Friday, September 22, 2023

Vietnamese Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe

This Vietnamese Shrimp Noodle Bowl is like a vacation in a bowl. You guys know how much I adore Vietnamese cuisine—its harmony of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy always makes me weak in the knees. Well, let me tell you, this noodle bowl brings all that goodness right to your kitchen. From the juicy shrimp to the tangy quick-pickled daikon and carrots, each bite is an explosion of flavor and texture. And let’s not forget the Nuoc Cham, that irresistible Vietnamese dressing that ties it all together. Trust me, this is one bowl you won’t want to put down.

Top View of the Vietnamese Shrimp Noodle Bowl with side dishes


The Magic Behind This Shrimp Noodle Bowl

  • Harmonized Flavors: Vietnamese cuisine is renowned for its perfect balance of flavors, and this dish is no exception. The sweet and tangy pickled daikon and carrots beautifully complement the savory shrimp, while the Nuoc Cham adds layers of depth and zing to every bite.

  • Textural Treat: Between the succulent shrimp, crunchy quick-pickled veggies, and soft vermicelli noodles, this bowl delivers a delightful mix of textures that keeps every spoonful exciting.
  • Effortless Preparation: Despite its intricate taste profile, this noodle bowl is surprisingly straightforward to make. Most ingredients require simple prep, and the Nuoc Cham dressing is as easy as shake-and-serve, allowing you to have a gourmet experience right at home without the fuss.

Top Down View of The Vietnamese Shrimp Noodle Bowl


Rice Vermicelli: More Than Just Noodles!

So, you think you know noodles? Wait until you get acquainted with rice vermicelli! Originating from China, these slender, delicate noodles have been a foodie favorite for literally thousands of years. Yep, you heard me right—these “little worms” (that’s what ‘vermicelli’ means in Italian, by the way) have been soaking up delicious flavors long before any of us stepped into a kitchen.

Now, what makes them so special? First off, they’re made from rice—a grain that’s pretty much been the backbone of Asian cuisine since forever. Those brilliant Chinese farmers figured out they could turn their staple crop into these dreamy strands of deliciousness. Genius, right?

But here’s where the story takes a twist. Rice vermicelli found its way to Vietnam, and oh boy, did the Vietnamese make it their own! They paired it with flavors like lime, fish sauce, and fresh herbs to create bowlfuls of awesome like Bún Riêu and Bún Thịt Nướng. Street vendors and home chefs alike got creative, making this humble noodle a star in its own right.

So the next time you dive fork-first into this Vietnamese Shrimp Noodle Bowl, give a little nod to the ancient innovation and modern creativity that turned simple rice into these magical strands. Because believe me, each bite is like a little journey through culinary history! 🍜💫

Vietnamese Shrimp Noodle Bowl with sauce in jar being poured over


Building the Perfect Vietnamese Buddha Bowl

buddha bowlAh, the art of the Buddha Bowl. It’s not just a meal—it’s an experience. A harmonious blend of flavors, textures, and colors, just waiting to delight your taste buds. And this Vietnamese Shrimp Noodle Bowl is a stellar example! Here’s how it all breaks down:


Base (Noodles):

  • Main Choice: Rice Vermicelli Noodles – light, delicate, and wonderfully absorbent, they capture the essence of the Vietnamese culinary landscape.
  • Alternatives: Brown rice noodles for a nuttier profile, zucchini noodles (zoodles) for those counting carbs, or soba noodles if you’re in the mood for something a tad earthier.


  • Main Choice: Cooked Shrimp – succulent and tender, they dance in harmony with the flavors they’re paired with.
  • Alternatives: Grilled tofu for our vegetarian friends, slices of seared beef for those who love a meaty bite, or poached chicken for a lighter touch.

Veggies & Extras:

  • Main Choices: Quick pickle daikon and carrots for that tangy thrill, blanched cabbage for a hint of sweet crunch, and fresh mint sprigs that make every bite feel like a fresh breeze.
  • Alternatives: Spiralized cucumber for added crispness, julienned bell peppers for a dash of sweetness, or steamed bok choy for some tender greens.

Dress it Up:

  • Main Choice: Vietnamese Dressing (Nuoc Cham) – a symphony of tang, sweet, and umami, this dressing captures the heart of Vietnamese cuisine.
  • Alternatives: Thai peanut sauce for a creamy and nutty twist, tamarind dressing for a sharp tangy note, or a ginger-soy vinaigrette for those who like it salty and zingy.

Crunch Element:

  • Main Choice: Crushed Peanuts (a great addition to this recipe!) – lending a nutty crunch that contrasts beautifully with the soft noodles.
  • Alternatives: Toasted sesame seeds for an aromatic crunch, fried shallots to amp up the savory factor, or crispy wonton strips for a delightful bite.

Building the bowl is all about balance. It’s about ensuring every bite gives you a little crunch, a little zest, and a whole lot of satisfaction. So don’t be afraid to get creative and make it your own! After all, the best Buddha Bowls are the ones that make your taste buds do a happy dance.💃🍜

Vietnamese Shrimp Noodle Bowl with chopsticks and water


Noodle Bowl Navigations: Your Questions Answered

  • Can I make this dish ahead of time? Absolutely! However, keep the dressing separate and drizzle it right before serving to maintain the freshness and prevent the noodles from getting too soggy.
  • I’m allergic to shrimp; what’s a good substitute? You can opt for grilled tofu, poached chicken, or even seared beef slices. Just ensure they’re seasoned well to match the vibrant flavors of this bowl.
  • What’s the best way to store leftover Nuoc Cham? Store any leftover dressing in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It should last up to a week. Remember to give it a good shake or stir before using it again.
  • Is there a vegetarian version for the Nuoc Cham? Certainly! Substitute the fish sauce with a blend of soy sauce and a touch of seaweed (like kombu) to mimic that umami flavor. Adjust to taste.
  • Can I use different types of noodles? Of course! While rice vermicelli noodles are traditional for this dish, feel free to experiment with brown rice noodles, zoodles (zucchini noodles), or even soba noodles.


More Vietnamese Delights from Steamy Kitchen:


Vietnamese Shrimp Noodle Bowl with sauce in jar being poured over

Vietnamese Shrimp Noodle Bowl

You can use leftover shrimp, chicken, or even ground pork for this intensely flavorful dinner! We love vermicelli noodles, but we’ve also been known to make this recipe with rice from time to time.
Course Main Course
Keyword buddha bowl, noodle bowl, rice vermicelli noodles, shrimp, vietnamese
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 4
Calories 280kcal


  • 8 ounces rice vermicelli noodles
  • 4 servings cooked shrimp around ½-1 lb.
  • 1 cup quick pickle daikon and carrots
  • ½ head of cabbage thinly sliced and blanched
  • Few sprigs fresh mint

Vietnamese Dressing (Nuoc Cham):

  • ¼ cup freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 ½ tablespoons fish sauce
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • ½ cup warm water


Prepare the Vietnamese Dressing (Nuoc Cham):

  • In a jar, combine freshly squeezed lime juice, sugar, fish sauce, minced garlic, and warm water.
  • Cover the jar and shake until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Taste the dressing and add a few more dashes of fish sauce, if desired.
  • Allow the flavors to meld for 5 minutes before using.

Cook the Rice Vermicelli Noodles:

  • Follow the package instructions to cook the rice vermicelli noodles.
  • Once cooked, rinse them under cold water and drain.

Assemble The Noodle Bowl:

  • In each of the four serving bowls, divide the cooked rice vermicelli noodles.
  • Top with cooked shrimp, quick-pickled daikon and carrots, thinly sliced and blanched cabbage, and fresh mint leaves.
  • Generously drizzle each noodle bowl with the prepared Vietnamese Dressing (Nuoc Cham).
  • Sprinkle crushed peanuts over each bowl for added texture and flavor.
  • Serve the Vietnamese Shrimp Noodle Bowl immediately, and enjoy the vibrant flavors and textures of this delightful dish.


Calories: 280kcal | Carbohydrates: 63g | Protein: 6g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 0.1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.1g | Cholesterol: 13mg | Sodium: 1425mg | Potassium: 345mg | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 11g | Vitamin A: 134IU | Vitamin C: 50mg | Calcium: 81mg | Iron: 1mg

The post Vietnamese Shrimp Noodle Bowl Recipe appeared first on Steamy Kitchen Recipes Giveaways.

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