Monday, April 11, 2022

Productivity PayPal $100 Gift Card Giveaway

Welcome to the Productivity PayPal $100 Gift Card Giveaway!

Productivity PayPal Giveaway


Each new month we are going to have a monthly theme that we will focus on as a community, and provide helpful tips, community building tasks and resources for you to thrive in healthy and joyful living, nutrition and cooking, mindset and more!

This month’s focus : Productivity + Motivation

We often find that tips around productivity can be very strict, overwhelming and anything but motivating but we want to look at productivity in a new way, focused on moving energy, and working towards goals that help create the life you love.

To kick off this month, we have created a fun free gift for you – The Steamy Kitchen Habit Tracker!

We created this for you to use throughout April and beyond to help you focus around your goals, track your progress, and set rewards for your incredible work!

Here is how your habit tracker works:

  1. Download your Free Habit Tracker here and print it out.
  2. Pick the main core habits you want to focus on. Examples can be “Water first thing in the morning” “30 minutes of movement” “10 pages of reading”. The simpler the better!
  3. Write down each of your habits and any specific goals that you have.
  4. Set a reward that you can look forward to, to work towards earning for yourself. There is nothing like enjoying your hard work and dedication with treating yourself!
  5. Fill in the sheet with your habits, specific goals and rewards and place the sheet somewhere you will see each morning or night. Color in the squares once that habit task has been completed.

Download here! 

PayPal Gift Card Giveaway 

We want to give away a $100 PayPal Gift Card to one lucky winner to put towards being more productive or motivated! This could go towards a gym membership, an online wellness course, new books, or whatever may help you get in a good routine! Productivity Tips Giveaway













Let us know in the comments, what are your favorite tips for being productive and motivated? Let us know below! 

Productivity PayPal $100 Gift Card Giveaway

Enter below. 

The post Productivity PayPal $100 Gift Card Giveaway appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

from Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways
via New Kitchen Special

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