mainstream ones and if you are anything like us, you’ll be forgiven if this is the first time you are learning about them for the first time. One of the reasons they are perhaps a little obscure is that many are from far flung destinations and grow specifically in a certain climate.

Ok well without exaggerating, lets go on our “fruits that start with E” excursion, we hope everyone will be entertained, and find our suggestions and explanations excellent and enlightening. Everyone here? Let’s embark!

 5 Fruits That Start With The Letter E

1. Embilica 

Embilica has eight times more vitamin C than most citrus fruits and is absolutely jam packed full of vitamins and minerals that are full of anti-oxidants. The health benefits of Embilica are numerous. If you eat this on the regular you can expect to have a stronger immune system, clearer skin and even shinier hair! Whilst you won’t see many trees with these fruit hanging from them, you can buy the juice of the Embilica (also known as an Indian gooseberry) in a great many health stores.

They actually taste pretty good too. The fruit looks like a giant gooseberry, with translucent and bursting green skin, which gives way to a sour flesh beneath. You can make the fruit itself much more palatable by mixing with a few spoonful’s of sugar or drying it in a dehydrator.

2. Elephant Apple

When talking about fruits that start with ‘E’, there seems to be theme of green fruits that are Indian in origin and packed with health benefits. The elephant apple is another. Another name for this fruit is the Indian Catmon. If you wanted to pick one in the wild you would have to travel to the Asian subcontinent or South East Asia. Whilst the name contains ‘apple’ don’t be fooled as the external appearance is where the similarity ends. The flesh is used to add a sour element to many Indian dishes.

It is strongly acidic and has a flavor that is most similar to vinegar. Be careful of eating too much of it. One of its key uses is as a natural laxative. Interestingly other parts of the tree that it grows on are used as ingredients in cancer treatments.

3. Emu Apple

So, it’s got “Emu” in the title. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to where this fruit originates? That’s right, Australia. The fruit has been consumed by the aboriginal people for centuries. It is quite distinctive in appearance. The fruit is round and pale pink with dark speckles all over the skin of the fruit. It can be eaten fresh or dried and is slightly sweet with a taste that is said to be similar to apricots.

When dried as a powder it has medicinal properties and is widely considered a superfood.  This yellow powder is good for skin conditions and as with most superfoods has many vitamins and antioxidants, in fact so much so that, by weight, they have as much as 4 times the amount as blueberries. If you can’t find Emu Apples, check their other name as they are also called ‘Muntries’ by the locals.

They can be easily stored and are used in everything from wines to fruit preserves. They make an ideal alternative to sultanas when baking!

4. Emu Berry

No, we haven’t cheated, it’s a different fruit! Again, the clue is in the name and this is another fruit beginning with E that grows in Australia, we guess emu’s must have been fed all sorts of things! The fruit grows to around the size of a plum and grows in much the same way. It starts off green, before eventually ripening on the branch.

Once ripe it will turn a dark red to almost purple colour. The flesh is edible when raw and has an acidic sweetness that tastes very similar to an apple, and just like an apple can be used in much the same way. Common applications in cooking are similar to how you would use a plum, which include jams and fruit spreads.

5. Elderberry Fruit

Elderberries are probably slightly more familiar than the majority of the fruits on our list. These small fruits are used as an additive in a great many recipes. The berries are available in Europe around the autumn months after the summer has ended. The berries begin life looking very small and green, they then mature into a deep purple colour and they are just slightly smaller than blueberries. It is not recommended that you eat elderberries raw, they can contain dangerous amounts of lectin and cyanide. Even if eaten in small amounts they can cause nausea.

In order to make them edible they have to be cooked at a high temperature. This may break down the structure of the elderberry but allows them to be consumed as a popular ingredient. Elderflower wine is one of the most popular ways to serve this bitter fruit, but with the addition of sugar they can also be made into jellies or even turned into a tasty rustic ketchup if you have the right knowhow.


Well there are 5 fruits that start with E! Some are a bit obscure, and some may taste slightly obscure too. If you think of any more let us know and we can maybe add them to our list!

fruit starting with e

via New Kitchen Special

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