Friday, February 18, 2022

Steamy Kitchen’s 17th Birthday!

Hello Steamy Kitchen Team!

We have a special birthday to celebrate this week!

We are celebrating Steamy Kitchen’s 17th Birthday! And it is an incredibly special time of reflection this year!

When I first started Steamy Kitchen, I had never imagined that I would be here, with this incredible community and team that infuses love and connection around delicious food, positivity, family and giveaways!

Check out the special birthday message video below!

In this video, I dive into my reflections on the last 17 years of business in food blogging, publishing and entrepreneurship and what we are focusing on for the next beautiful year ahead of us!

I want to thank YOU as an essential part of this community! Whether you love the recipes, the giveaways, the energy and positivity, whatever you come to our space of the internet for – thank you!

We would not be able to grow, evolve and serve as we do, if it was not for your support and connection and we are SO excited to show up for you as a community member this next year of Steamy Kitchen and beyond!

I will also be going Live this week in honor of our birthday – so make sure you are following our Facebook Page to stay tuned!

Weekly Tip February


Weekly Tip

Create Your Own DIY Family Cookbook!

If you are looking for a fun DIY project, I highly recommend creating a DIY family cookbook. Start small with collecting your favorite family recipes and type them up on the computer (Google Docs work great!).

It is so helpful to have classic go-to recipes typed up and saved safe on your computer. Print them out and put them in a fun binder (bonus points for decorating how you like).

Feel free to print out or glue on some fun family photos around food and the kitchen for a keepsake that can be passed down to generations! It may take some work but it is something so special and also makes a great family gift!

Hope you enjoyed this week’s celebration, giveaways, recipes and tips!

Talk to you next week and thank you for celebrating our birthday with us!

Leave a comment below! How long have you been apart of the Steamy Kitchen community?

The post Steamy Kitchen’s 17th Birthday! appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

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