Friday, February 25, 2022

Peace, Love and PayPal Instant Win

Happy Friday Steamy Kitchen! This week we are celebrating the weekend with your favorite prize–cash. Enter to win the Peace and Love PayPal Instant win for your chance to win a $10 PayPal gift card. PLUS there will be one lucky winner who will spin and win a $50 grand prize!

Peace Love and PayPal Instant Win

PayPal Gift Card

Get the PayPal app to send and receive money with ease. With just the push of a button, you will be able to transfer money just about anywhere. 

You can even save this prize and send it to a friend as a gift! PayPal has tons of gift card options like pizza places, iTunes and send it to them electronically.

Peace and Love

Spread the peace and love this week! To send peace and love your way, we are launching this giveaway and giving you some tips on how you can spread peace and love in your community.

First things first, find internal peace. It’s going to be difficult to spread peace and love if you don’t connect with either of those characteristics within. Try meditating with intent or just coming into the present by consciously listening to your own unique breath.

Smile at a stranger! This option is cost free and you can do it all the time. Spread the love with a genuine smile at a stranger… who knows, it just might make their entire day. 

Want to go a step further?! Next time you’re out, buy the stranger in front you their coffee or meal. Random acts of kindness for no reason go a long way. You will definitely make someones day!

Pay someone a compliment! I don’t know about you, but it means the world to me when someone notices my “look” and drops a kind comment. It could be someone’s hair do, a tattoo or they might be rockin’ a unique outfit–if you like it, let them know! They definitely want to hear it.

Don’t be so judgmental. I know this can be difficult and it does take practice, but it is worth it to be a more genuine and accepting person! It is easy to fall into a pattern of gossipy judging people when hanging out with a friend.

Don’t get me wrong it can be fun to talk about these things, but it is so much more beneficial to discuss topics of deeper meaning and interest like how you can spread love in the community, what vegetables you will be growing next or exchange yummy new recipes.  

My tip for being more kind and loving is to ask yourself: WWMDD? “What would my dog do?” because no matter how many times you feel like you might’ve been too harsh on your dog, they will always run up to you with a big wet kiss at the ready. Next time someone gets on your nerves, don’t let their hate permeate your LOVE. You are more capable than you think.

Peace Love and PayPal

Peace and Love PayPal Instant Win Game

Spin to win below.

The post Peace, Love and PayPal Instant Win appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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via New Kitchen Special

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

5 Ways To Let Your Inner Light Shine Bright 

This Week’s Intention: Let Your Inner Light Shine Brighter! ðŸ•¯ðŸŒ¿

We are in the depths of the winter months (spring is almost here, hang on my friends!), and I find that my own inner light isn’t as bright as perhaps the summer months!

I encourage you to tune into your own unique inner light this week. Here are 5 of my favorite ways to let your inner light shine below!

5 Ways To Let Your Inner Light Shine Bright 

  1. Tune Your Inner Radio Frequency To J O Y : Think of yourself as a radio (a very lovely multidimensional radio that is). Just as a radio does, we have the ability to “tune” our own energy and frequencies! Sometimes all it takes is bringing presence to a moment, where you find yourself on the wrong radio channel! In these moments, pause, slow down, observe how you feel, and then identify one small action or mindset change to help you shift into a more joyful state of being. This not only helps yourself but those around you and who you interact with in the day. 
  2. Be AUTHENTICALLY YOU!  You know what I am tired of… not being myself. We all are so unique and quirky in our own mind and most of us hide that beautiful authentic nature to the world. Tune into the inner child in you this week and dive into authenticity and fun. Speak from your heart and don’t be afraid to let your true authentic essence shine! 
  3. Get Some Sunshine and Nature Time: Sunshine and nature do wonders for our mood, mental health and physical body! Find some time to feel the sunshine on your face and soak in some rays (even in the colder months) and let your glow come alive. 
  4. Perform An Act of Kindness: Kindness, compassion and sympathy in my mind  are the ways that we shine the brightest. Challenge yourself to spread your own light this week by performing an act of kindness. When we do good for others, watch your whole mood shift into a beam of light to carry you through your day! 
  5. Choose High Vitality Foods And Increase Hydration. It is very hard to shine bright when we feel bad from eating a too many bags of chips. Believe me, been there, ate that. Tune into high vitality simple foods this week. Try incorporating more water dense foods to make sure your cells are nice and hydrated! 

My favorite way to let my light shine is to lean into authenticy!

So many times we dim ourselves, hide our quirks, our jokes, our points of view, our goofiness. I encourage you to lean into what makes you unique and share it with the world this week!

Tune into the inner goofball within and dive into more authenticity and fun! Watch yourself tap into more joy and allow others around you to do the same.

Let us know how this week’s intention goes for you by sharing in our SK Happy and Healthy Life Facebook Group or leave a comment below! 

The post 5 Ways To Let Your Inner Light Shine Bright  appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Monday, February 21, 2022

Shine Bright: Silver Diamond Heart Necklace Giveaway

Welcome to the Second Giveaway of the Shine Bright Effy Jewelry Giveaways series! 

We have 3 specially picked Effy Jewelry pieces with a combined total value of $3,697 to give away to 3 special winners.

This giveaway is for our highest valued piece, the Silver Diamond Heart Necklace with a value of $1999! Read more below.

Did you know how I got my hands on this jewelry?

Back in January of last year (or maybe it was even earlier….ugh this entire year has just been a blur), I purchased over 100 pieces of the gorgeous Effy jewelry at liquidation prices.

The local Sears in Las Vegas was shutting down, and they were just clearing out all of their inventory of jewelry. So, I purchased the entire lot, thinking, “Oh, I can create an online discount jewelry store!”

The Effy fine jewelry is absolutely stunning with diamonds, rubies, garnets, sapphires and other precious stones. This is a very well-known brand (check out their stuff!) that’s sold at Macy’s Nordstrom’s, Sak’s Fifth, and high-end cruise ship jewelry stores.

We spent two months photographing the jewelry, building the online store and creating a business plan. Right when we were ready to launch….Covid happened.

Shakes fist in air….”curse you, covid!!!”

I just didn’t feel right launching a jewelry store when people were getting laid off left and right. So, I just put the project on hold, waiting for a better time.

But, that better time hasn’t come yet, and all this beautiful jewelry is just taking up space in my safe deposit box at the bank. AND…I lost my enthusiasm for being a jewelry store retailer.

SO….my team came up with the idea to just give it away. Yup….all of it. All $167,380.00 worth of jewelry.  


Our theme of these giveaways is to shine bright! We aim to use this giveaway to help you connect and remind you that we all have a inner light that deserves to shine bright! Read our 5 favorite tips for tuning into your own brightness. 

5 Ways To Shine Brighter This Month! 

  1. Tune Your Inner Radio Frequency To Joy: Think of yourself as a radio (a very lovely multidimensional radio that is). Just as a radio does, we have the ability to “tune” our own energy and frequencies! Sometimes all it takes is bringing presence to a moment, where you find yourself on the wrong radio channel! In these moments, pause, slow down, observe how you feel, and then identify one small action or mindset change to help you shift into a more joyful state of being. This not only helps yourself but those around you and who you interact with in the day. 
  2. Be Authentically You!  You know what I am tired of… not being myself. We all are so unique and quirky in our own mind and most of us hide that beautiful authentic nature to the world. Tune into the inner child in you this week and dive into authenticity and fun. Speak from your heart and don’t be afraid to let your true authentic essence shine! 
  3. Get Some Sunshine and Nature Time: Sunshine and nature do wonders for our mood, mental health and physical body! Find some time to feel the sunshine on your face and soak in some rays (even in the colder months) and let your glow come alive. 
  4. Perform An Act of Kindness: Kindness, compassion and sympathy in my mind  are the ways that we shine the brightest. Challenge yourself to spread your own light this week by performing an act of kindness. When we do good for others, watch your whole mood shift into a beam of light to carry you through your day! 
  5. Choose High Vitality Foods And Increase Hydration. It is very hard to shine bright when we feel bad from eating a too many bags of chips. Believe me, been there, ate that. Tune into high vitality simple foods this week. Try incorporating more water dense foods to make sure your cells are nice and hydrated! 

About the Effy Silver Diamond Textured Heart Pendant Necklace

Shine bright with this beautiful elegant heart shaped necklace. We love the texture and shine of this diamond necklace that is sure to be a show stopper for our lucky winner of this piece! 

Details to Know About This Piece

  • Metal:
    • Sterling Silver 
  • Value:
    • $1999 USD 

Shine Bright: Effy Sterling Silver & 18K Gold Pearl Earrings Giveaway


Slow your scroll! Let us know in the comments: How can you shine your own inner light this week? 

The post Shine Bright: Silver Diamond Heart Necklace Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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via New Kitchen Special

Shine Bright: Effy Freshwater Pearl Necklace Giveaway

Welcome to third and final giveaway of the Shine Bright Effy Jewelry Giveaways series! 

We have 3 specially picked Effy Jewelry pieces with a combined total value of $3,697 to give away to 3 special winners.

This giveaway is for our the Triple-Strand Freshwater Pearl Torsade Necklace with a value of $799! Read more below.

Did you know how I got my hands on this jewelry?

Back in January of last year (or maybe it was even earlier….ugh this entire year has just been a blur), I purchased over 100 pieces of the gorgeous Effy jewelry at liquidation prices.

The local Sears in Las Vegas was shutting down, and they were just clearing out all of their inventory of jewelry. So, I purchased the entire lot, thinking, “Oh, I can create an online discount jewelry store!”

The Effy fine jewelry is absolutely stunning with diamonds, rubies, garnets, sapphires and other precious stones. This is a very well-known brand (check out their stuff!) that’s sold at Macy’s Nordstrom’s, Sak’s Fifth, and high-end cruise ship jewelry stores.

We spent two months photographing the jewelry, building the online store and creating a business plan. Right when we were ready to launch….Covid happened.

Shakes fist in air….”curse you, covid!!!”

I just didn’t feel right launching a jewelry store when people were getting laid off left and right. So, I just put the project on hold, waiting for a better time.

But, that better time hasn’t come yet, and all this beautiful jewelry is just taking up space in my safe deposit box at the bank. AND…I lost my enthusiasm for being a jewelry store retailer.

SO….my team came up with the idea to just give it away. Yup….all of it. All $167,380.00 worth of jewelry.  


Our theme of these giveaways is to shine bright! We aim to use this giveaway to help you connect and remind you that we all have a inner light that deserves to shine bright! Read our 5 favorite tips for tuning into your own brightness. 

5 Ways To Shine Brighter This Month! 

  1. Tune Your Inner Radio Frequency To Joy: Think of yourself as a radio (a very lovely multidimensional radio that is). Just as a radio does, we have the ability to “tune” our own energy and frequencies! Sometimes all it takes is bringing presence to a moment, where you find yourself on the wrong radio channel! In these moments, pause, slow down, observe how you feel, and then identify one small action or mindset change to help you shift into a more joyful state of being. This not only helps yourself but those around you and who you interact with in the day. 
  2. Be Authentically You!  You know what I am tired of… not being myself. We all are so unique and quirky in our own mind and most of us hide that beautiful authentic nature to the world. Tune into the inner child in you this week and dive into authenticity and fun. Speak from your heart and don’t be afraid to let your true authentic essence shine! 
  3. Get Some Sunshine and Nature Time: Sunshine and nature do wonders for our mood, mental health and physical body! Find some time to feel the sunshine on your face and soak in some rays (even in the colder months) and let your glow come alive. 
  4. Perform An Act of Kindness: Kindness, compassion and sympathy in my mind  are the ways that we shine the brightest. Challenge yourself to spread your own light this week by performing an act of kindness. When we do good for others, watch your whole mood shift into a beam of light to carry you through your day! 
  5. Choose High Vitality Foods And Increase Hydration. It is very hard to shine bright when we feel bad from eating a too many bags of chips. Believe me, been there, ate that. Tune into high vitality simple foods this week. Try incorporating more water dense foods to make sure your cells are nice and hydrated! 

About the Effy Triple-Strand Freshwater Pearl Torsade Necklace

We love this unique three strand necklace of Freshwater pearls! It is beautifully twisted with a gold clasp. This is a elegant, timeless and classy piece to add to our lucky winner’s jewelry collection! 

Details to Know About This Piece

  • Elements:
    • Freshwater Pearls 
    • Gold Clasp 
  • Value:
    • $799 USD 

Shine Bright: Effy Freshwater Pearl Necklace Giveaway

Slow your scroll! Let us know in the comments: why do you want to win this Effy jewelry piece? 

The post Shine Bright: Effy Freshwater Pearl Necklace Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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Shine Bright: Effy Sterling Silver & 18K Gold Pearl Earrings Giveaway

Hello Steamy Kitchen community! Today is a bright and shiny new day to launch a new jewelry giveaway series : The Shine Bright Effy Jewelry Giveaways! 

We have 3 specially picked Effy Jewelry pieces with a combined total value of $3,697 to give away to 3 special winners! 

This giveaway is for our Effy 925 Sterling Silver & 18K Gold Pearl Earrings. If you are new to our Effy Jewelry giveaways read about the story of this jewelry below! 

Did you know how I got my hands on this jewelry?

Back in January of last year (or maybe it was even earlier….ugh this entire year has just been a blur), I purchased over 100 pieces of the gorgeous Effy jewelry at liquidation prices.

The local Sears in Las Vegas was shutting down, and they were just clearing out all of their inventory of jewelry. So, I purchased the entire lot, thinking, “Oh, I can create an online discount jewelry store!”

The Effy fine jewelry is absolutely stunning with diamonds, rubies, garnets, sapphires and other precious stones. This is a very well-known brand (check out their stuff!) that’s sold at Macy’s Nordstrom’s, Sak’s Fifth, and high-end cruise ship jewelry stores.

We spent two months photographing the jewelry, building the online store and creating a business plan. Right when we were ready to launch….Covid happened.

Shakes fist in air….”curse you, covid!!!”

I just didn’t feel right launching a jewelry store when people were getting laid off left and right. So, I just put the project on hold, waiting for a better time.

But, that better time hasn’t come yet, and all this beautiful jewelry is just taking up space in my safe deposit box at the bank. AND…I lost my enthusiasm for being a jewelry store retailer.

SO….my team came up with the idea to just give it away. Yup….all of it. All $167,380.00 worth of jewelry.  


Our theme of these giveaways is to SHINE BRIGHT! We aim to use this giveaway to help you connect and remind you that we all have a inner light, that deserves to shine bright! 

We encourage you to get in some sunshine, perform an act of kindness, be AUTHENTICALLY YOU and have fun this week! Shine your own unique essence into the world!

5 Ways To Shine Brighter This Month! 

  1. Tune Your Inner Radio Frequency To J O Y : Think of yourself as a radio (a very lovely multidimensional radio that is). Just as a radio does, we have the ability to “tune” our own energy and frequencies! Sometimes all it takes is bringing presence to a moment, where you find yourself on the wrong radio channel! In these moments, pause, slow down, observe how you feel, and then identify one small action or mindset change to help you shift into a more joyful state of being. This not only helps yourself but those around you and who you interact with in the day. 
  2. Be AUTHENTICALLY YOU!  You know what I am tired of… not being myself. We all are so unique and quirky in our own mind and most of us hide that beautiful authentic nature to the world. Tune into the inner child in you this week and dive into authenticity and fun. Speak from your heart and don’t be afraid to let your true authentic essence shine! 
  3. Get Some Sunshine and Nature Time: Sunshine and nature do wonders for our mood, mental health and physical body! Find some time to feel the sunshine on your face and soak in some rays (even in the colder months) and let your glow come alive. 
  4. Perform An Act of Kindness: Kindness, compassion and sympathy in my mind  are the ways that we shine the brightest. Challenge yourself to spread your own light this week by performing an act of kindness. When we do good for others, watch your whole mood shift into a beam of light to carry you through your day! 
  5. Choose High Vitality Foods And Increase Hydration. It is very hard to shine bright when we feel bad from eating a too many bags of chips. Believe me, been there, ate that. Tune into high vitality simple foods this week. Try incorporating more water dense foods to make sure your cells are nice and hydrated! 

Let us know in the comments if these tips help you, or if you have a way that you light to turn your light on! 

About the Sterling Silver & 18K Gold Pearl Earrings 

Pearls will always be timeless and we love the combination between the silver, gold and pearl that make these earrings truly special! 

These gorgeous earrings are worth $599 and are made of sterling silver. Although the jewel is black onyx, don’t doubt its shine. This traditional black stone earrings bring a classy sophistication to any outfit. 

Details to Know About This Piece

  • Metal:
    • Sterling Silver & 18K Gold 
  • Stones:
    • Pearl 
  • Value:
    • $899 USD 

Shine Bright: Effy Sterling Silver & 18K Gold Pearl Earrings Giveaway


Slow your scroll! Share with us down in the comments who you would gift these earrings to if you won (yourself included)! 

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Thank You For Entering The Shine Bright: Effy Sterling Silver & 18K Gold Pearl Earrings Giveaway!

Thank You For Entering The Shine Bright: Effy Sterling Silver & 18K Gold Pearl Earrings Giveaway! Check out bonus entries below! – Jaden 

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Thank You For Entering The Shine Bright: Effy Freshwater Pearl Necklace Giveaway

Thank You For Entering The Shine Bright: Effy Freshwater Pearl Necklace Giveaway. Check out the bonus questions below!

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Thank You For Entering The Shine Bright: Silver Diamond Heart Necklace Giveaway!

Thank You For Entering The Shine Bright: Silver Diamond Heart Necklace Giveaway! Check out the bonus entries below! -Jaden


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Friday, February 18, 2022

Self Check-In Prompts for More Joy

Here is your Tuesday reminder to go drink a big glass of water, take a deep breath of fresh air and remind yourself of how incredible you are!

It was on my heart today to share a brief reminder to us all to remember who we are and all of the great things (big and small) that we do on a daily basis.

We’ve been sharing some tips for gratitude this month over on our Facebook page, which I hope you are enjoying them! Gratitude for me is one of the most important things to come back to, especially when I find myself becoming disconnected!

If you have been feeling a bit disconnected lately, I wanted to share some prompts for you to check in with yourself this week:

Self Check-In Prompts:

  • How am I feeling today?
  • What can I celebrate today?
  • What can I do today that will bring me joy?
  • How can I make sure that I feel supported today?

Simple questions like these help me to ground back down and check in and help shift my day in a positive way – no matter how small the shift might be.

Give these prompts a try this week if you feel called to!


What is your go-to self check-in question? Would you like to see more content like this on our blog? Let us know in the comments below! 

The post Self Check-In Prompts for More Joy appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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Steamy Kitchen’s 17th Birthday!

Hello Steamy Kitchen Team!

We have a special birthday to celebrate this week!

We are celebrating Steamy Kitchen’s 17th Birthday! And it is an incredibly special time of reflection this year!

When I first started Steamy Kitchen, I had never imagined that I would be here, with this incredible community and team that infuses love and connection around delicious food, positivity, family and giveaways!

Check out the special birthday message video below!

In this video, I dive into my reflections on the last 17 years of business in food blogging, publishing and entrepreneurship and what we are focusing on for the next beautiful year ahead of us!

I want to thank YOU as an essential part of this community! Whether you love the recipes, the giveaways, the energy and positivity, whatever you come to our space of the internet for – thank you!

We would not be able to grow, evolve and serve as we do, if it was not for your support and connection and we are SO excited to show up for you as a community member this next year of Steamy Kitchen and beyond!

I will also be going Live this week in honor of our birthday – so make sure you are following our Facebook Page to stay tuned!

Weekly Tip February


Weekly Tip

Create Your Own DIY Family Cookbook!

If you are looking for a fun DIY project, I highly recommend creating a DIY family cookbook. Start small with collecting your favorite family recipes and type them up on the computer (Google Docs work great!).

It is so helpful to have classic go-to recipes typed up and saved safe on your computer. Print them out and put them in a fun binder (bonus points for decorating how you like).

Feel free to print out or glue on some fun family photos around food and the kitchen for a keepsake that can be passed down to generations! It may take some work but it is something so special and also makes a great family gift!

Hope you enjoyed this week’s celebration, giveaways, recipes and tips!

Talk to you next week and thank you for celebrating our birthday with us!

Leave a comment below! How long have you been apart of the Steamy Kitchen community?

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Coffee Bonanza Starbucks and Nespresso Machine Instant Win

Happy Friday Steamy Kitchen, today we are giving away ten Starbucks gift cards AND ONE lucky grand prize winner will win Nespresso Vertuo Next Espresso Machine!

We will be highlighting some delicious Steamy Kitchen coffee recipes that you can make at home. These recipes are simple and sweet and will make you want to get out of bed in the morning!

$10 Starbucks Gift Card

5 ideas for how to spend $10 at Starbucks:

  • Indulge yourself with a cup of coffee and something sweet from Starbucks 
  • Grab yourself and your boss a cup of coffee on the way to work
  • Give the gift card as a gift to a fellow coffee lover
  • Go spend the morning at Starbucks journaling or reading and have a cup of coffee or two
  • Buy yourself and a stranger a cup of coffee (I swear it will make their day)

What goes best with a cup of coffee? Another cup. -Alphonse Allais

thai iced coffee

Thai Iced Coffee

The first recipe we want to highlight is Thai Iced Coffee. This recipe is refreshing and creamy with a hint of sweet and vanilla cardamom. Cardamom is what gives this coffee a refreshing spice. In just 15 min you can have a cooling but energizing cup of iced Thai coffee!

Vietnamese Iced Coffee Recipe (Cafe Sua Da)

Vietnamese Iced Coffee (Cafe Sua Da)

The second recipe we would like to share with you today is a Vietnamese Iced Coffee! Also known as Cafe Sua Da, this recipe is slightly different than the last because it uses a Vietnamese coffee press. This is unique because you can control how strong your coffee will be. 

This Vietnamese Iced Coffee will not taste like watered down coffee poured over ice. It is sweet, cold and creamy with an intense coffee flavor! Patience is key here as you wait for the coffee to brew over condensed milk.

May your coffee kick in before reality does.

Enter to win one of five $10 Starbucks gift cards! One grand prize winner will win a Nespresso Vertuo Espresso Machine! Make cappuccinos and lattes right in your own kitchen every morning.  

Endless fresh coffee and you can use any beans that you like. There are so many coffee accessories that you can find on Amazon! I love this milk frother that works for hot and cold milk. Oh and have you ever heard of a coffee mug warmer? It is the best thing ever, you can drink at leisure and not worry about your brew getting cold.

Ok one more thing, and this is for the people who like to buy from local stores or try different kinds of beans, a coffee grinder! You can store beans in a  jar with a hinge lid or try out this storage vessel made to keep coffee beans and grounds fresh. 

Support Our Amazon Page

Support Our Amazon Page by shopping the Nespresso Machine at the link below! 


Leave us a comment – what is your favorite way to have your coffee?

Coffee Bonanza Instant Win Game

Spin to win below!

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Monday, February 14, 2022

Thank You For Entering the Gevi Touchscreen Toaster Giveaway!

Thank You For Entering the Gevi Touchscreen Toaster Giveaway! Check out the bonus entries below! 

The post Thank You For Entering the Gevi Touchscreen Toaster Giveaway! appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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WOED BATENS Two Player Tennis Set Giveaway

Hello tennis players of our community! As you may know, one of my favorite sports is tennis and I am so excited to be giving away our first tennis set! This is a beginner set and great for anyone who is just starting to learn the game! 

Read more about this WOED BATENS Two Player Tennis Set and enter below.

Two Player Tennis Set Giveaway


About this WOED BATENS Two Player Tennis Set:

  • Product Description(One Pack): Length: 27in, Grip Size:4.25 in, Weight: 280±5g, Head Size: 105 in. The design of the racket allows you to grasp the rhythm of offense and defense at any time
  • Integrated Structure Vibration Dampe: The racket is equipped with Vibration Dampe and adopts integrated structure to make the racket more stable and shock-proof when receiving the tennis. When you hit the tennis, you can better control the force and direction.
  • Comfortable OverGrip: In order to make your handle comfortable to hold, the tennis racket uses Double Overgrip (base overgrip + high-elastic overgrip). When you start using it, you don’t need to tie overgrip. After you using for a period of time, you can replace the outer high-elastic grip.

  • Suitable for You: In order to allow beginners and professional players to better use the racket when playing, we have exclusively designed the head, frame and string of the product to make the racket not only suitable for beginners, but also for professional players.
  • After-sales Service: When you are not satisfied with the product, we will provide you with free return and exchange service. If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time, we will contact you within 24 hours and we will try our best to meet your needs.


Support our Amazon Page and Small Family Business by purchasing your own tennis set at the button below! Feel free to send in any photos of you playing tennis with your purchase! We would love to feature you in our newsletter or facebook group! 


WOED BATENS Two Player Tennis Set Giveaway

Enter the giveaway below. 

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Thank You For Entering the WOED BATENS Two Player Tennis Set Giveaway!

Thank You For Entering the WOED BATENS Two Player Tennis Set Giveaway! Check out bonus entries below! – Jaden 


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Apple $100 Gift Card Giveaway

We’re giving away a $100 Apple Gift Card that can be used to buy anything in the App Store or Apple store that you! Use for your favorite music, games,in person shopping – whatever you want.

That is why we love doing these kind of giveaways for gift cards because you can pick exactly what your heart desires! 

$100 Apple Gift Card Giveaway 

Do you have an iPhone, a Mac, or any other Apple product? Enter to win this gift card and buy new cases, chargers, AirPods – anything Apple! Use this gift card to shop online or go to an Apple store in-person to make a purchase. $100 Apple Gift Card Giveaway

You are guaranteed to find something to buy from Apple that you can use. Shop games, useful apps and music. If you can’t think of how to spend this gift card, you can gift it to someone you care about!

Apple Gift Card
Let us know in the comments – what would you spend a $100 Apple Gift Card on?

$100 Apple Gift Card Giveaway

Enter giveaway below.


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Thank You For Entering the Apple $100 Gift Card Giveaway!

Thank You For Entering the Apple $100 Gift Card Giveaway! Scroll below for the bonus entries! – Jaden

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Friday, February 11, 2022

Electronics Lovers Instant Win

Hello! This Instant Win is a fun with for our electronics lovers! We have a grand prize of a Fitbit Versa 2 Advanced Fitness & Health Tracker plus TEN runner up prizes for $10 Best Buy Gift Cards!

Read about the Fitbit Below!

Electronics Lovers Instant Win

Spin to be the grand prize winner of the Fitbit Versa 2 OR a runner up winner for the Best Buy Gift Cards! 

Electronics Lovers Instant Win Prizes

About The Fitbit Versa 2 

  • Use amazon Alexa built in to get quick news and information, check the weather, set timers and alarms, control your smart home devices and more all through the sound of your voice (third party app may be required; amazon Alexa not available in all countries)
  • Based on your heart rate, time asleep and restlessness, sleep score helps you better understand your sleep quality each night; also track your time in light, deep and REM sleep stages and get personal insights
  • Control your Spotify app, download Pandora stations and add Deezer playlists (subscription required; Pandora is US only)
  • With a larger display and an always on option, your information’s always a quick glance away (always on display requires more frequent charging)
  • Track heart rate 24×7, steps, distance, calories burned, hourly activity, active minutes and floors climbed. Syncing range – up to 6.1 meters
  • Works around the clock with 6 plus day battery life (varies with use and other factors)
  • Get a call, text, calendar and smartphone app notifications when your phone is nearby; plus send quick replies and a voice replies on android only. Works with Bluetooth headphones & 200 plus leading iOS and Android devices. From 

Use your voice to create alarms, set bedtime reminders, check the weather or start an exercise with Amazon Alexa Built-in, plus see the time or your stats at a glance with always-on display mode.

Take your look from the gym to the office with its modern and versatile design. Play your favorite music and podcasts with Spotify.

Plus get Fitbit Pay™, a daily Sleep Score, notifications and 24/7 heart rate for an experience that revolves around you.


Best Buy Giveaway

Ten runner up winners will win a $10 Best Buy Gift Card to put towards their favorite electronic good! 


What new electronic do you have your eyes on? Let us know in the comments below! 

Electronics Lovers Instant Win

Spin Below! 

The post Electronics Lovers Instant Win appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Lacoste Harrington 3 Piece Quilt Set Giveaway

Let’s give your bed an upgrade shall we?!

We are giving away a BEAUTIFUL Lacoste Harrington 3 Piece Quilt Set to elevate your bedroom and bring some luxury to your night’s sleep! Read about this beautiful set below! 

Lacoste Harrington 3 Piece Quilt Set Giveaway

About The Lacoste Harrington 3 Piece Quilt Set Giveaway

  • SOFT LAYERS – Enjoy the soft crisp feel of 100% percale cotton and relax in comfort thanks to high-quality Lacoste craftsmanship.
  • SIGNATURE LACOSTE STYLE – The moment you see the iconic Lacoste crocodile logo, you know you’re getting genuine Lacoste quality, style, and comfort.
  • DELUXE QUILT SET – This set includes one king sized quilt (110″W x 96″L), and two king shams (20″W x 36″L)
  • MACHINE WASHABLE – Machine wash cold with like colors on a gentle cycle, then tumble dry low.

Lacoste Harrington 3 Piece Quilt Set and Wake Up Graphic

The crisp stitching of the Lacoste Herringbone Stitch Quilt Set creates texture against liveable and trend-right colors. Using a washed cotton percale fabric, this quilt lives as an added layer of warmth under your comforter during colder months, or replaces your comforter when temperatures are higher. Featuring a palette of comfortable colors, these quilt sets coordinate directly with Lacoste bedding and sheets for a complete bedroom solution.

If you are looking for a high quality and comfortable bedding quilt set, this is a beautiful, simple set that comes in multiple colors! I also love the detail of the Harrington print that adds a nice pattern but still is nice a neutral! 

Shop Our Amazon Page For Your Own Set! 


Lacoste Harrington 3 Piece Quilt Set Giveaway

Enter the giveaway below (value $110). 


The post Lacoste Harrington 3 Piece Quilt Set Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special