Wednesday, October 28, 2020

What To Serve With Cottage Pie

The name of the dish comes from the fact that once potatoes became popular in the UK, they were used in place of pastry crust in poorer communities, these were people who often lived in cottages. In this article we are going to look at what to serve with cottage pie and show you 11 sides that go with cottage pie.

cottage pie

We know that there are very few people who won’t appreciate home cooked heart comfort food. Cottage Pie is really easy to make and is super tasty and nutritious. The main difference between cottage pie and shepherds pie is the meat that is used. Traditionally shepherds pie is made with ground lamb, whereas cottage pie is made with minced beef.

What To Serve With Cottage Pie

1. Roasted Cauliflower

Roasted Cauliflower

Depending on how generous you have been with your portions you won’t need a lot to keep your guests full. When cauliflower is roasted it takes on a subtle softness and a sweetness. The  You can spice your cauliflower up in numerous ways, A sprinkle of paprika, turmeric or even curry powder will give your dish an eye catching appeal to accompany the amazing flavor.

2. Herby Green Beans With A Twist

Herby Green Beans

On its own Cottage pie can be a little samey, so why not add a burst of colour to the plate. The dark colours of green beans will set your dish off nicely. You don’t have to serve them straight up, oh no. In a separate pan heat a knob of butter and add some sliced garlic. Once you’ve cooked your beans give them a toss and then add a squeeze of lemon and some seasoning.

3. Minted Peas

minted peas

Boiled peas can be a little bland. But don’t worry, we are going to give them some extra oomph. In a separate pan add a large knob of butter and heat until it foams and then turns darker. Remove from the heat, and add your peas and a handful of chopped mint. Stir it up and serve for tiny globes of perfection.

4. Roasted Asparagus With Garlic

Roasted Asparagus With Garlic

Keeping with our green theme for now. Asparagus is wonderfully tasty and quite light, which is great considering how filling cottage pie can be. The key to asparagus is to avoid overcooking it or they can be a bit mushy. Par boil your asparagus and then add it to a pan of mushrooms sauteed in garlic butter.

5. Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

If you have made your cottage pie right then with any luck you’ll have a fair bit of rich and meaty gravy.  It would be a shame to let this all go to waste. What better way to mop up all of those tasty juices with a hunk of fresh bread lavishly coated with some creamy butter?

6. Glazed Brussels Sprouts

Glazed Brussels Sprouts

As winter vegetables go Brussel Sprouts are a firm favourite. In Germany they are called Rosen kohl which literally translates to ‘round cabbage’. Instead of boiling the life out of them, slice them finely and fry them in a pan with a little oil or butter. Once they are almost done add a tablespoon of honey and transfer to a baking dish to finish them off and let them caramelise in the oven. Because they are slightly sweet, they will cut through the heavy richness of the cottage pie.

7. Brussels Sprouts Side Salad

Brussels Sprouts Side Salad

If you don’t have time to cook sprouts, don’t worry. By eating them raw in salad form you get plenty of vitamins, as sprouts are really rich in Iron. Slice the sprouts as thin as you can and combine in a bowl with a squeeze of lemon juice, a dash of oil, some toasted nuts and some thin shavings of hard cheese such as parmesan or pecorino. This is a super light cottage pie sides dish that works really well.

8. Butternut Squash

Butternut Squash

We are back to adding a splash of color to our plate. Butternut squash is bright orange, perfect for livening up any plate. One thing we love to do is spice it up with some bacon. Roast a few rashers until they are crispy and break into shards. Add a couple of handfuls of cubed butternut squash, toss and roast for 20 minutes. Once the squash has taken on slightly golden corners, you’ll know it’s ready to go.

9. Honey Glazed Carrots

Honey Glazed Carrots

Carrots are already a little sweet. When you add honey (and perhaps a touch of mint) they really start to sing. Cook a pack of baby carrots in boiling salted water. Once they are tender, drain the water and add a large knob of butter, and a tablespoon of honey. Place on a roasting tray and bake for 15 minutes until the glaze darkens. Serve immediately for sticky sweet goodness.

10. Beetroot and Goats Cheese Salad

Beetroot and Goats Cheese Salad

As we’ve already said, Cottage pie can be a little heavy and you don’t want people to be over faced. Keeping it light with a salad is the best way to go. The mixture of textures in this salad makes the plate come alive. Mix finely chopped apples, cubes of beet and a small handful of goats’ cheese in a bowl. Add a splash of olive oil with a tablespoon of white wine vinegar and a spoonful of Dijon mustard to make a tangy and sweet dressing.

11. Roasted Eggplant and Zucchini

Roasted Eggplant and Zucchini

Once eggplant and zucchini are roasted, they break down into something slight softer and really light, making them the ideal accompaniment for a heavy dish such as this. Cut both vegetables into thick batons, toss in a splash of olive oil, then season and bake for around 20-30 minutes. You are looking for just a little softness and perhaps some charring along the edges.


Well there we have it, if you are asking yourself what to serve with cottage pie, we have given you plenty examples. In our 11 sides that go with cottage pie you should be able to find something to suit all tastes. Have you got any more ideas or suggestions? I’d love to hear them, as I always enjoy new recipes. Feel free to leave a comment below. Now you know what goes with cottage pie.

via New Kitchen Special

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